Contact Sharing

June 16, 2023 Update

Thanks so much for everyone who shared their contact info with each other.  Since the conference has concluded, we have removed the actual display of the spreadsheet, and have shared the spreadsheet with everybody who contributed to it.  

As of today, we have shut down the form to collect info, and the display of the spreadsheet on this webpage.  Should you have further questions, please contact DDNRC staff.  Thank you!  

So...  you had a great experience at #DDNRC2023.   Maybe you had a great conversation over lunch with a fellow conference attendee...  Maybe you forgot to get that business card from...what was their name again???  Maybe you would like to share information about yourself to others on how they can contact you!

Well...this is the place to make these connections happen...or at lease publish your info in the spreadsheet displayed below.  

Click HERE to make it happen

Obviously, if you complete and submit information to the form, you consent to have the information you submit to the spreadsheet below.