
Courses at Michigan Tech

CEE4410/CEE5404 Transportation Planning (Spring 2014; Fall 2014-2019, 2021)

CEE4760/CEE5760 Optimization Methods (Spring 2016-2017, 2019)

CEE5490 Traffic Flow Theory (Spring 2017-2018, 2022)

CEE4402 Traffic Engineering (Fall 2017-2019, 2021)

Scientist for the CS4760/CS5760: Human-Computer Interactions & Usability Course taught by Dr. Robert Pastel in the Department of Computer Science, Spring 2020

App Idea: A CAV Routing Games App for automated routing decisions of connected and automated vehicles

Scientist for the CS4760/CS5760: Human-Computer Interactions & Usability Course taught by Dr. Robert Pastel in the Department of Computer Science, Spring 2018

App Idea: An intersection turning movement counts app - Traffic Counter App

Scientist for the CS4760/CS5760: Human-Computer Interactions & Usability Course taught by Dr. Robert Pastel in the Department of Computer Science, Spring 2017

App Idea: An Individual Person Activity-Travel Tracking System (iPATTS)

The objective of this project is to develop an individual person activity-travel tracking system. The app can collect activity-travel dynamics of an individual person in 24-hour over many days. Ideally, the app will replace the existing National Household Travel Survey form (https://www.nationalhouseholdtravelsurvey.com/Content/site/files/NHTS_Travel_Log.pdf). The resulting data can be used to understand travel behavior and forecast travel demand for planning transportation infrastructure systems. With a user interface, the app will track individual traveler’s daily activity location, type, and duration, as well as travel mode and other information for multiple days (e.g one week). Activity location information will be logged using the GPS function in smartphones, which is corresponding to a predefined travel analysis zone set. Activity types or trip purpose will be selected by travelers with a predefined set such as work and school activity types. The multi-day travel log data for all the travelers will be stored in files. Statistical analysis of travel pattern analysis of these multi-day multi-person travel data will provide spatially and temporally distributed trips from different origins and destinations, which are categorized by activity type, travel mode, and departure time.

Meetings in Dillman 301j

Thursday 1/19/2017, 5PM EDT

Tuesday 1/24/2017, 5PM EDT

Tuesday 2/7/2017, 5PM EDT

Development Team

Gabriel Revells - Technical Lead

Bradley Turner - Client Lead

Justain Cain - Member

Duncan Fox - Member

Nick Lindsley - Member

Nick Thomas - Member

iPatts Team Website.

Educations for K-12 Teachers and Students