The Iron Lady explains

Post date: Mar 21, 2020 6:16:44 PM

Blog 322 by Herb Zinser

The ferrous oxide /iron atom ,,

atomic English Language messenger


The Atomic English Language

- Science Wars

Herb Zinser's analysis of the symbol brain .... language wars

……… and English literature clues to the SYMBOL MACHINE war for thought control of the human brain symbol bio-computer processor with the optical nerve symbol life of proper nouns: authors, titles, and characters that are alive and well inside your skull..... and influence our daily thoughts, behavior and decisions. Are you an eye/optical nerve..(photon /electromagnetic)..symbolic


The Ferrous Oxide Atomic WARRIOR – The IRON LADY

March 6, 2010 by zinjan

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is an agent for the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology family.

The IRON LADY represents the 26 protons of the ferrous oxide atom of the periodic atomic table of life.

The 26 protons of iron communicate using their ironic English alphabet of 26 symbols.

The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters –

Thus we have the atomic English language of ferrous oxide atom via the iron Hemoglobin protein –> and the social science expressions of Hemoglobin human female structures.

The IRON LADY has a history of battles involving symbolic military tools and/or physical military tools in various media.

Example 1 – Computer Earth battle zones HEX ‘FA’ = 250

Year 1982 – Base 16 Hexadecimal War FA.lkland Islands

Year 2006- Dec. 6 WAR . Falk IRON GEAR with the IRON LADY.

Falkland BATTLE history repeats itself at

FalK ..... earth LAND in Milwaukee

Hex ‘FA’ lk = lk data gas pipeline ERROR at I/O PORT of Milwaukee.

ABEND per COMPUTER EARTH system 370.

Below base 16 code fa = 250 decimal number

Example 2 - YEAR 2001, Sept 11.

The IRON Lady and the IRON Towers of the World Trade Center.

The Computer Earth battle with the NORTH POLE magnetic data field interaction with the IRON TOWERS and the

defective people within …..

The Computer Earth battle with the NORTH POLE magnetic data field interaction with the IRON TOWERS ……

and the DEFECTIVE human biological read/write TAPE HEADS within the Base 2 binary towers.

The cortex computers within the iron structure have serious data errors. The hemoglobin HEME group Fe(ii) ion economic reports are nonsense.

Computer EARTH system 370 device UNIT = North Pole magnetic (Nixon) tape with a cortex READ/WRITE tape HEAD.

Example 3

The errors at OXFORD UNIVERSITY in myoglobin protein intellectual awareness.

The myoglobin protein used by MyLan Labs people ….

has the oxygen Base 16 hexadecimal atomic computer

and the iron HEME group English language of 26 ferrous oxide protons.

OXFORD is the Margaret Mead test location for OX =Oxygen brain hexadecimal processor awareness.

OXFORD University has failed their Y2K year 2000 brain computer test.

Example 4

The British algebra subset theory war and ALZHEIMER’s brain memory eaten by cortex cannibals. The BATTLE OF GREAT BRITAIN in YEAR 2010 with Margaret Thatcher’s dementia.


Subset = . . EAT BR . . AIN –> Eat Brain

Thus the English command words inside the symbolic brain –> issue instructions to eat the brain. English language professors and authors must be careful ; we have modern symbolic anthropology with cortex cannibal computer subroutines and symbolic HEAD HUNTERS inside the brain.

Example 5

The mathematical component of ALZHEIMER’s memory eater involves the ALZ component.

ALZ –> ALgebra Z –> abstract algebra life of Z = ring of integers .. bio-math life inside the brain ...and bio-math illness ALZ (ALZHEIMER's) probably caused by a algebra deficiency or algebra error in the person life history.

Ring of integers - Wikipedia

Ring of integers - Wikipedia

Ring of integers Z at Watertown Wisconsin

and the Q field by Highway Q …… west of Watertown

The ring Z

The ring Z

The ring Z

The ring Z is the simplest possible ring of integers. Namely, Z = OQ where Q is the field of rational numbers. And indeed, in algebraic number theory the elements of Z are often called the "rational integers" because of this. The ring of integers of an algebraic number field is the unique maximal order in the field.

The ring Z

The ring Z is the simplest possible ring of integers.

The ring Z

The ring Z

The ring Z ….. the small traffic circle at

West Street …..

……..test …….Land


Horseshoe Road

(math symbol omega for statistics)

and County Road T

(T=Topology and

Earth accounting systems with

T-accounts …..debits and credits)

Integer 11 = eleven plays an important role inside the

brain/SKU 11. Those individuals without basic NUMBER THEORY inside their symbolic processor increase the probability of

NUMBER SKU11 errror –> the

NUMB. SKU11 problem which is a type of Alzheimer’s.

Number theory (or arithmetic) is a branch of pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers. Number theorists study prime numbers as well as ...

List of number theory topics - ‎Portal:Number theory - ‎Algebraic number theory

Comfortably Number theory .... brain cell wall ... bio-math album report format

Comfortably Numb

"Comfortably Numb" is a song by the English rock band Pink Floyd, which first appears on the 1979 double album, The Wall.

Double-helix social engineering MESSAGES via the DNA wave output transform to harmonic wave music lyrics ....

double album ......

The Wall.

The Wall. Science Neurophilosophy

Feb 23, 2012 – Everyone wants to believe the human brain continues to produce new cells ........

The brain cell wall contain wedge-shaped cells that divide near the inner ...

Abstract algebra symbolic warriors can help defend the brain’s health with symbolic integrity and pride.

The song “Comfortably Numb” refers to the NUMB-SKU11 number theory problem with some social science professors and university students.

Harvard university Skull problems

Other events involve the newly realized secret history of the IRON LADY. Newspapers and book authors interested in these theories and examples ought contact me.

Contact: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER.


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