Old Characters (2014-2020)

Also known as "The Hall of My Shame", this is a page dedicated to my old creations with (almost) no changes, with glitches and other unfixed things present, yet the few being spriteswaps. Not preferred to use them, as there may be better versions of those characters from either me or other people, so they are usually restricted for collection purposes only due to how much quality in these characters showcased below is.

Back then (in 2014-2015) I was nicknamed as "JoshyTehMasturd9019" by SquidlyPoli1 back when they were known as MLGPolywhirl, as I had major skill issue in these years, but please, don't refer me by that nickname, okay? I'm really having a bad past within MUGEN community.

Not all creations are hosted here, due to the fact that one MUGEN site has too much restrictions for unregistered users (can only download files up to 1MB, perhaps to prevent unknown people warehousing characters outside that site?), and my creations originally were uploaded on that aforementioned site. If you retrieve the creation I uploaded on that site but not listed here, let me know.

But remember that note: that one edit of that character that meant to have something, well, uh, slow-paced fetish move's code removed (but not its sprites) will not be added to this page because I was in trouble and didn't know that the author would like to know my location if I didn't ask them first.


(πŸ‘Ž) - Bad creation, for collection purposes only

(πŸ€”) - Creation with my mixed opinion

(πŸ‘) - (Somewhat) good creation despite having flaws or being made on one of the most hated templates (usually Super Marvel vs Capcom template)

(πŸ€”/X) - Mixed to either bad (πŸ‘Ž) or good (πŸ‘)

(X!) - Very bad (πŸ‘Ž) or good (πŸ‘) creation


This is where I started my MUGEN career, albeit at the lowest success.

Fighting Toad (πŸ‘Ž!)

Origin: Super Mario

Released: July 7, 2014

Re-Released: April 30, 2021 (with portrait fixes)

Credits: the original Super Mario Bros Crossover wiki that got replaced with different version or shut down (sprites)

Spriteswap?: Yes, of Shazzo's Paper Mario (actually "CvS" Axel Stone by Actarus)

This was the first character I made to be released in public.

Cringy Mario (πŸ‘Ž!)

Origin: Super Mario

Released: 2014

Re-Released: December 26, 2019 (with portrait fixes and name change)

Credits: I don't remember it now (sprites)

Spriteswap?: Yes, of Shazzo's Paper Mario (actually "CvS" Axel Stone by Actarus)

Tails.exe (original version) (πŸ‘Ž!)

Origin: Sonic.exe

Released: 2014

Re-Released: January 25, 2022 (with internal name change)

Credits: someone whose name is gone from my brain a long time ago (sprites), someone who made this Euvoria art of Tails.exe long before the grand Kphoria purge from DeviantArt (portrait)

Spriteswap?: Yes, of Shazzo's Paper Mario (actually "CvS" Axel Stone by Actarus)

Cream.exe (original version) (πŸ‘Ž!)

Origin: Sally.exe (fanmade sequel to Sonic.exe)

Released: 2014

Re-Released: January 25, 2022
(with internal name change)

Credits: supersilver27 (sprites), CloverLeaf777 (portrait; thanks to Derpy Sponge for letting me know who made the art before it was used as a portrait)

Spriteswap?: Yes, of Shazzo's Paper Mario (actually "CvS" Axel Stone by Actarus)

Dr. Mario (πŸ‘Ž)

Origin: Dr. Mario

Released: 2014

Re-Released: August 6, 2022

Credits: again, I don't know who made those sprites (sprites)

Spriteswap?: Yes for most cases. For most of part, he is Kung Fu Man. But pressing standing Y will make Mario throw his pills (with a code stolen from Actarus' "CvS" Axel Stone/Shazzo's Paper Mario)

Classic Amy (πŸ‘Ž!)

Origin: Sonic

Released: 2014

Re-Released: August 6, 2022

Credits: E-122-Psi (sprites, albeit upscaled poorly by me)

Spriteswap?: Yes, of Kung Fu Man

Mario (πŸ‘Ž!)

Origin: Super Mario

Released: 2014

Re-Released: August 26, 2022

Credits: SemiJuggalo (sprites), Koopaul, Ice, and Ryumaru (portrait)

Spriteswap?: Yes, of Pocket Template, with fireball stolen from Plom510's Mario (actually some random version of Spongebob)

SMvC Sonic (πŸ‘Ž!)

Origin: Sonic

Released: 2014

Recent update: 2015

Re-Released: August 26, 2022 (with stolen portraits replaced)

Credits: King Kirby (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on SMvC Template

SMvC Pikachu (πŸ‘Ž!)

