This was made for those who keep asking similar questions like these. Not following anything would result a block from my YouTube channel.

Watch out for the hidden links!

Why you are called Yochi in the internet?

If I need to register on the site with some cool or silly sounding nickname, I decided to call myself as MrYoshi008 first sometime in early 2010s before 2013-14, with Yoshi being put there since back then my favorite Mario character was Yoshi. However, I later changed my name to YochiThMaster333 and the name later stuck, back when Yoshi was still my fav Mario character (which might be the reason why I changed S with a C in the first five letters of my nickname) before I switched to Luigi in even later years (sometime in 2019-2020). In early years, SquidlyPoli1 (Originally MLGPoliwhirl) called me JoshyTehMasturd9019, and due to how dumb I was back then, I also occasionally put what Poli called me back then before slowly improving myself, dropping that embarrassing nickname I received in the past.

What is MUGEN?/What is Ikemen (GO)?/What is this app?

MUGEN (pronounced as moo-gen, with hard "g" as in "get"; stylized as M.U.G.E.N) is a freeware 2D fighting game engine developed by Elecbyte, with its content made by the community. You can look up on the Wikipedia what MUGEN is, but it's not to be confused with car tuning shop that is also called "Mugen", where I might refer that company as "Mugen Motorsports".

Ikemen (GO) is an open-source MUGEN clone/remake where it's name comes from acronym written in Japanese language roughly translating to "An unfinished engine that will never be completed", which notably adds netplay modes (which never existed in any official versions of MUGEN), along with more modes that are added by fans over time. Usually with the release of Ikemen GO, people start doing content exclusively for Ikemen GO, but for me, I will always stay in MUGEN 1.0 no matter of what.

Is MUGEN/Ikemen available on my mobile device (Android/iOS)?

No. Only for Microsoft Windows. Previously released on DOS and Linux, but I don't think it will be released for Android or iOS. Also released on macOS, as far as I know, but only by fans (at least by zxthehedgehog), unless you install Windows on your Mac (which is, yes, actually possible, on iMac at least).

An open-source clone/remake of MUGEN engine, called Ikemen GO, is available on Microsoft Windows, macOS (without requiring you to install Windows on your Mac), and Linux, but like MUGEN, it is also not available on mobile devices.

There's also Paintown, which has its own version of MUGEN included within it, and is available on Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 3, Playstation Portable, Nintendo Wii, and (SURPRISE!) Android, but their MUGEN is quite unstable and therefore not recommended.

How do I open .7z archive files?

You need 7-Zip to open such archives. (WinRAR also works, but this app becomes nagware after some amount of days, as long as you don't mind that nagware message which appears every time you open the archive with WinRAR)

Você fala português?/あなたは日本語を話せますか?/¿Hablas español? (all translate to "Do you speak Portuguese/Japanese/Spanish?" respectively)

If you want to speak with me in Portuguese/Japanese/Spanish because you don't understand English, I am still forcing you to speak English when talking to me anyway, because understanding Japanese for me is like making a racing game from scratch entirely on your own (which means it's completely hard). There's the reason why I put a question about languages in FAQ page on my site.

(Japanese (Google Translated): 英語がわからないので日本語で話したいという場合でも、私と話すときは英語で話すように強制します。なぜなら、私にとって日本語を理解するのは、レースゲームをゼロから自分で作るようなものだからです(つまり、とても難しいです)。これが、私のサイトの FAQ ページに言語に関する質問を載せている理由です。)

Do you take requests?/Can you make [insert some character here]?/Can you do [character] vs [character]?/[character] vs [character] please?

No, and NEVER. This is because I can't focus on certain creation or something, due to me having varying level of interest on a specific character(s), not to mention about every person being really busy. This also affects battle requests. So ask someone else, please. Not me. Not even the magic word "please" in your request will help you.

Some creation requests can be considered as ideas, but I can't guarantee that I will make them.

Just keep in mind: if you push even harder with these requests, me blocking you is HIGHLY guaranteed.

Can you update [insert character that I didn't make here]? Like fixing stuff, adding new moves, etc.

