'SInnoPSis Project' Team

SInnoPSis Research Team

Prof. Zacharias Maniadis - ERA Chair in Science and Innovation Policy and Studies

Dr Adrien Fillon - Postdoctoral Scholar

Dr Erika Domotor - Postdoctoral Scholar

Dr Lunzheng Li - Postdoctoral Scholar

Ranim Assi - Postgraduate Research Student 

Elia Antoniou - Postgraduate Research Student 

SInnoPSis Academic Team

Dr Marios Demetriades - SInnoPSis Coordinator/ Director of Research and Innovation Support Service

Prof. Elena Andreou, Professor - Director of Economics Research Centre

Prof. Sofronis CleridesProfessor - Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management

SInnoPSis Administrative Team

Elli Theodoulou - SInnoPSis Project Manager

The Microeconomics Group at U. Cyprus

The main research tools of the SInnoPSis project are applied economic theory and experiments. SInnoPSis is located at the Economic Research Center of the Economics Department of the University of Cyprus, one of Europe's leading young Universities. 

The micro theory and experiments group at the Economics Department has been growing and it constitutes  one of the best such groups in Southern Europe. Its research also greatly benefits from the University of Cyprus Laboratory for Experimental Economics.