Welcome page

Welcome to my website of nothingness! Only here you can find my newest (and, probably, my best) creations here.

Please read the FAQ before asking me similar questions in here.

Site news


My time has come. I am terribly sorry, but I am officially retiring from MUGEN due to lack of interest in fighting games. Here's what I did today:

From now on, I will no longer update my MUGEN content, and I will restrict myself to racing games. Thank you all for using my creations.


Because someone asked me for Rocket Racer, I had to reupload it.


Made extra palettes for Alolan Vulpix and Russian Dub Voice for TF2 Heavy.


Made TFGAF Litten for whatever reason. (This one, thankfully, does not include that one Minun sprite, unlike the existing one.)


Updated TFGAF Pikachu and Tails because TFGAF chars have AttackMulSet that is located in StateDef -2, but as StateDef -2 can't seem to affect helpers, it is the reason why Pikachu helper-based projectiles (and Tails' Super Beam) do lower damage than Raichu's (who uses basic (non-helper-based) projectiles). Hitbox from Tails' arm cannon was removed and replaced with more proper "Width" state controller (also used with my TFGAF Pikachu), so even when the opponent is cornered, Tails' Super Beam will still hit them.


All of a sudden, I decided to make my own TFGAF Pikachu. (and no, despite the date, this is not an April Fools joke, as I'm not participating this event at all)


How much Classic Era Amys I've made so far?!

Jokes aside, Kaijin the Hedgehog-sprited Amy (whose sprites were based on Cream anyway) has returned from the depths of my awful past. Ouch.


Fixed a small oversight with aerial Up-Back direction of MvC2 Pichu's Quick Attack where it used Up-Forward animation instead.


MvC2 Pichu has been updated because I was bored. Now with diagonal Quick Attack directions!


No new creations of mine here due to lack of motivation and ideas, but I finally reuploaded my old Luigi from 2015. Once thought to be (originally) good "Pesky Plumber" Luigi becomes poorly aged eventually, as there are better "Pesky" Luigi characters in the internet.

Also, I learned that MvC Jigglypuff I've made actually uses different sprite sheet while Super Smash Flash 1 used an older sprite sheet. Just rip the actual sprites from Super Smash Flash 1 and compare them with what was featured in my MvC Jigglypuff. Mentions of SSF1 Jigglypuff were edited.


Kurtis Stryker and Cyber Sub-Zero have been updated.


Cyber Sub-Zero has been released, and Kurtis Stryker has been updated.

I'm also planning on migrating links to my MUGEN works from MEGA to MediaFire for this reason. I moved link to my Kurtis Stryker to MediaFire, since I still had account on MediaFire there.


Another Dr. Mario from my past returns.

10.11.2023 (actually 11.11.2023 MSK but who cares):

Kurtis Stryker has been updated.


Kurtis Stryker for MUGEN from Mortal Kombat 3 has been released!


Added another question to the FAQ page and I edited Mike Obrecht's Liu Kang.


Brought back almost all of Eggbomber101's stages with exactly only one stage being missing. For vore edits that were hosted on his site, however, I'm not gonna do that.


Brought back another creation from depths of my past. Due to it having 999 defense points and being inspired by no longer available DCvM Amy Rose by Dark Chaos, it is one of the strongest creations I've ever made. The creation in question is none other than Super Amy.


Updated MvC2 Emolga to fix small infinite relating to Shoryuken/Thunder Punch. I also realized that Charles Martinet is no longer voicing Mario, so I guess I added the new character-specific victory quote to my Emolga.


MvC2 Emolga has been released and all of my other MvC2 Pokemon were updated. Sadly, this marked the end of my MvC2 creations based on MugenFan98/TimsterProductions98's MvC2 template, because people find out that MvC templates are being overused in their opinion. Also, it's almost MvC2 Plusle and MvC2 Minun's one year anniversary, but I can't do anything special to them anymore for that aforementioned reason.


