Galileo Galilei ---> GG VS GG <--- Gabby Giffords.

Post date: Mar 22, 2020 4:06:40 AM

RD-blog-number-2286-by Herb Zinser

Galileo Galilei ---> GG VS GG <--- Gabby Giffords.

The NASA war of JAN 8 with Stephen Hawking


the theory of the

Gabby Giffords BIG BANG and B Holes

at astrophysics galactic battle at

LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab - Arizona).

Understanding the physics gravity battlefield

of the Alan Sokal Science Wars

Galileo Galilei ---> GG VS GG <--- Gabby Giffords.

Galileo Galilei ---> GG VS GG <--- Gabby Giffords.

Galileo Galilei ---> GG VS GG <--- Gabby Giffords.

Super-symmetry SYMBOL MACHINE battle ....

Communications failure by Arizona

Project Phoenix -->

........... P .....nix --> President Nixon

Project Phoenix -->

Project oe nix --> order entry Nixon region

Watertown Ixonia ..... Wisconsin

Project Phoenix -->

........... P .....nix --> President Nixon

Project Phoenix -->

........... Pho --> Photons at

P = Pabst Dairy farms

........abstract algebra RD project

using 4-legged Holstein milk cows as bio-computers

Project Phoenix -->

........... Pho --> Photons at

Project Phoenix

Project hoe --> vegetable gardens at

Bethesda Lutheran Home farm (Watertown) and

St.Coletta's farm for feeble minded farm workers

per the

First Kindergarden


.........................ten fingers /decimal

First Kindergarten .....

....... kin

...... kinetic energy molecule education processes

The old golf course

and the golf club .....

tricks and scams

How Do I Hold a Golf Club Properly? - Topgolf UK › blog › post › how-do-i-hold-a-golf-club-properly

Feb 5, 2018 - Your hands are the only part of your body that actually touch the golf club. Therefore, you need to hold it in a fashion that will help you make the ...

How Do I Hold a Golf Club Properly?

How Do I Hold a Garden Hoe Properly?

How Do I Hold my Garden Hose (PENIS) Properly?

Herb Zinser's analysis of modern daily events, crime, and murder. Using high-school basic math and physics concepts, supplemented with basic college textbooks in genetics, molecular cell biology, history....the average curious adult can understand the news printed in a newspaper.

Their partial explanations of tragic EVENTS need Nature's GESTALT completion codes.....that only responsible citizens can provide...thru such methods as used by Sherlock Homes and others. Help your local police department.....they have limited resources.

His work on black holes and the big bang are topics of popular books. ... of Famous Astronomers and great scientists from many fields who have worked in astronomy.] ... British cosmologist Stephen William Hawking was born in England on

Jan. 8, 1942, 300 years

to the day after the death of the astronomer Galileo Galilei.


293 × 362 - Galileo Galilei. Scientist; alleged heretic; died in

on Jan. 8, 1942, 300 years extended ..... to the day after the attempted death of

Galaxy analysis …..

Gal = Gabby Giffords

Congresswoman Shot Jan 8 2011: Gabrielle Giffords Shot in Tuscon ...


Jan 8, 2011 – Congresswoman Shot Jan 8 2011: Gabrielle Giffords Shot in Tuscon..

Jan 8, 1942 - in Oxford, England. ... site is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science.

Jan 8, 1642 - under house arrest. Galileo died

Thus we have the modern version of galactic social laws on EARTH in year 2011 .... with the super-symmetry EVENT societal physics parallels between year 1642 and year 2011

Jan 8, 1642 - under house arrest. Galileo died

Jan 8................. house .............Ga

Jan 8, 2011 - ....Congress / house .....

EVENT parallel agent Ga almost died

Home page of the United States House of Representatives. ... States House of

The United States Congress is the bicameral legislature of the federal government of the United States

consisting of two houses:

the lower house known as the House of Representatives

and the upper house known as the Senate.

Congress meets in the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Both representatives and senators are chosen through direct election. Congress has a total of 535 voting members: 435 members in the House of Representatives and 100 members in the Senate.

consisting of two houses

consisting of two houses

consisting of two houses

consisting of two houses -----> the National Aeronautics Space Administration refuses to discuss GRAND UNIFIED THEORY of the

double-helix existential space on EARTH world ... as first described by Galileo.