Origin: Pokemon

Released: 2015

Re-Released: December 10, 2021

Credits: Robbydude (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on SMvC Template by Infinity Mugen Team

DCvM (MvC) Jigglypuff (πŸ‘Ž!)

Origin: Pokemon

Released: 2015

Re-Released: December 10, 2021

Credits: Sponge/NeoPolis (sprites)

Spriteswap?: Yes, of DCvM Template

SMBZ Fire Mario (πŸ€”)

Origin: Super Mario

Released: 2015

Re-Released: May 26, 2022
(with source sprites removed)

Spriteswap?: No, based on old MvC2 Template

After being saw that it was used by SpriteClub, I decided to include it here. Keep in mind that he also has stolen code (in this case the Kenshiro move from one MvC Peter Griffin edit)

Pokemon Ranger Minun (πŸ‘Ž!)

Origin: Pokemon

Released: 2015

Re-Released: August 4, 2022
(with source sprites removed)

Spriteswap?: Yes, of DOS Kung Fu Man (with some command edits)

This was meant to be replacement of DarkMasao2's Minun, but it literally failed. But hey, DM2's Minun was the inspiration for both my and Weegee/SomeGuy2000's versions

SMW Yoshi (πŸ‘Ž)

Origin: Super Mario

Released: 2015

Re-Released: August 4, 2022
(with new portrait, edited readme and with source stuff removed)

Spriteswap?: Yes, of DOS Kung Fu Man (with minor move edits)

Yoshi DCvM (πŸ‘Ž)

Origin: Super Mario

Released: 2015

Re-Released: August 8, 2022
(with source sprites removed)

Spriteswap?: No, based on Buyog's DCvM Template

I got hyped by Dark Chaos' DCvM (MvC) characters before they got removed completely in favor of better CvS-style creations. Hence why this DCvM Yoshi here was made but for now I despise this character now, so feel free to bash this thing.

SMvC Tails (πŸ€”)

Origin: Sonic

Released: 2015

Re-Released: August 26, 2022 (with new portrait and removal of the nickname (from def file) that was used by MLGPolywhirl (now SquidlyPoli1) to mock me as I originally was the guy who did bad creations)

Credits: King Kirby (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on SMvC Template

This one was a bit more better received than my SMvC Sonic, but this version of two-tailed fox also didn't age well as well.

Classic Tails (πŸ€”/πŸ‘Ž)

Origin: Sonic

Released: 2015

Re-Released: August 26, 2022

Spriteswap?: Yes, of Actarus' "CvS" Axel Stone, with some alteration to other hyper move that is not a projectile barrage

Classic Amy (Sonic 3 & Amy Rose) (πŸ‘Ž)

Origin: Sonic (Sonic 3 & Amy Rose Rom Hack)

Released: 2015

Re-Released: December 7, 2022

Credits: E-122-Psi & Co. (sprites)

Spriteswap?: Yes, of Kyo Kusanagi's S3&K Sonic

But hey, at least it still did get featured on MFFA Sonic Collection Thread (since the one who made this thread wants to keep collection-purposes only chars (bad spriteswaps, badly made creations, etc) away from his thread, which led Meldo do the same)

MvC Pesky Wario (πŸ€”)

Origin: Super Mario/Wario series

Released: 2015

Re-Released: December 7, 2022

Credits: NO Body the Dragon (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on SMvC Template

(yup, the portrait was actually taken from older versions of Warner's Wario but I didn't bother to replace that portrait for this one)

Super Amy (πŸ‘Ž!)

Origin: Sonic

Released: 2015

Re-Released: August 26, 2023
(with source sprites removed)

Credits: Zig Sonar (sprites, recolored)

Spriteswap?: Pretty much yes, of DCvM DC template (one of few bad MvC templates)

Dr. Mario (πŸ‘Ž!)

Origin: Dr. Mario

Released: 2015

Re-Released: November 18, 2023

Credits: Knight Mario at Mario Fan Games Galaxy (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on Pocket Template

Luigi (πŸ‘Ž)

Origin: Super Mario

Released: 2015

Re-Released: January 6, 2024 (with source sprites and sfx removed)

Credits: NO Body the Dragon (sprites)

Spriteswap?: Arguably yes, of DOS-era Kung Fu Man (with different super move and Mario helper stolen from Tanicfan22's Mario)

Thought to be the better version of "Pesky Plumber" Luigi, but actually, he aged that poorly, that I refuse him to call good at all nowadays. Have fun bashing this thing now...

