

Facts of CEE at Michigan

Rank 54th in the Civil Engineering Graduate Programs in 2017, US News & World Report

Rank 41st in the Environmental Engineering Graduate Programs in 2017, US News & World Report

Ph.D. Positions in Data-Driven Optimization based Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Michigan Tech

Prospective students will work on an NSF CAREER project on data-driven optimization based control of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) in smart cities. This NSF CAREER project will use optimization, control, game theory, machine learning, and big data analytics for theoretical research in connected and automated routing and driving decisions. In addition, the students also have an opportunity to work on an on-going DOE APRA-e project using a fleet of CAVs provided by General Motors. In addition to theoretical research, students will have a UNIQUE chance to implement their models and algorithms in a real-time online automated driving platform hosted in the fleet of CAVs, conduct real-world road testing of your models using CAVs, and interacting with engineers from General Motors. Students are expected to work in the high-performance computing Laboratory on Sustainable and Intelligent Transportation Systems (SITS-Lab) with Dr. Kuilin Zhang. Dr. Zhang is Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and Affiliated Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science (CS) at Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech), Houghton, Michigan, U.S.A. Dr. Zhang received his Ph.D. degree in Transportation Systems Analysis and Planning from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University in December 2009.  After working as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Transportation Center at Northwestern, he joined the Energy Systems Division at Argonne National Laboratory as a Postdoctoral Appointee in November 2010. Dr. Zhang is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Transportation Research Part E - Logistics and Transportation Review, as well as Transportation Research Board (TRB) standing committees of Transportation Network Modeling (ADB30) and Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (AT015). Dr. Zhang's research areas include transportation network modeling and optimization, intelligent transportation systems, logistics and supply chain systems, traffic flow theory and traffic simulation, mobile sensing and big traffic data analytics, connected and automated vehicles, and plug-in electric vehicles. In the Computer Science area, Dr. Zhang's research focuses on Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs), Internet of Things(IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), High-Performance Computing, and Machine Learning. Interested applicants from transportation engineering, applied mathematics, systems engineering,  control theory, electrical and computer engineering, and computer science are encouraged to contact Dr. Zhang directly by sending a complete resume, research statement, and representative publications at, and submit their applications FREE on-line at You are expected to have

Master students

Michigan Tech Master students from Civil Engineering, Mathematical Sciences, Computer Sciences are encouraged to contact me if you are interested in work on hot topics such as data-driven analytics, social network analysis, high-performance computing, cyber-physical systems, and connected and automated vehicles.

undergraduate students


Michigan Tech undergraduate students who are interested in network analysis, transportation systems, big data analytics, operations research, modeling and simulation of complex systems, smart grid, plug-in electric vehicles, connected vehicles, and vehicle dynamics and control are encouraged to contact Dr. Zhang for possible research projects using the high-performance computing facilities in his laboratory in Dow Building.


visiting scholars


We invite visiting scholars to join our group. Please email your CV and a brief description of research interests to Dr. Zhang.


postdoctoral researchers


We have postdoctoral openings in the area.