Bigshowofall's SSBB Mario, which is an edit of Shazzo's Super Mugen Bros Mario, is back!


All of my TFGAF-styled characers have been updated. Now I added announcer voice saying "[Character Name] Wins!"

Now what's next, YTM's TFGAF DLC Pack Patch? (yes, it will require Joey Faust's all four DLC Pack Patches and ABC's two DLC Pack Patches)


TFGAF-styled Tails has been released. However, instead of taking ripped sprites like I did with Amy and Sonic, most of sprites were taken from ssonic's Tails, similar to how AngryBirdCooler used ssonic's Knuckles sprites for his TFGAF-styled Knuckles. I also updated TFGAF-styled Sonic as well.

Will I make my own TFGAF-styled Knuckles or I'll let ABC to make his own TFGAF-styled Knuckles remake, well, I'm not really sure. Actually, I let ABC make his own Knuckles instead.


My own take on TFGAF-styled Sonic has been released. TFGAF Amy Rose has been also updated just to change her country from "Unknown" to "SEGA Land" (because Sonic franchise is owned by Sega anyway).

"If you're gonna remake your Sonic, then hold my beer, AngryBirdCooler."


TFGAF Amy Rose updated to fix unedited from template low gethit hurtboxes.


TFGAF Amy Rose updated.


Because Sonic Origins Plus was released few days ago, Amy Rose in TFGAF-style is now available. She was made before her sprites were uploaded to The Spriters Resource.

Also, unlike my usual TFGAF-style characters, she can run forward and hop backward, akin to AngryBirdCooler's Sonic and Knuckles (who can also do the same actions as Amy I did recently)


New version of Cream.exe has been released. It's based on her Nicolay Fighters-like version, but altered to turn her into 4-button character.


Released Mutiny lifebars, which also led to creation of separate page.


Rehosted more stuff from that site thanks to it increasing file size download limit for guests to 10 MB. These include Tanicfan22's characters.


MvC2 Pichu has been updated to v1.2.


My edit of Super Mugen Bros Sonic has been updated.


MvC2 Pichu updated. Russian voice for Aku Ma's Boggy B was released.

In fact, the page where I posted a soundpack for Boggy B is under reconstruction as the layout was outdated (as it was made on older version of Google Sites).


My edit of Super Mugen Bros/"SMBZ" Sonic has been released. Super Mugen Bros/"SMBZ" Mario Bros have been updated as well.


My edit of Super Mugen Bros/"SMBZ" Luigi has been released, with my edit of Super Mugen Bros/"SMBZ" Mario also received an update.

I'll also plan to make similar edits to Shazzo's Sonic, Metal Sonic, and Boo, and I might also also make Tails in a similar way as my edits of Shazzo's Mario Bros of the never finished project, since the base character will be my own Tails.


A little update on my Super Mugen Bros project inspired Tails.

On a side note, I've finally rehosted Shazzo's Mega Man X.


Released Super Mugen Bros-imitated Tails and edited one of Shazzo's creations (Mario of that same Super Mugen Bros project, aka "SMBZ" Mario, to be specific). Both  available here at Super Mugen Bros Characters.

Also I removed separated page featuring 3D Emolga edit. It can be still downloaded from Other Characters page (which was also updated).

And also rehosted Shazzo's "Super Mugen Bros project" characters, including newer version of his Mario found in his Boo's backup archive (portraits and name were restored manually)


Removed Sonic vs Pokemon page and replaced with Full Games page. Nicolay Fighters page has been also moved.

And also a few more Old Characters rehosted, with Sonic vs Pokemon characters moved to this page.


All my NGPC characters were updated.

28.11.2022 (not posted the details until 29.11.2022):

NGPC B.B.Hood released!


NGPC Ryo Sakazaki released! It's about (censored) time since 2017.


The original MvC1 Emolga has been updated up to the v1.9.6 Final. Since that moment, the support of MvC1 Emolga has been finally ended.