Classic Amy (GBA Cream-based) (πŸ‘Ž)

Origin: Sonic

Released: 2015

Re-Released: February 7, 2024 (with source sprites and sfx removed and folder name changed from sonic_the_fighters_Amy because she played nothing like in Sonic The Fighters itself)

Credits: Kaijin the Hedgehog (sprites)

Spriteswap?: Same case as Luigi, i.e. based on DOS-era Kung Fu Man, except one special move launches her into air, and she even got Shun Goku Satsu that I stole from Dark Chaos (because I barely knew about that move's quite simple coding back then).

Rocket Racer (πŸ‘Ž!)

Origin: LEGO Racers

Released: 2015

Re-Released: July 8, 2024

Spriteswap: Yes, of DCvM DC template, with SGS code stolen from Dark Chaos' creation (idk which)


The where I start to get even better, despite my characters still having flaws...

This only includes the characters I don't support anymore. It's 2016-2020 because Sonic vs Pokemon characters made during that period (with one of the latest ones being Pichu)

SSBM Mario (πŸ€”/πŸ‘)

Origin: Super Mario

Released: 2016

Re-Released: December 26, 2019

Credits: Oldskoolmario (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on old SSB Kung Fu Man template

Previously developed for SSBM Mugen Edition or something

SSBM Pikachu (πŸ€”/πŸ‘)

Origin: Pokemon

Released: 2016

Re-Released: December 26, 2019

Credits: SemiJuggalo (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on old SSB Kung Fu Man template

Previously developed for SSBM Mugen Edition or something

SSBM Young Link (πŸ€”/πŸ‘)

Origin: The Legend of Zelda

Finished: 2016

Released: 2018

Re-Released: December 26, 2019

Credits: SemiJuggalo (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on old SSB Kung Fu Man template

Previously developed for SSBM Mugen Edition or something

SMA4 Yoshi (πŸ‘Ž)

Origin: Super Mario

Released: 2016

Re-Released: December 10, 2021

Spriteswap?: No, based on DOS Kung Fu Man

I don't think this character is good anymore than I thought before, and it (perhaps) has stolen code or something, but have fun bashing this thing.

MvC Pesky Mario (πŸ€”/πŸ‘)

Origin: Super Mario

Released: 2016

Re-Released: August 26, 2022

Credits: NO Body the Dragon (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on SMvC Template

This is where I had efforts with making a decent character on SMvC template, but success was varying depending on each MUGENite.

MvC Peach (πŸ€”)

Origin: Super Mario

Released: 2016

Re-Released: August 26, 2022

Credits: Hans-460 (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on SMvC Template

This character has a glitch with Peach Blossom move where the opponent would float after being put to sleep, therefore it's not that good.

MvC Pesky Luigi (πŸ€”/πŸ‘)

Origin: Super Mario

Released: 2016

Re-Released: August 26, 2022

Credits: NO Body the Dragon (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on SMvC Template

Again, same story as my MvC Pesky Mario

MvC Toon Link (πŸ€”/πŸ‘)

Origin: The Legend of Zelda

Released: 2016

Re-Released: August 26, 2022

Credits: Sam (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on SMvC Template

This is where I learnt to make Boomerang-like move, and this was indeed the closest decent Toon Link version you would get for your MUGEN collection. Sadly, this one didn't age well like all others due to Shim beating this Toon Link (though I originally was negative about this, I was already changed later as I now don't mind bashing this Toon Link along with every other SMvC-based creation)

MvC Jigglypuff (πŸ€”)

Origin: Pokemon

Released: 2016

Re-Released: August 26, 2022

Credits: Tonberry2k (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on SMvC Template

Originally stated to be the only Super Smash Flash 1 Jigglypuff made for MUGEN, but actually I learned in January 2024 that the sprites featured in this Jigglypuff are much newer than what was featured in SSF1 (just rip the sprites from SSF1 and compare them with those available on The Spriters Resource)

Sonic (πŸ‘)

Origin: Sonic

Released: 2016

Re-Released: December 7, 2022

Credits: Mod. Gen Project Team (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on Kung Fu Man

The entire finished Sonic vs Pokemon roster so far (πŸ€”)

Released: 2016 to 2020

Spriteswap?: No, based on DOS KFM template.

These were made with varying success. Leads to another page where those SvP characters are hosted.

Azurill (latroy6-style) (πŸ‘Ž)

Finished: October 16th, 2017

Released: June 11th, 2021

Credits: JoshR (sprites)

Spriteswap?: No, based on old Latroy6-imitated Kung Fu Man template

This was for the first time I made Latroy6-styled character. His creations can be also considered mediocre, and this Azurill I made can be considered bad.


This is where I became much better at least than before. Now with custom drawn sprites!

Looking for them? Well, go back to the main page of my character creations if you want them.