Math 240

A first course in Linear Algebra. Topics include: solutions to systems of linear equations, vectors and linear independence, linear transformations, matrix algebra, invertible matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, inner products, orthogonal matrices, others if time permits.

Summer 2014 at Northwestern University.

Tentative course calendar:

      • 06/23 Systems of linear equations, row operations, echelon forms
      • 06/25 Vector equations, linear independence of vectors
      • 06/30 Matrix equations, linear transformations I
  • 07/02 Linear transformation II, matrix operations
  • 07/09 Subspaces of R^n, invertible matrices, dimension and rank
  • 07/14 Determinants
  • 07/16 Review for midterm
  • 07/21 Midterm, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and characteristic polynomials
  • 07/23 Similary matrices, diagonalization
  • 07/28 Complex eigenvalues, dynamical systems
  • 07/30 Orthogonal sets/bases/matrices
  • 08/04 Orthogonal projection
  • 08/06 The Gram-Schmidt process, QR factorization, least-square fitting
  • 08/11 TBA, review for final
  • 08/13 Final exam

Below you will find the syllabus, exercises, solutions, and lecture notes* (updated 08/04).

* The notes are very raw and are only intended to be a guideline.