Market Analysis

Market Reports

Markets, sectors, and industry groups are reviewed from many different perspectives, some as simple as price percent change to more complex approaches that include multiple proprietary, quantitative metrics or fundamentals. Our market reports typically focus on various forms of strength and weakness, as well as forms of acceleration or deceleration to identify potential rotational themes and trading opportunities. The market and Index reports are solely quantitative while the Perspective Report is a combination of technical chart data and qualitative analysis. 

Market Maven

This daily report uses top down ETF index and sector proxies to assess market conditions and changes. It’s designed to be a daily collective short term market model to spot subtle and not so subtle changes in data that point to potential accumulation / distribution or extremes. 

Market Goat

This weekly report examines the bigger picture trends of global markets, major U.S. markets, sectors, industry groups, and commodities. The focus is on highlighting upward or downward acceleration in the markets, sectors and industry groups as a means of quickly identifying strength and weakness pointing to potential rotational themes. An easy way to get an overall feel for the markets and potentially find top down candidates to add to your watchlist.