About Me


Address: Department of Economics,

University of Cyprus 1678



January 2022-Present Research Professor, University of Cyprus

ERA Chair holder in Science and Innovation Policy and Studies, Economics Department and Center for Economic Policy Research


March 2015-Present Associate Professor of Economics, School of Social Sciences, University of Southampton

2012-2015 Lecturer in Economics, School of Social Sciences, University of Southampton

2008-2012 Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Decision Sciences, and Research Fellow, Dondena Center for Research on Social Dynamics, Bocconi University, Milano

2006-2008 Graduate Student Researcher, California Social Science Experimental Laboratory (CASSEL)

2004-2008 Teaching Assistant, Economics Department, University of California Los Angeles


PhD, Economics, Economics Dept., UCLA, June 2008

C.Phil., Economics, Economics Dept., UCLA, September 2005

MA, Economics, Economics Dept., UCLA, June 2005

MA, Economics and Finance, Economics Dept., University of Athens, September 2003

Ptychion (Four-Year Undergraduate Degree), Economics, Economics Department, University of Athens, May 2002. Ranked First (Grade: 8.58/10)

Erasmus Exchange Student, University of Sheffield, Economics Dept., January-June 2001


Economics of Science, Behavioral Economics, Applied Theory, Political Economy


“Is Formalism the Key to Resolving the Generalizability Crisis? An Experimental Economics Perspective”. Commentary on "The generalizability crisis" by Tal Yarkoni. Forthcoming, Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

“Anchoring in Economics: A Meta-Analysis of Studies on Willingness-To-Pay and Willingness-To-Accept.” With Lunzheng Li and Constantine Sedikides. Forthcoming, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics.

“When is Evidence Actionable? Assessing Whether a Program is Ready to Scale”. With John PA Ioannidis and Fabio Tufano. Chapter in Forthcoming Book “The Scale-up Effect in Early Childhood and Public Policy: Why interventions lose impact at scale and what we can do about it.

“Evaluating Solutions to the Problem of False Positives in Science.” With Thomas Gall, Research Policy (2019).

Summarized at the Royal Economic Society March 2015 Media Briefings. Discussion for this article was requested and appeared in the online newspaper The Conversation

“To Replicate or Not To Replicate? Exploring Reproducibility in Economics through the Lens of a Model and a Pilot Study”. With Fabio Tufano and John A. List. Economic Journal 127.605 (2017).

“The Credibility Crisis in Research: Can Economics Tools Help?” With Thomas Gall and JPA Ioannidis. PLOS Biology 15.4 (2017): e2001846.

“The Research Reproducibility Crisis and Economics of Science.” with Fabio Tufano. Economic Journal 127.605 (2017).

“How to Make Experimental Economics Research More Reproducible: Lessons from Other Disciplines and a New Proposal.” With Fabio Tufano and John A. List. Replication in Experimental Economics (2015): 215-230.

“One Swallow Does not Make a Summer: Reply to Kataria.” With Fabio Tufano and John A. List. Economic Journal Watch 11(1), (2014): 11-16.

“Selective Revelation of Public Information and Self-Confirming Equilibrium.” International Journal of Game Theory 43.4 (2014): 991-1008.

“An Approximate Dual-Self Model and Paradoxes of Choice under Risk.” With Drew Fudenberg and David K. Levine. Journal of Economic Psychology 41 (2014): 55-67.

“One Swallow Does not Make a Summer: New Evidence on Anchoring Effects.” With Fabio Tufano and John A. List. American Economic Review 2014, 104(1): 277–290 .

Discussed in the newspaper Le Monde and the blog Marginal Revolution

“On the Robustness of Anchoring Effects in WTP and WTA Experiments.” With Drew Fudenberg and David K. Levine. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 4(2), (2012):131-145.

“Campaign Contributions as a Commitment Device.” Public Choice 139(3), (2009): 301-315.