I'm afraid not. This is too risky action to edit something without asking someone first (unless the original author died (Reuben Kee is a good example of a now-deceased creator), left the internet (Shazzo, an Australian MUGEN creator who made several characters based on Actarus' "CvS" Axel (which is actually a spriteswap of generic EasyChar template), is a good example), does not care, or allows anyone to edit the character (like I did with Joey Faust's creations, Glitz' old SSF1 Pikachu (that is not available on his site, as the other Pikachu he made uses edited sprites from MUGENX's pika) and Mike Obrecht's Liu Kang)). Also read the answer to the question above this question about editing a character I did not take part in its development.

Tell me the reason why you don't edit the characters quite often.

I won't tell you too much, but this happened with one green character from one game from one popular RPG franchise (and you know who since they debuted on some Nintendo DS game) that was edited by me without asking permission from the original author (who, yes, highly cares about their creations being edited).

Can you give me link to [private or unfinished character]?

You can download this character here (it's not that football/soccer meme I swear)

Jokes aside, if you see private or unfinished character from me or someone else on the video you watched, probably you won't receive anything. HCL's characters (which, despite some person (who also refuses to give you such characters) calls them bad, they are actually quite decent) are good examples of characters that are private (well, they were for some of them actually, with some being missing). Best to not ask links for anything featured in the video as well.

Do you make NFTs?

Of course not. Hexagonal Twitter/X and Vkontakte profile picture frames do look cool, but since it requires at least one NFT, well... You know the rest, since the internet is the internet.

Do you make collaborations in character creation?

I don't know, but I don't do collabs usually (unless it's nlgzxef's NFS Rewind (unrelated to MUGEN, and more related to my favorite racing game series Need for Speed) if I get alerted to gain some activity on this collab event), especially MUGEN ones. The one old Cream.exe I did with ThisClown17 (who was a fan of Cream the Rabbit of Sonic series) is pretty much a collab somehow since he made some code alterations and sprites with closed eye (which I could not port them completely; also I dropped the "closed eye" idea in the newest Cream.exe due to the fact that making two sets of sprites for each side is difficult and time consuming, just like Sagat's scar and eyepatch in 2D Street Fighter games and K' gloves in The King of Fighters 99-2001)

Talking about that Cream.exe you made with ThisClown: do you still work on her?

Nope. The development had to be stopped because I lost interest in this collab. Hence the new Cream.exe was made instead.

My MUGEN crashes when it tries to load your character!

My characters are intended to work with MUGEN 1.0 and newer, including IKEMEN Go, so it should not crash when MUGEN attempts to load the character. If you use earlier MUGEN versions (DOS versions or WinMUGEN) and if you hate MUGEN 1.0 just because Cheapies don't work in M1.0, I'm terribly sorry, but if you want WinMUGEN version of my characters, then this will ONLY happen only in your dreams. In other words, don't expect me to do WinMUGEN version of such character due to how very dangerous and highly controversial the cheapie community is (as most of cheapies use Null overflow glitch, being Secretary-tier Cheapies or even much dangerous than that and they can break your operating system).

And I'm really sorry to say, KaminaMario1-1, but I think you really need to move to MUGEN 1.0 or IKEMEN Go, even though you hate anything newer than WinMUGEN.

(unless you're that childhood person of mine who got virus on his old PC and lost many of their characters and then began hating MUGEN 1.0, don't read that hidden text above)

What happened to the creations like Ribombee, Piplup (MvC2 one), Petunia, etc.?

These were being made on one old HP Pavilion laptop (that now belongs to some relative of mine) before the old HDD crashed and I could not retrieve the files from it in time. Male Meowstic (that I showcased on Oliver as Latias' server) was also made on that laptop, also before the HDD crash. If they would be finished and released before that crash and after the original MvC2 Guest Fighters I've made became obsolete, they would belong to The Original MvC2 Guest Fighters section in MvC Guest Fighters.

Hey, you forgot to finish [insert character/stage/fullgame/etc name here]./Can you finish [insert character/stage/fullgame/etc name here] please? (this question was made thanks to Doki Sega/Segalodeon)

Are you stupid? I refuse to make the character you listed because:

So, before asking me that question, always ask yourself this question first: why you want me to finish the creation that I will never finish for the reasons I listed above?! You want to fill your roster with my characters only or what?!?!

