Base 16 hexadecimal BREAST CANCER. HEX'F' = 15 = Female death codes

Post date: Jun 26, 2020 1:23:54 AM

RD-blog-number-2421 by Herb Zinser

UPDATE: Police release new details in the

Base 16 Highway 16

.... cancer subroutine DATA GENERATING signaling event

.... disappearance of ...

Nov 14, 2013 - Kathryn Stalbaum, a freshman at Kettle Moraine High School, was last ... (WITI) — Waukesha officials say the bicycle of a missing 15-year-old ...

Waukesha cryptology officials say

..........Sha --> Shah of Iran access code --> officials say the

Bicycle (bi + cyle → biology information cycle)

of a (IBM …. EARTH LAB MIS …..

Wisconsin ground earth human specimen)

missing 15-year-old …

Waukesha cryptology officials say

..........Sha --> Shah of Iran access code

--> officials say


WaukeSHA High school

region of nonsense education

Herb Zinser's atomic bio-computer crime, accident, and war Reports. Base 2, Base 4, and Base 16 death needs life insurance coverage.

Humans are bio-computers. We breath Base 16 oxygen atoms /molecules into our LU = Logical Unit = LUNG..

We are a bio-computer LU embedded as subsets with COMPUTER EARTH system 370 . . . . . . Nature's data processing features are numerous and well-known to university and business data processing programmers.

Some features known to geography professors and National Geographic Magazine readers:

BALTIC region, Europe --> BAL region of World War 2 ...the BASE 2 computer war with BAL = Basic Assembler Language.

BALKANS region, Europe --> BAL war region of the 2 WORLD WARs and then the Yugoslavia WAR zone in 1994 with American BASE 16 military forces dispatched from COMPUTER EARTH system 370 geography computer address space of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue under President Cli instructions from the city of Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

President CLI (with bio-computer representative CLINTON) is

BAL instruction CLI = Compare Logical Immediate and its various applications.

IBM Basic assembly language

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is a low-level language used on IBM mainframes . . . . . . through

systems 370,

(Compare Logical Immediate) Instruction - IBM assembly with President CLI


Thus we see the vast influence of Base 16 systems on world affairs ....and consequently, on our daily lives.

A major Base 16 hexadecimal battle took place on April 16, 2007 at Virginia TECH.

Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting

that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia

Polytechnic Institute and State University in ...

Seung-Hui Cho - Timeline - Media coverage -

Virginia Tech Shooting Leaves 33 Dead -


.Apr 16, 2007 – Thirty-three people were killed Monday on the campus of Virginia Tech in what appears to be the

deadliest shooting rampage in American ...

Thus we see Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and its applicatication at FORT HOOD, Texas . . . . .

the FORTRAN H compiler battle . . . . . that is a battle FIELD . . . . . a battle DATA FIELD example for

GENERAL DP = Data Processing represented by humanoid General DP = David Petraeus.

David Petraeus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David_PetraeusDuring his time at CAC, Petraeus and Marine Lt.

Gen. James N. Mattis jointly oversaw the publication of Field Manual 3-24, Counterinsurgency, the body of ...

Personal life - Retirement from Army - CIA Director -

oversaw the publication of Field Manual 3-24

oversaw the publication of Field Manual 3-24

oversaw the publication of DATA Field Man 3-24

+ advanced military DATA FIELD operations in BASE 16 geography war HEX'AF' = 175 = AFGHANISTAN


Let's look at other aspects of the BASE 16 wars ...specifically the bio-computer wars with human adult females.

What information is in newspapers and on the INTERNET ...about the Base 16 BAL . . . . . . BREAST WAR.

Global cancer statistics. A Jemal - 2011 - Feb

4, 2011 – Global cancer statistics. ...

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading

cause of cancer death among females, ...

Global cancer statistics.

Global cancer statistics.

Global = G + 10 + bal --> Geography

Base 16 HEX'10" = 1 6 Decimal number

BAL = Basic(k) Assembler Language

THe HEX/curse of female computer programmer ERRORS.


