Trader's Chat Room 

On August 15, 2015 Zazen Capital created a live chat to help members of the Tacoma IBD Meeup group continue to learn between meeting. Since then it has evolved into much more. No one needs to wait for a meeting to learn. Our chat room is open 365 days a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.  Currently we have over 255 traders from all over the US and overseas. We plan on limiting the room to 300 people. All levels of skill are represented, from professional traders to newbies. Participants trade a variety of time frames and strategies (day, swing, O'Neil style position trades, Wyckoff principals, turnarounds, etc.)

While our primary focus is on growth stocks, several of our participants trade a variety of styles and investment vehicles (stocks, ETFs, futures, options, etc). With everyone  sharing their experience, knowledge, and perspectives, we all learn and grow at an accelerated rate. If you are interest in joining email us at

Before joining you must read and understand our chat room guidelines. Just click on the chat room photo or link below. And know that the information, ideas, and personal opinions shared in our chat room are never  recommendations to buy or sell but are for educational purposes only. You alone are solely responsible for conducting your own independent stock research and due diligence before purchasing stocks. We assume no responsibility or liability for your trading or investment decisions.

Chatroom Guidelines

Our chat room is free. That said, if you decide to join or have found my free educational materials helpful, I encourage you to make a donation to the Children’s Therapy Center, an outstanding non-profit organization that helps children with special needs. Support Children’s Therapy Center!