Weeping Tea Tree

To me, weeping willows are really beautiful and I have seen both weeping willows and weeping tea trees.  I actually thought that weeping tea trees are a type of willow..

Anyway, I bought myself a weeping tea tree, which is a species of Leptospermum for less than RM 30 (?).  Might have bought it for RM 25 or RM 15. The price of course depends on the size of the plant.  The plantation owner told me, that once planted, do not relocate it.

The height of the plant around 80-90 cm in Oct 2017.  I dug almost 2.5 ft into the clay-like ground and filled it with black, compost-rich soil before planting the plant.  It was held up-wright with a stick. 

I was watering it daily and I recently found out some additional tips online (not from my experience):

From my experience:

Feb 2018:

The plant can now support itself without tying to the support stick but i'll keep it supported for just a little bit more.  It has grown up to 115 cm from the ground. 

I am very interested to prune a branch of the plant to help balance the overall shape, to make it more lush and to try to propagate from its cuttings.

April 2023:

This tree has grown marvelously and is a bit too big. The height has reach the second floor of a house and the center part of the tree, is not as dense as I would like. 

Earlier this eyar, I gave it a major trim and I tried to do "tut" (malay) which is marcotting. I saw roots coming out but have yet to transfer it.  Also, due to the major trim, more leaves has started growing from the center of the tree.

I remember last time when I was surveying for the seedling, the seller told me there were two types. A shorter variant and a tall variant. I did not buy from that seller because it was a little bit pricey and went to another shop.  If it was true, then maybe I got the taller version.





