iPhone Ringtones

Create iPhone Ringtones using unprotected media

First off, my previous smartphone was able to select mp3s as ringtones on the go but iPhone require more effort than a couple of clicks. So, here it is.

This method uses iTunes to create ringtones using MP3s or any unprotected media i.e. it does not work with songs purchased from iTunes but it will work on any media for example songs ripped from your CDs.

In Windows

  1. Open iTunes
  2. Select "Preferences" under "Edit"
  3. Under the "General" tab, select "Import Settings" and make sure it is using AAC Converter. (I tried with MP3 converter and it didnt work)
  4. Select the song you wish to change into ringtone and right click it.
  5. Select "Get Info"
  6. Under "Options", enter the start and stop time and click "OK".
  7. Go to "Advanced" in the menu bar and click "Convert to AAC".
  8. A file will be created with the same name but a shorter version (depending on the time frame that you selected).
  9. Select the new AAC file and click and drag it onto your desktop.
  10. Delete the original file in iTunes
  11. Rename its extension to ".m4r" - the extension for ringtones
  12. Copy the new .m4r file into iTunes and now you have a new ringtone the next time you sync iTunes with your iPhone.

For more info and a video guide, you may want to visit:
