
Premium Reports

These reports typically focus on an All Stocks Universe (ASU) of candidates in the top 25% of fundamental screening results. The fundamental metrics are designed to weed out likely zombie companies. And identify an ASU that provides institutional dollar volume liquidity and sufficient daily trading volume. Our All Stock Universe (ASU) is rebalanced every 1-3 months. The premium report then casts an even narrower net to zero in on the top 1% of candidates that meet our highest probability models. In these reports, the results of multiple proprietary, quantitative scans are combined to identify bullish and bearish technical action. With several layers of technical hurdles, these reports yield a smaller and more manageable watch list of potential trade setups. Ideal for those with busy schedules and limited time for candidate research.  These reports are ideal for potentially finding bottom up candidates to add to your watchlists.

Daily Reports

Daily reports are usually distributed by 20:00-21:00 PT (UTC-08:00, Pacific Time USA) 

Weekly Reports

Weekly Reports are normally distributed on Saturday. But occasionally, data provider issues will result  in a Sunday publication. 

Monthly Reports

Monthly reports are normally distributed roughly 3-7 days after the most recent month is completed.

IPO Reports