“Can Biased Polls Distort Electoral Results? Evidence from the Lab and the Field.” With Aristotelis Boukouras, Will Jennings and Lunzheng Li. Southampton Discussion Paper 1902. Discussion for this article appeared in the online newspapers The Conversation and Politics Means Politics Magazine

“Aggregate Information and the Centipede Game: a Model and Some Exploratory Evidence.” University of Southampton Discussion Paper.

“The Weighting of Personal Experience: an Experimental Measurement.” With Josh Miller. IGIER Working paper 452.

“The Expert and the Charlatan: an Experimental Study on Economic Advice.” With Theodoros Alysandratos, Aristotelis Boukouras, and Sotiris Georganas. University of Southampton Discussion Paper.


Associate Editor, Research in Economics (2018 - )

Guest Editor for Features Issue of the Economic Journal titled “The Confidence Crisis in Science: Can and Should Economics Come to the Rescue?” Together with Fabio Tufano and John A. List. Published in 2017.


Economic, Social & Political Science Seed Fund, University of Southampton. Amount: £2850. (2020)

BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant, Amount: £8,900. (2017)

Strategic Research Development Fund, University of Southampton, Amount: £3,500. (2017)

Strategic Support Grant, University of Southampton, Amount: £2,000. (2016)

Strategic Research Development Fund, University of Southampton, Amount: £3,200. (2015)

Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Development Fund, University of Southampton, Amount: £4,600. (2014)

Royal Economic Society Special Project Grant Scheme for the conference “The confidence crisis in science: can and should Economics come to the rescue?” Amount: £5,000. (2014)

“Robert Solow” Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Cournot Centre for Economic Research, Amount: €24,000 (2008-2009)


Invited attendant of the European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (ESSET) 2017 in Gerzensee, Switzerland (07/2017)

Econometric Society Travel Grant for conference attendance (08/2010)

Travel Award for Presentation at the Symposium ‘Foundations of Human Social Behavior’ (06/2008)

Selected to attend the 2nd Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Economic Science, Lindau, Germany (08/2006)

Selected to attend the Trento Summer Institute in Behavioral Economics, University of Trento, CEEL, Italy (06/2006)

Graduate Scholarship by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) (2003-2007)

Graduate Scholarship by PricewaterhouseCoopers Corporation (2002-2003)

Selected to attend the 4th Summer School of the Asia-Europe Foundation, National University of Singapore (01/2001)

Awards of Merit by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) for the highest yearly GPA (1999-2000, 2000-2001)

Undergraduate Scholarships by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) (1999-2000, 2000-2001)

Undergraduate Scholarship by Antonios Papadakis’ bequest (1999-2002)


Director of the PhD programme, University of Southampton (2018-2021)

Head of the Micro Division, University of Southampton (2018-21)

Examinations Officer, University of Southampton (2016-18)

Lab Manager, Southampton Social Sciences Experimental Laboratory (2019-2020)

Member of the Hiring Committee of the Economics Department at the University of Southampton (2015-21)

Organizer of the Microeconomics Seminar Series, University of Southampton (2013-2015)

Organizer of the Economic Theory Reading Group, Bocconi University (2010-2012)


External Examiner for the M.Sc. in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, London School of Economics (2014-2018)

Organizer and Chair of Special Session at the Royal Economic Society Conference. Manchester (2015). Title of Session: “Economic Methodology: How does the Credibility Crisis in Science Affect Economic Research?”

Co-organizer of Conference “The Confidence Crisis in Science: Can and Should Economics Come to the Rescue?” University of Southampton, July 2015

Member of the American Economic Association and the Royal Economic Society


American Journal of Agricultural Economics; BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy; Bristol University Press; Bulletin of Economic Research; Canadian Journal of Economics; Econometrica; Economic Journal; Economics Letters; Experimental Economics; European Economic Review; European Journal of Political Research; Games and Economic Behavior; Journal of Applied Economics; Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics; Journal of Competition Law & Economics; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; Journal of Economic Psychology; Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade; Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce; Journal of Political Economy; Journal of Public Economics; Journal of the Economic Science Association; Journal of the European Economic Association; International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation; Metroeconomica; National Science Centre, Poland; PLOS Biology; PLOS One; Public Choice; Research in Economics; Sustainability; Review of Economics and Statistics; The European Journal of Finance; UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)


As a TA at UCLA: Experimental Economics Seminars, Microeconomic Theory, Principles of Economics, Macroeconomic Theory.

