
Courses taught

At Hong Kong Polytechnic University

2017-2018: Student Feedback Questionnaire average 4.57/5

BA Common Course: Fun with Language (CBS 1A01V)

MA Courses: Description of Chinese I: Words and Sentences (CBS 532)

Methodology of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language I (CBS 572B)

2016-2017: Student Feedback Questionnaire average 4.53/5

BA Courses: Survey of Modern Chinese (CBS 2902),

Structure of Modern Chinese (CBS 3403)

MA Courses: Description of Chinese I: Words and Sentences (CBS 532)

Research method in Language Teaching and Language Studies (CBS 505B)

DALS Trends in Applied Language Sciences (FH6000)

DALS Research Method (FH6056)

2015-2016: Student Feedback Questionnaire average 4.475/5

(Same BA and MA courses as in 2014-2015)

DALS Research Method (FH6056)

2014-2015: Student Feedback Questionnaire average 4.375/5

BA Courses: Introduction to Language (CBS 3372),

Analysis to English (CBS 463),

MA Courses: Introduction to Educational Linguistics (506),

Research method in Language Teaching and Language Studies (505B)

Service-Learning course 2015 – present

CBS2S02 Preserving Cultural Heritage for Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary China

Courses developed

Chinese Language and Culture (MA)

East Asian Language and Processing (MA)

Research Methodology and Statistics (PhD)

Preserving Cultural Heritage for Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary Asia (service-learning)


Ph.D. advisees

Ms. Pan ZHU (ongoing, co-advised) The influence of spatial-temporal metaphors on

the mental representations of time in Cantonese and Mandarin speakers.

Mr. Tong MU (ongoing, co-advised) The syntax of a Mandarin sentence final

particle laizhe ‘so-called’

MA advisees

Ms. Yang LIU (2017) A contrastive study of subordinate clauses in Lahu language

and Mandarin: Suggestions on the pedagogy of teaching Lahu students Mandarin

Ms. Li TANG (2016) The function and structure of sentence final particles in Chongqing

dialect of Chinese

Ms. Lingqi ZENG (2015) A corpus study on L2’s Mandarin V-O Separable words’ use

and the pedagogical suggestions.

Ms. Xianglin ZHANG (2015) Intermediate level L2 Mandarin students’ production on

Mandarin directional verbs.