ABE Lincoln

Post date: Jun 25, 2020 1:33:13 AM

RD-blog-number-2425 by Herb Zinser

Studies of the current hematology blood wars in the world ..... help us understand the history of the American CIVIL WAR.

American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The American Civil War, also known as the War between the States or simply the Civil

War (see naming), was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 between the ...

Origins of the - List of American Civil War battles - Confederate States of America

Let's look at the situation . ..... using the knowledge database available in year 2013 .


Since, President LINCOLN breathed oxygen atomic mass 16 ...he was a Base 16 atomic bio-computer processor. He was the Base 16 hexadecimal President ...as 16th President.

Hexadecimal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HexadecimalIn mathematics and computer science,

hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a .... The

most common format for hexadecimal on IBM mainframes (z Series) and ...

What is HEXADECIMAL and Where, How and Why is It used on ...

thestarman.pcministry.com/asm/hexawhat.htmlIt stands for the Base

16 Number System. Programmers often refer to it as simply, Hex


Thus, given the apha/numeric 16th President ...President LINCOLN ...we had the American bio-computer science wars known as the Civil War. What message existed. Lot's of B100D was shed during the war.

Let's analyze the symbolic life of B100D.

Let's view the word B100D -->

B 100 D with alphabet symbols B, D and

decimal number 100.

What was Nature's bio-chemistry hematology message?

First, let's establish a VIEW that was expressed in year 1855.

Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its

oll.libertyfund.org/title/1394/101633 Herbert

Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert

Spencer ....form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes. ....

life will be—The continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

Spencer ....form links in the correspondence

Spencer ....form links in the correspondence

Spencer ....form links in the correspondence

Spencer ....form links in the correspondence

Spencer ....form links in the correspondence

Spencer ....form links in the correspondence

Thus we see Nature's system in year 1861 thru 1865.

The INTERNAL bio-chemistry B100D war was transformed by Nature into

EXTERNAL display format known as the American BLOOD Civil WAR .

The EXTERNAL battles fought and the B100D flow on the Earth geography surface provided a system FLOWCHART to the INTERNAL b100d LANGUAGE intellectual conflicts.

The Computer EARTH system 370 model suggests that the geography LAND surface of EARTH is a computer address space ...now known, as Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory with applications.

Thus the famous geography

BASE 16 computer address space of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Thus we see Nature's B100D equation with the 16th President --> President Lincoln.

Taking the numeric components ONLY ...... we have

B 100 D multiply times 16th president = 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

We must seriously try to understand this alpha/numeric B100D message.

In year 1860 with the 16th President we viewed the bio-chemistry bio-math equation in terms of decimal number 100 = one hundred. That view agreed with .... and balanced Nature's biochemistry decimal equation ..which was --> B 100 D multiply times 16th president = 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Now in year 2013 ..... Darwinian evolution of the intellectual alpha/numeric abilities of B100D ...gives a new formula ...for some people.

Most people have a primitive version of B100D or

the year 1860 decimal version of B100D with President Lincoln,

Now we have advanced educated B100D with symbolic life.

the symbols B100D --> B 100 D --> with symbols 100 being BASE 16 HEX'100" = 256 decimal .

Now, Base 16 Hex'FF" = 255 = High Values. ..thus the previous ...... highest oFFicial blood available to theology professors and government officials was the number 255 level of b100d.

Now in year 2013 ,....we see Nature's calculations and expectations as LEVEL 255 + 1 l --> LEVEL 256 blood comes on-line in Nature's INTELLECTUAL quality control systems.

In modern times ...B100D Plasmid ...... .algebra subset code

........................................DP --> Data Processing with Nature's new symbolic machines.