As an Instructor at the University of Southampton: Microeconomics for Economics and Finance (Graduate), Public Economics (Undergraduate), Microeconomics for Operation Research/Management (Graduate), Experimental Economics (Graduate), Introduction to Economics for Non-Economists (Undergraduate), Economics with Experiments (Undergraduate).

Behavioural Game Theory lecture at the NATCOR two-day course on Operations Research, Southampton, 2021.

I have successfully concluded ‘Postgraduate Module 1 in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education’, University of Southampton, 2013.


Principal supervisor for Lunzheng Li. Placement: Post-Doctoral Researcher, Shenzhen University


Washington University of St. Louis, June 2007 and November 2007; EIEF, Rome, June 2010; EUI, September 2014; Athens University of Economics and Business, December 2015; Stanford University, May-June 2016; University of Chicago, November 2019.


Conference on the Economic Cost of Climate Change, Paris (12/2008); CRETE Summer School, Greece (07/2006, 07/2008); Working Group on Wealth and Power in the Postindustrial Age, Yale University (02/2006)


2019 Experimental Seminar, University of Chicago; Cyprus Meeting on Behaviors and Algorithms; CRETE Conference, Greece; Seminar at the Political Science Department, University of Southampton

2018 Workshop on Perceptions and Public Policies, Israel; Seminar at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Workshop on ‘New Findings in Scientific Productivity’, University of Kent; Seminar at the University of Portsmouth; CRETE Conference, Greece; Brownbag Seminar at Kings College London

2017 Seminar at Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki; Workshop on the Economics of Research and Experimentation, Bocconi University, Milan

2016 Seminar at METRICS, Stanford University; ‘Self-control Seminar’ at the University of Cologne; Internal Seminar, University of Leicester

2015 Royal Economic Society Conference, Manchester, UK; The Maer-NET Meeting in Prague; Workshop on Science Communication and Information, Bocconi University, Milan; Seminar at the Marketing Department, University of Southampton

2013 Seminar at the University of East Anglia, Seminar at Lancaster University, Seminar at the University of St. Gallen, Seminar at the Psychology Department, University of Southampton

2012 Seminar at AUEB; Seminar at the University of St. Andrews; Seminar at Statale University of Milan; ESI Spring Workshop, Max Planck Institute, Jena; CRETE Conference, Greece

2011 The International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Barcelona; Workshop at Biccoca University, Milan; Seminar at Royal Holloway University, London; Seminar at the University of Southampton

2010 The World Congress of the Econometric Society, Shanghai; Seminar at the University of Cyprus; Southern Europe Experimentalists’ Team Workshop, Marrakesh; CRETE Conference, Greece

2009 Economic Science Association European Meeting, Innsbruck; MBEES Symposium on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Maastricht; CRETE Conference, Greece

2008 3rd Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Copenhagen; Symposium ‘Foundations of Human Social Behavior’ (Poster Presentation), Zurich; Seminar at Granada University; METEROR Research Seminar at Maastricht University; Seminar at Bocconi University, Milano

2007 The University of Athens Research Seminar; The Alhambra Experimental Workshop, Granada; La Pietra-Mondragone Workshop in Economics, Florence; The Workshop in Economic Theory, Washington University St. Louis; Economic Science Association World Meeting, Rome; The Workshop in Economic Theory, Washington University St. Louis; CRETE Conference, Greece


Born: Heraklion Crete, Greece

Citizenship: Greek

Languages: Greek (native), English (Fluent), Italian (intermediate), German (working knowledge)