The Virginia TECH track and field --> the DRILL FIELD --> VSAM data space with tracks and data fields

Post date: Jun 26, 2020 11:00:04 PM

RD-blog-number-3175 by Herb Zinser

Computer Earth system 370 and Nature's information processing systems ---> Einstein's Field Theory --> Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory --> Einstein's military DRILL FIELD ...... THE track and field theory SHOOTINGS at Virginia TECH..

Let's look at the year 2013 tragic situation ... from the VIEW -->

Computer Earth 3380 disk storage

and the

university 3380 track and data field WAR.

Einstein's data processing

DATA FIELD base 16 casualties

on April 16, 2007.

Computer world - geography IT news, EARTH features, blogs, Nature's tech reviews, .... car --> carbon atomic bio-physics formats of car --> career advice for humanoids‎

Computerworld covers a wide range of technology topics, including software, security, operating systems, mobile, storage, servers and data centers, and ...

Images for computer world magazine

Base 16 Hex'A' = 10 thru Hex'F' = 15 range

--> AF --> AFrica geography LAND data processor


The city of Blacksburg, Virginia is the home of Virginia Tech university.


CITY --> implies symbols CI --> VSAM CI --> Control Interval --> ERRORS in Blacksburg, Virginia.

VSAM Tuning -

Computer Measurement Group‎

VSAM has been in use for many years in COMPUTER EARTH mainframe applications. VSAM ... dataset is always a multiple of the number of stripes and can be as large as 16 tracks......

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting

that took place on April 16, 2007,


Jaqui Lynch - VSAM Tutorial and Tuning -‎

When you request information from or supply information to VSAM data ... CIs are further blocked intocontrol areas that vary in size from 1 track to 1 cylinder (subset code word cinder).

Miles Field | History of Virginia Tech | Virginia‎

Inside the 440-yard cinder track the field slopes one foot in a hundred, laterally from a straight line between the two semicircle centers, and radially from these ...

How to Choose the Best Track Surface - Types of running ... › blog › how-to-choose-the-best-tr...

Feb 20, 2019 - See the pros and cons of different types of running track surfaces and choose the ...

Cinder and clay – and occasionally grass – are the most commonly used ... The assistance of a sports flooring specialist may be extremely ...


Location of Miles Field on a 1921 Sanborn Map adjacent to the Field House, on the site of the present day Drill Field.

Miles Field, as it stands completed, is 550 feet long by 370 feet wide.

It is designed for use in football, baseball ( base computer language BALL = Basic Assembler Land Language), and track

(super-symmetry parallel 3380 disk track) athletics.

Search Results


IDCAMS - Access Method Services‎

DELETE (X) CL This control statement deletes the VSAM cluster named X. The data ... VSAM files can also be allocated by tracks or cylinders..



Super-symmetry physics and the astrophysics EVENT HOR --> the Event Horizon of Horror

IDCAMS - Access Method‎

DELETE (X) CL This control statement deletes the VSAM cluster named X --> the cluster( group of human students) deleted by the electron shell bullet shells near the Computer Earth SYMBOL MACHINE ........ cinder parallel cylinder ...

Base 16 hexadecimal is well-known


IBM Archives: IBM 3380 direct access storage device - page‎

... of information, and the densest disk device IBM ever manufactured; and the high-speed Model J, which could locate data faster than any previous 3380 DASD.

3380 Device Characteristics -‎

Raference summary Head and Disk Assembly 2. Heads per Access Mechanism 15 data and. 1 servo. _ Cylinders per Access Mechanism. IBM 3380 Direct ..

Computer Architecture: Pipelined and

Parallel Processor Design - Page 60

3380 Device Characteristics -‎

_ Cylinders and tracks

per Access Mechanism.

IBM 3380 Direct Access Data 885. Alternate 1. Storage Customer Engineer 1.

Data Tracks per Cylinder 15. Tracks per ...

Below the data track on the geography surface of COMPUTER EARTH.


Thus the Earth geography surface can be considered like a disk tack.

A CI --> CITY like Boston ity is a VSAM data set CI = Control Interval.

What is VSAM? -‎

VSAM works with a logical data area known as a control interval (CI) that is diagrammed in Figure 1. The default CI size is 4K bytes, but it can be up to 32K bytes.

How VSAM Adjusts Control Interval Size‎

The control interval sizes you specify when the data set is defined are not necessarily the ones that appear in the catalog. VSAM makes adjustments, if possible, ...

Virtual Storage Access Method - Wikipedia, the free‎

Virtual storage access method (VSAM) an IBM disk file storage access method, first ... VSAM data sets consist of control intervals (CI) and control areas (CA)

VSAM Control areas are like the Virginia TECH University thought control area of CA = CAMPUS and their Brave New World social psychology tricks and the abundant television nonsense programs for student bio-computer brains.

VSAN --> VS -------- > Virginia Students


The Virginia TECH earthy EINSTEIN data space/time EVENT may be considered a possible VSAM event.

More research analysis needs to be done of the Einstein's message.

Is it ... a VSAM Field theory event ...... the super-symmetry shooting split signaling EVENT ... representing


Thus we see Nature's view of the problem in the INTELLECTUAL geography region of Cambridge and Boston ..... as the SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent of ................

Split-brain - Wikipedia, the free

Split-brain is a lay term to describe the result when the corpus callosum connecting the two hemispheres of the brain is severed to some degree. It is an ...History - ‎Hemispheric specialization - ‎Case studies of split-brain ...- ‎See also


The Split Brain Experiments -‎

Split brain experiment, Roger Sperry, left and right hemispheres, Brain, corpus callosum, Nobel Prize, medicine, game


Thus we see many pieces of the puzzle about the underlying levels of REALITY of the university BRAIN SYSTEM tragedy.

The university and newspapers reports are incomplete ...... a consequence of education deficiencies in CA = CAMPUS thought CONTROL AREA.