
Dr. Zhang's research interest focuses on applying mathematical optimization, control theory, simulation analysis, machine learning, and on-road vehicle testing to address safety, congestion, energy, environment, and resilience issues of critical civil infrastructure systems in Smart Cities, such as intelligent transportation systems (ITS), connected and automated vehicles (CAV), cyber-physical systems (CPS), freight logistics and supply chain systems, and interdependent large-scale networked infrastructure systems.

*student co-author

Data-Driven Optimization and Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs)

Big Data Analytics of Advanced Traffic Sensing Data from Mobile and Crowdsourced Sensors

Interdependency and Resiliency between Smart Grid and Intelligent Transportation Systems (plug-in electric vehicles)

Transportation Network Equilibrium and Optimization

Traffic Flow Theory and Large-Scale Network Traffic Simulation

Multimodal Freight Logistics and Supply Chain Systems