Above, base 16 HEX'F' = Female system programmers ERRORS and BUGS in the social engineering thoughts presented to BASE 16 address space 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue . . . . . .the BUGS migrate to the bio-computer BREAST site . . . . ..a signal processing region ...that is well-known to male computer programmers that study Nature's Base 2 BINARY system expressions.

Breast Cancer Statistics Worldwide | Worldwide Breast

Cancer 2010, nearly 1.5 million people were told “you have breast cancer”. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. It is also the principle ...

Let's look at the health equation in the above INTERNET article.

In 2010, nearly 1.5 million people were told “you have breast cancer

.In 2 010, nearly 1.5 million

In Base 2 and Hex '010' = Base 16 nearly 1.5 million

In Base 2 and Hex' '010' = Base 16 nearby decimal number 15 --> Hex'F' = female bio-computer war with 1.5 million health wounded and casualties





Thus, we see Nature's bio-computer signals. . . . . . . .the pattern display of NATURE's vast variety of military powers upon human health and human affairs. Let's look at some geography country CLUES and their symbolic message.

Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online art or practice of using symbols especially by investing

things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or ...

The Symbolist Movement: To Make the Invisible

Visible Symbolist Movement: To Make the Invisible

Visible. Symbolism is always confusing because we use the word to

refer to the study of symbols or iconography ..

Country Rate ---> symbolism and data processing messages

Algeria 16.9 ---> Algebra base 16 with 9 bits ( 8 data bits and 1 error correction bit)

Israel 25.1 ---> IS = Information System --> IS.RAEL VS = IS.REAL ---> RAEL is a mutation of REALITY

South Africa 23.4 ---> S .AFRICA --> S. A. F --> System HEX'A' = 10 and Hex'F' = 15

Latvia 21.0 --> LA BAL instruction of BALTIC geography region --> LA = Load Address for EARTH Topic of Cancer

Luxembourg 19.5 ---> LU X em = Logical Unit X electromagnetic frequency life format. . . . . .FREAK FREQUENCY

Pakistan 19.3 --> Pak = bio-computer Packed Decimal format ERRORS with the Green Bay Packers computer processing math football

Russia 18.7 --> RU + SSI + A --> Request Unit Storage-Storage Instruction Assem.BLUR

Cameroon 18.3 --> CAM --> Cad/ CAM --> Computer Aided Manufacturing of human CAD = CADAVERS

Romania 18.0 --> ROM --> Read Only Memory for Alzheimer's bio-computer memory problems . . . . . . side-effect CANCER

Central Africa 17.6 --> Central AF --> Central Processing Unit Base 16 HEX'AF' = 175

Equ. Guinea 17.1 ---> Equate to human Guinea Pig . . . . . . . citizen/government voodoo experiments

Who Stole the Tarts? | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll: Who

Stole the Tarts? ... In the very middle of the court was a table, with a large dish of tarts upon it: they .... which tied up at the mouth with strings: into this they slipped the guinea-pig,

head first, ... 'I've so often read in the newspapers, at the

end of trials, "There was some ...

The above EARTH LAB experimental protocol has been known since year 1865.

President Clinton had his bio-computer computer science CLINICAL TRIAL sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry SECRET manipulation programmers that work with Virginia TECH and Northern Illinois University CAD experiments in student CAD --> CADAVERS.

For example we see the DATA PROCESSING JOB ...that is JOB execution parameters with

the EXECUTION of bio-computer

Daniel Parmenter = DA PARM = Data Parameters.

New Guinea 13.1 --> New Guinea pigs with Lewis Carroll

and "ALICE in Dairyland' Wisconsin

the book "Future Shock" with the University of Wisconsin agriculture and the FFA = Future Farmers of America with BASE 16 HEX'FF" America organization --> HEX"FF' = 255 Anderson bio-computer BRAIN programming ERROR by the Madison region brain programmers in superiority, supreme knowledge and wisdom . . . in all matter of existence and thought.

Thus we see CLUES to Base 16 HEX/curse of FEMALE Data processing philosophy errors.

The Mind Has No Firewall - US Army

War College

by TL THOMAS - 1998 -

The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the

chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, ...