
1. Simplify and Streamline! Keep processes and routines simple!!

2. What’s the absolute least you can do to be to MOST prepared?

3. What is the best use of your time in order to perform in the top 1%?

4. Set goals that seem beyond what is currently possible. How can you make 300%-500% a year?

5. Is the return worth your time? Does it improve trading results, profitability, or strengths and weaknesses directly or indirectly? If not then don't do it!

6. Consider: If a trader/investor approached you with exactly your track record, work ethic, process, and quality of ideas, how much would you invest?

7. Be aware of context. Be flexible and responsive, adapt and overcome.

8. Don't resist what is, don't resist the facts on the chart, don't argue with the market. Your job is to identify who is in control (bulls or bears). Your job is to keep risk small and falsifiable!

9. Perfect practice makes perfect. Practice makes permanent!

10. Strive for excellence and mastery, not perfection

11. Consistent execution produces consistent results. Be consistent with strategies, routines, risk management, etc.

12. Capitalize on strengths, reduce and minimize the risk your weaknesses have on results