So, don't expect me to finish the character I cannot develop further, so refrain asking me this and the following two questions.

I did read that, and please, I still want you to finish [insert character/stage/fullgame/etc name here] now or I will cry!!!!1!11!!!!111!!!!1!1!!!1111!!111!!!!!!!!1!1!1111!

You are the biggest moron I've ever seen. Read the reasons above or shoo before I block you from my YouTube channel if you ever comment that on any of my videos I uploaded. Avoiding blocks from my channel will be also not tolerated.

Please don't block me on YouTube/Please unblock me on YouTube/I'm gonna cry if you don't do [insert character/stage/fullgame/etc name here] (only if two answers of the questions above were ignored)

I've explained earlier, now you blew it. You're still blocked from my channel until you change.

Can I edit your character?

I don't mind if someone edits my character(s), but please, always (AND I MEAN ALWAYS) change author field from source characters. I don't accept spriteswaps, paletteswaps, name swaps, or badly-made edits in any kind (and I'm TALKING TO YOU ALL, CREATORS OF JOE (spriteswap of my old Minecraft Steve), LUIGI.EXE (spriteswap of my Mario.exe), AND PAPER DAISY 64 (the one who is a spriteswap of my old N64 Paper Mario) FOR MUGEN. You better show yourself by changing author field, please).

Why do I have to change author field in .def file?

Because you all can't show yourself and leaving it intact can lead to some confusions that I made this character despite the fact that I did NOT make it.

Hey, I recognize that/those art/sprites on your old character whose artist is unknown to you (yet).

Let me know at Discord (my old username was YochiThMaster333#2667 and my new username is yochithmaster333), I'll make the changes on the credits on the site (but not on characters' readme files themselves). This is because in the past I "stole" the fan-arts and used them as portraits, and probably before or after 2019, I forgot the authors of the fan arts because I lurked the internet long time ago when it comes to making my own MUGEN creations. As of 2022, I stopped stealing fan arts unless someone allows me to do so.

Hey, I recognize that move in your old character!

Because I had major coding skill issue back then (2014-2016 before I stopped stealing), most of my old creations are so bad that even contain codes of moves that are outright stolen from others (most notable example is my SMBZ Fire Mario that has that Hokuto Hyakuretsu Ken move from MvC1 Peter Griffin edit, and funny enough, despite all of this, HE IS STILL USED BY SPRITECLUB!)

Do your characters have custom AI inside?

Usually Sonic vs Pokemon characters I made lack any AI (or if they do have AI programmed in, never gets enabled), so anything else that is not my old creation can have AI. Even MvC-like characters I made in the past (using the notorious SMvC template) do have AI in some kind.

As of 2022, most of my MvC2-like characters, NGPC characters (since November 27th, 2022), and Nicolay Fighters characters have Winane AI included. Before that year, NGPC characters from here lacked any AI.

Since 2023, I decided to move to MUGEN 1.0-based AILevel triggers for my newer MvC2-like characters, and later my other characters like Cream.exe. This is because Winane's AI method seems to be broken when it comes to Ikemen GO's Tag team mode.

I downloaded your creation, and my antivirus says it's a malware/trojan!

Antiviruses and security systems/softwares in your computer are prone to recognizing harmless files as dangerous. This is just false positive, as it does not harm your computer.

MEGA asks for Decryption key when downloading the files (only if files were posted on Discord)

If posted on Discord as plain links, DO NOT click the embeds. Click on the links themselves instead, because embeds of MEGA links in Discord exclude the Decryption key somehow.

Alternatively, I post a raw link by sandwiching mega link between less than (<) and more than (>) signs.

Your MvC2 Emolga's sprites suck (applies only to the original version of MvC2 Emolga, pre-2023)

Blame FelixMario, because he DID make these sprites in first place (originally made for Zobbes until I picked them up since at that time when Emolga was in development, Zobbes was pretty much busy outside MUGEN stuff). Yes, back when I developed the original MvC2 Emolga, these were the only custom Emolga sprites I've could find (thanks to Google after searching "Mugen Emolga" back then) before I was able to make much better ones.