Sandy Hook violations of the gravity field mathematical-plane

Post date: Jun 23, 2020 3:52:47 AM

RD-blog-number-2790 by Herb Zinser

Sandy Hook violations of the gravity field mathematical-plane result in the BATTLE of the Pythagorean Theorem.

The gravity field battle at Sandy Hook Elementary (physics) School took place in gravity field Newtonian coordinates in the Newton site: Newtown, Connecticut.

Sandy Hook Elementary Physics shooting

On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza, 20, fatally shot twenty children and six adult

staff members in a gravity equation mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the village of Sandy Hook in Newtown,

Connect i cut ...the school system failure to fix problems of i = square root of minus one (negative 1 …. -1).

Above...we see the gravity data field Newtonian coordinates LINK to the tragic EVENT in Newtown.

Let's think of the life and associated data set of nouns, number,dates of Isaac Newton as one gravity field mathematical-physics object ...... EVENT data set .......starting in year 1642 with Computer Earth system 370 OS/JCL data set disposition ... DISP = New.

We notice the MAX BORN bio-physics features of the year 1642 date ...... Isaac Newton's birth into a mathematical-physics plane consisting of right triangles ...... the Sartre existential dimension of the Pythagorean theorem.

Math identifier year 1642 --> states a relation between 16 and 42 --> Base 16 = Base 4 exponent 2.

Taking this a STEP further to year 1942 ...we look at the MAX BORN features of STEPHEN Hawking born in January 1942 ...... in the symbolic gravity city of TIMES SQUARE 42nd Street ...... thus a modern bio-gravity humanoid that provides information extensions to Nature's gravity research about Isaac Newton in New York City .... that is ....for those that believe in gravity's existence.... Newton York City.

Let's look at Isaac Newton and his date of entry into one of the 11-dimensions of string theory physics ...his entry into a life in Pythagorean space.

Thus we see the Isaac Newton triangle identifiers ...with hypotenuse signal 25.

Sir Isaac Newton PRS MP (25 December 1642)

Thus we have signal 25 and signal 16 = 4 exponent 2 ....... and the Gestalt completion process suggests the missing LINK of 9 ............ pointer to the FUTURE century with integer 9 ---> thus the NEXT STEP of

the evolution of gravity expression with STEPHEN H.

Isaac Newton's bio-math life as a bio-triangle was acknowledged by the university.

Newton was a fellow of Trinity College and the second Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge

Trinity --> algebra subset words /symbols --> Tri --> Triangle

College --> algebra subset word --> leg of a right triangle (see above diagram ... the secrets of Cambridge)

second --> implies math exponent 2 of the Pythagorean algebra equation

Lucasian ---> Lu --> Logical Unit within the gravity field of COMPUTER EARTH in the BASE 16 century of EARTH mathematical-physics space/time continuum.

Thus we see, how Nature provides CLUES about our existence.

Now we understand the background behind the bio-math, bio-gravity tragedy in geography state of Connecticut AND the tragedy in the STATE of MIND

--> Connections cut

--> Connec ti CUT → connect time CUT

Pay attention please.

The math WAR information signs from the Sandy HOOK battle.

Newtown --> implies the possibility of a Isaac Newton connection

On December 14, 2012 ---> Dec 142 --> Decimal numbers 142 --> year 1642 and year 1942 ...

the living EARTH cell and its BASE PAIR gravity agents: Newton and Hawking

six adult staff members in a mass --> reference to gravity equation number 6 and the month of December implies DEC implies DECIMAL number 10 in the equation .... below.

Additional number CLUES are....

--->at their Newtown home. [10] Investigators ---> their Isaac Newton gravity home

---> Some time before 9:30 a.m

---> At about 9:35 am, using his

---> in the building. A nine-year-old boy said

---> through the door, in her leg and

The above triangle CLUES are: 9 , 3 , 5 leg ...and the Sandy Hook math dimension battle is shown below .....

Also the super-symmetry MIRROR of 25 --> 52 ...the signal of ........ his

mother, Nancy Lanza, age 52, at their Newtown home

For information on mirrors ..... and other matters ....... consider the symbolism message from

the Fer = Ferrous oxide IRON atom RD location know as Fer = FermiLAB

At Wilson Hall, FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois .... the

Ferrous oxide Iron metal atom has atomic number 26 …

26 protons and 26 atomic English alphabet letters.


FermiLAB atomic mass communications failure

…..Margaret Mead nuclear family violations

Of the atomic social science LIMIT LAWS.

Philosophical reflection of the periodic atomic table and atomic mass communications ..that is mass communications vehicles like: television, radio, publishing, INTERNET .......

we see mirror 26 = sum of 20 + 6.

The empirical data report ......

On December 14, 2012 ...... fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff members in a mass

murder at Sandy Hook Elementary (physics message) School.

Thus you have some pieces to a puzzle ...that society ought study further. But that means you have to study basic gravity, basic algebra , and the Pythagorean Theorem of the

RIG triangle.