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Z00 - The Z-Papers describe Math and Physics Crimes
Crime Creation Factors
Forensic science
ABE Lincoln
Fermat's Last Theorem with exponent 2 describes BLOOD right triangle properties.
The Virginia TECH blood right triangle battle
The T-squared distribution PLOT --> the 1989 bio-math PLOT at Tiananmen Square.
Math Battle List
Alan Turing symbolic math BUILDING versus Federal Building
Chicago 1968 Chi-Squared Probability Distribution
Dirac 4 X 4 matrices .... mathematical-physics ... quantum DATA ... pick-up trucks
Math policy ERRORS cause the murder of Boy Scout Sam Hengel ---> community schools ignore and disregard Rudolf Carnap
Michael Brown killed in the Zbig math battles
Sandy Hook violations of the gravity field mathematical-plane
The Madison, Wisconsin WORLD math Exponent conference on LEVEL 2 formats
The natural number N continuum war
The Square Root of 200 .... 14.14 implies --> World War battle year 14 --> 1914
The Vietnam matrix transpose WAR under math President N x N (NixoN)
Tiananmen Square ---> the student's t-distribution WAR
Westroads Mall shooting and the 360 degree orbital CIRCLE processing systems
Math Conflicts
Army of One
Clifford Algebra problems in Watertown Wisconsin
COMPUTER EARTH ..... Boston Marathon track and field VSAM data space
December 25 is the right triangle math holiday known as Christmas
Fermat's battle at Ferguson, Missouri
Oshkosh, Wisconsin sin waves and oscilloscopes
Quadratic equation DEATH (QED)
The EARTH algebra geography surface with the Lake Michigan parabola
The Alex Haley book on base 16 hexadecimal primordial polynomial ROOTS from Africa.
The Battle of the X-men on April 16 at Norris Hall engineering
The math neighborhood WAR and the math proof DEMO at Fort Neighborhood, Killen, Texas
The Sandy Hook algebra TRAGEDY leaves a string theory trail of CLUES
Virginia TECH right triangle shooting battle
Math Diseases
Bio-math plane geometry and algebra deficiency results in being diagnosed with breast cancer.
Cooley's math anemia. The eye / optical nerve SYMBOL MACHINE math deficiency battles
High schoool algebra acne equations and the complex number Z = Zits.
Nature's Chi-Squared Probability Distribution quality assurance TEST detects cell ERRORs
Quadratic equation math violations CAUSE breast cancer.
The square of root of minus 1 AND Sicily MUSICK disease
Math Legal Trials
Chi-Squared trial of Fort Hood
Lax airport mathematical-physics LINEAR ALGEBRA battle
Sample space math military orders in Norway result in math war casualties.
The array murder trial of James Earl Ray
The Chicago Universities 1968 Trial of Algebra Radicals
TIME highway I-43 murder region
Wisconsin Logarithms murder trial
Math Death
BAL & Base 16
Computer Earth system 360 TEST of BDAM bio-computers in the Beaver Dam, Wisconsin LAND region (Local Area Network Data)
Computer science Base 16 hexadecimal WAR messages
Group 62 - IRAQ and the computer war zone
Group 68 - Computer Earth and the EARTH systems I-35W communications bridge collapse
Group 70 Part 1 - IBM secrets of Base 16 religion
Group 70 Part 2 - IBM parallel processing atomic bio-computers
Nature's systems .... Amazon Forest revenge --> the Brazil Nightclub Fire
System 370 status codes for subset COMPUTER EARTH 370 are displayed in the Sochi, Russia 2014
The 4-H Club of Computer Earth system 360 farm LAND and Hex Highway 16 Wisconsin
The BAL and MIS crimes of the STATE of MISSOURI
The Chicago 1966 murder of 8 student nurses
The Computer Earth system 370 CICS TSA battle at the LAX 3270 CRT display terminal
The data processing hexadecimal secrets of the 16 fluid ounce bottle of Coke, Dr.Pepper, and others
The F Word ...and base 16 oxygen electron(e) .... eFFort of HIGH VALUES
The Norway AUF Party ....... Base 16 battle at UTOEYA
Base 16 Disease
Base 16 hexadecimal BREAST CANCER. HEX'F' = 15 = Female death codes
Computer Earth 3380 disk storage and the Boston Marathon 3380 track and field WAR
The amino group data processing WAR at Fort Hood.
The Base 16 hexadecimal B100D ... red blood cell hematology battles at Century 16 movie theater
The Cat has Nine Lives (Base 10) and the Base 16 .... SYS1.Catalog
Bio-computer THOUGHT CONTROL agent --> Oscar de la Renta
Ferguson WAR casualty Michael Brown
Football and the 100 yard data field
Hannah Graham missing and Ferguson, MIssouri
Jeffery Fowle data processing experiences in North Korea
The DNA battle of the normal probability distribution on D-Day 1944
The bio-computer murders of Computer Earth system 370 geography land agents. The Base 16 oxygen agents: Sam Hengel and Matt Anderson
The Computer Earth system 370 RUN TIME ABEND from the Boston
The human bio-computer Height + Weight equation --> FAT wars
The Hydro-Carbon system 370 continuum processor
The IRS Spitzer Space Telescope
The ISIS computer war being played out in the SY = SYSTEM area of SYRIA AND Complex math power series … with agent An ---> Anwar Sadat
The non-floating point instruction DEATH of Rod Nilsestuen
The Virginia TECH track and field --> the DRILL FIELD --> VSAM data space with tracks and data fields
World War Z
Jewish brain data processing and age 64
The Computer EARTH system 370 PORT errors of Wisconsin
Tiananmen Square Double-Word 64 battle of the 6 th month 4 th day, 1989
Math war
2007 Africa One air plane geometry crash --> the RIGHT triangle battle within BASE 16
ISOSCELES trapezoid battles
Murder Legal Tools
I-35W Bridge
Z00 - The Z-Papers describe Math and Physics Crimes
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