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems:

Ptolemaic and … Books Science & Math Essays & Commentary

Galileo's Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, published in Florence in 1632, was the most proximate cause of his being brought to trial before ...

Two Chief World Systems,

Two Chief World Systems,

Two Chief World Systems,

consisting of two houses

consisting of two houses

consisting of two houses

consisting of two existential houses ----->

consisting of two houses

consisting of two houses

consisting of two houses

consisting of two existential houses ----->

The NASA and Federal government Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems equals ZERO. The nothing dialogue. The one-way dialogue of intellectual arrogance.

The consequences on S = System date of S = Sept11, 2001 ......

Nature sent a message VIA Nature's programmable human bio-computers

Dialogue Concerning the

Two Chief World TRADE CENTER Systems.

Thus we see a few pieces to understanding events in EARTH WAR zone.

Let's look at more possible clues.

Arizona Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords A = Apparently

Arizona Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords P = Politically

A S of Ga G AP = Astro Physics signal

AS = AStronomy Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords ....AstroPhysics Politics

Jan 8, 2011 – Representative Gabrielle Giffords is in critical condition this evening (January 8, 2011) after being shot in the head during "Congress in Your ...

Jan 8, 1642 – Representative Galileo is in critical condition this evening = even integer math life

Galileo Galilei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar

Jump to Death‎: Galileo continued to receive visitors until 1642, when, after suffering fever and heart palpitations,

he died on 8 January 1642 ……..

generating the COMPUTER EARTH

data processing equation of

8 data bits - 1 byte

1642 → base 16 = base 4 exponent 2 ..

thus the Galileo code of New York City

Times Square … 42 nd street

aged 77 ---> base 16 →

signal to year 1776 … oxygen base 16

Protects DNA and nitrogen number 7

Thus we see the G = universal gravitational constant ...that is the gravity component of G = Government that NASA , the Office of Science, and universities refuse to discuss.

Gravity highway ...Route 66 and the Gravity English alphabet letters A to Z ......

in the geography STATE of AZ (Arizona) ..... but missing from the STATE of MIND (AZ in the brain symbolic processor with Einstein's data processing DATA FIELDs of field theory interface applications).

Thus we see the NASA signal equation ..... of existence of life on EARTH. Does NASA recognize anything?

Does the University of Arizona recognize anything?

Thus the GRAVITY equation symbols above maps to physical biology structures in appropriate physical geography regions.

Thus the living GRAVITY equation --->

Arizona G = Gabby

Route 66 = 6.6 …….. 10 toes - SKU11

Nm =New Mexico mk = mark kelly

Thus the TOES of agent G ..are covered by TOE theory --> Theory of Everything System ...which includes social sciences and political science activities in the gravity and magnetic fields on PLANET Earth.

Mark Edward Kelly

NASA Astronaut






February 21, 1964 (age 48)

Orange, New Jersey

Other occupation

Test Pilot

Thus we see the NASA test on bio-physics gravity coupling with Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics entities predicted by FermiLAB , the IRON LADY (Margaret Thatcher) and the IRON MAN.

Above we have the Fe = Ferrous oxide agent symbolized by a fe = female CONGRESS woman AND

the Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic calender agent of Fe = February 1964.

Thus we see NASA's selection of year 1964 agents... to help answer the big QUESTION -->

DuPage County, Illinois - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_IllinoisCached - Similar

DuPage County

is a county located in the U.S. state of Illinois. .... Fermilab, which has the world's second-highest-energy particle accelerator in the world, is in ...

Willowbrook - Addison Township,

DuPage ... -

Milton Township - Naperville

Rudyard Kipling - Wikipedia › wiki › Rudyard_Kipling

Joseph Rudyard Kipling ( 30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936) was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist.

He was born on COMPUTER EARTH

in the India sub-continent data processing region

of Carl Jung atomic collective of

Human molecular bio-computers …..

their bio-computer GROUP MIND systems

the precursor the copper wire computers and

IBM system 370.


which inspired much of his work.



