Academic Contributions


I have been at the University of Southampton since 2012. I have designed and taught undergraduate and post-graduate classes such as ECON6037 (Experimental Economics, Masters) ECON2001 (Applied Microeconomic 2, UG) and ECON1009 (Principles of Economics, UG) and ECON6006 (Economic Analysis, Masters) and MATH616 (Introduction to Economics, Masters). I have been involved in teaching a wide range of Undergraduate and Postgraduate modules and I consistently receive very good student evaluations. I have fully designed the graduate module ECON6037 (Experimental Economics), and redesigned the undergraduate modules ECON2001 (Applied Microeconomics 2) and ECON1014 (Economics with Experiments).

I have successfully completed PCAP 1 module (February 2014). All of the essays in my portfolio were graded as either ‘excellent’ or ‘good’. I have supervised five masters’ students dissertations and more than fifteen undergraduate dissertations. I have supervised to completion of one PhD student. I am the main advisor of a new PhD student and in the committee of another new student. I have also been an independent assessor for two PhD students.


I have served (2016-17) as the current exam officer of the Department of Economics. My responsibilities included overseeing the examinations process, participating in several university boards, and arbitrating in cases of student appeals. In addition, I kept track of the general tendencies of student performance and help ensure the fairness and clarity of the process. I also assisted in assigning the examinations load to each department member and alert colleagues about forthcoming duties that need to be carried out.


I served as the Director of our two PhD programme and the integrated PhD, University of Southampton (2018-2021). I emphasised the importance of preparing our Job Market Candidates for academic jobs in the UK and Europe.

I also served as Head of the Micro Division, University of Southampton (2018-2021). Our micro group have been looking at attractive candidates and we have recently been able to appoint excellent colleagues, both at the junior and senior level.


I also vetted the Exam Feedback to Students by Academic Staff, ensuring the quality of feedback that students receive about their academic performance in the examinations. For two years, I also organized the Microeconomics Seminar of the department of Economics, inviting and hosting our seminar speakers.

I have also been coordinating the activities of a new interdisciplinary initiative called MESSI and co-organized the related conference SCOCER2015. For these activities, see "Economics of Scientific Institutions".