Palettes & Addons

Sometimes, built-in stuff in characters can be boring. So, if you want to download some extra content, you've come to the right place.

Please note: this page is under heavy reconstruction.

Palette Packs

Extra Palettes for Tweenies_1998's Alolan Vulpix

Released: June 9, 2024

Single Palettes

Sound Packs

Worms Armageddon Russian Voice for Boggy B by Aku Ma

Finished: July 25, 2022

Released: February 8, 2023

"Да, сэр!"

Russian Dub Voice + Sprite Fix for Heavy Weapons Guy by DrKelexo (TIS2012's edit)

Finished: May 17, 2023 (voice only)

Released: June 10, 2023 (MSK)

The sprite patch fixes palette issue in certain hurt sprites (notably the liedown sprites) even though TIS2012's edit (and RandomPokemonBro's edit on which TIS2012's edit is based on) removed all of the palettes

Also, RIP Maksim Pinsker (TF2 Russian Dub Heavy) 1964- 2022

Old Section

This section will be updated only on my free time and will.


If you tired with default colors, try another ones.

Shiny colors for

vo-jk's Pachirisu/Paqi


These addons should replace old sounds with new ones.!FklxhQpY!HfnUn4DQN7mrVwrJnerHOoxDbLW47gSv6KYb9Ve2AdI

English Soundpack for

YAMAKICHI's Torchic/Achamo


Non-Mario Soundpack for

Warner's SSB Luigi

SSB4 Soundpack for

Tanicfan22's Custom/SSBM Luigi



Actual voice + anti-cheap patch for

vo-jk's Pachirisu/Paqi



SSB4 Soundpack for

Dylanius/Solarflared's KOF Chespin



SSB Ultimate Soundpack for

PichuMario650's new Pichu