Kip → think ….. IP address

Kip. Ling --. linguistics/languages





Kip ….. Computer Earth

Kip → Kashmir India Pakistan …

………………. mirror

………………..mirror mirror on the wall

Kip S. Thorne ….Logan Utah &



Of the Himalaya Mountains

earth electrons circuits and other systems


DuPage ... -

DuPage ... -

Milton Township - Naperville






Fermilab … a Long Hidden Secret

Of Batavia>Chicago

Paradise → Parallel Disease

Fermilab … Cover-up schemes

a Long Hidden Secret

DuPage County

Jan 25, 2013 – Page Count Usage error encountered when running map using 8.2 plus the fix for APAR PM66701.

Thus we see U.S.NAVY Captain for NASA explain the GPA = Grade Point Average for the EARTH geography region of humanoids in DuPAGE ...... the gravity computer page abbreviated as the gpa = gravity page.

As with any book ..... the gravity book with gravity pages ....starts with PAGE ONE ....that is VIA humanoid gravity structures ......such as FermiLAB agent for P One = Page One = Pier Oddone near geography DuPAGE County.

Oh....the ODDONE --> ODD one = 1 , 3, 5 ......

Okay how do we get from page 1 to page 3 without page 2.

That is accomplished by going to VSAM space ..... CA = California CA = Control Area at CA = CALTECH and getting agent Kip S. Thorne ....... and then rearrange his brain bio-computer proper noun name to VSAM features --> S . KIP THORNE ...thus allowing VSAM KSDS Skip Sequential Processing of the FermiLAB ODD integer space 1, 3 , 5 , 7, 9, SKU11.

VSAM space .....

CA = California

CA = Control Area at CA = CALTECH

Astrophysics EARTH data space/time with Thorne ---> Skip-sequential processing - IBM

Mar 6, 2013 – When possible, CICS uses VSAM "skip-sequential" processing to speed browsing. Skip-sequential processing applies only to forward browsing

To the DuPAGE ......GPA --> Gravity Page system with page 2 ...allows access to even integers.

To accomplish this we need the ……

even steven code

STEVEN CHU feature...... ST + EVEN --> Start EVEN integer address space ...2,4,6,8 , 10 .

Thus the Department of Energy (ST. even CHU)

and the

OS/JCL =OFFICE of Science JCL = JOB Control Language for humanoid bio-computers

Thus the Department of Energy (ST. even CHU)

and the OS/JCL =OFFICE of Science JCL = JOB Control Language for humanoid bio-computers

….. with Fe = Ferrous oxide Hemoglobin proteins at FermiLAB ... ..together form a math integer continuum predicted by Stephen Hawking. › Books › Education & ReferenceCached

Dense with numbers, formulae, and ideas, God Created the Integers is quite challenging, but Hawking rewards curious readers with a look at how mathematics .. › ... › School Subjects Math and Arithmetic Algebra More information on ... Why represented the integers by the symbol Z? It's short for Zahlen ...

Ask agent Z of the

algebra /math integer security council .

Zbigniew Brzezinski integer bio-math agent .... does not communicate about math issues.

Zbigniew held the position of United States National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981


and the Hawking GODZIN signal to Poland AND the Chicago-Polish community.


TENZIN Gyatso project of Tibet gravity fields

Gyatso --> GY + at + tso --> Gravity atlas Time sharing option .

Thus the year 1964 .....U.S.NAVY .........

......................................U SNA --> Universe system 370 Systems Network Architecture and its relationship to the subset humanoid institution known as the Pentagon and its various groups.

Thus NASA ought enlarge its GESTALT view of the symbolic world .....ideas ...the structure of NATURE

NA ---> NATURE and how it works and thinks

NA ---->NASA ....a subset that ought acknowledge the existence of the larger set of existence.

Jan 08, 1642 - under house arrest. GG = Galileo Galilei died

Jan 08 , 2011 - under EARTH field theory arrest GG = Gabby Giffords almost died at the

grocery store .....

gro = gravity row .....the gravity matrix ...linear algebra field that humanoids live WITHIN

Thus a few pieces to an interesting puzzle ...the NASA mystery. The silence .........