Updated Great Turquoise Zone stage edit, and updated the style in Other section in Stages page with updated screenshots and new links that replace Dropbox links with MEGA ones.


Tekken Advance stages added to Stages page, some of the old stages I've made were reuploaded, some existing ones were replaced with MEGA link instead of Dropbox one, and some got their music replaced. Most of old stages received new preview pictures, and some come from my Sonic vs Pokemon full game.


Updated the FAQ. People tend to not read it, so read it before asking!


Updated SMB1 Bowser's Castle stage. Now featuring World 9-3 from The Lost Levels at the cost of a remixed-by-TheLegendOfRenegade version of one Super Mario All-Stars King Koopa theme (which you can always find it at Uncle Plas' Scrapheap if you want to bring back the theme of the old stage)


Added the new page called "Other". For now it contains one Translation for Fighter Factory 3 and few more translations for Font Factory. Fighter Factory 3 translation was the hard work, to be honest.


MvC2 Pichu released! Also, with the release of Pichu, Plusle and Minun were also updated.

(forgot to tell at that date before 12.09.2022) I also rehosted This Boy's Pichu, since his site was taken down.


Donut Plains 1 from Super Mario Kart has been released as a stage. Check out Nintendo section!

Also, started a new WIP, which is a MvC2 Pichu. Its sprite can be seen at the preview of SMB1 SMAS Bowser's Castle stage.


Did nothing new here but I rehosted XTails225X's Tails. I feel sorry for him after his disappearance after 2016 (where he was still working on his Pikachu but he does not seem to make new videos).

"You were good, son, real good. Maybe even the best." - TF2 Soldier


Minun's voice lines were made a bit quieter (but still feel distorted).


MvC2 Plusle and Minun were updated a bit.


So much stuff I made in the past was rehosted.

Also updated the FAQ.


MvC2 Minun released! At least unlike my second attempt at Minun, it's not just a spriteswap anymore.

Also, MvC2 Plusle has been updated. And on the page of my old characters, the artist of one split art of Cream and Cream.exe (that was used on my old Cream.exe's portrait) was found, it was CloverLeaf777. Thanks to Derpy Sponge for letting me know the one who made that art that I used it as a portrait of a character I made eight (REDACTED) hours years ago.


MvC2 Plusle released! Yes, it's the first version, so feedback is appreciated.

08.08.2022 (not posted the update details before 09.08.2022 cuz I was forced to go to sleep):

Redesigned .exe Characters page. Yoshi DCvM rehosted.


Nicolay Fighters Cream.exe updated. Old versions of my Dr. Mario and Classic Amy were rehosted for collection purposes only.

For the Cream.exe update, I included "2014" mode that gives Cream.exe moves that were recreated from the first ever Cream.exe version I've made, but also removes teleport, pillars of fire, and Shun Goku Satsu (since the first version of Cream.exe I've made never had those moves before Dark Chaos' Sonic.exe was released). The "2014" palette mode can be selected if the character was selected while holding Start button (only with crm-exe.def file; crm-exe_normal.def file only includes default palette mode) or if the special crm-exe_2k14.def file was used (as that file is used for permanent "2014" palette mode)

For those two old creations I made in 2014 (Dr. Mario and Classic Amy), I left the mandatory character files intact, and for one of them (Classic Amy), I used WinMUGEN version because when I used WinMUGEN version of BrokenMUGEN screenpack, my Classic Amy was MUGEN 1.0 only (as the base character was M1.0 Kung Fu Man), and I tried to convert the said character for WinMUGEN use, where I also, due to lack of knowledge, broke the large portrait's palette.


Updated the page of my old and bad creations by adding legend (which will let you know which character is good, which is for collection purposes only, and which has mixed opinion from me), a note that is this character a spriteswap or not, and added two old creations on this page, who are Pokemon Ranger Minun and Super Mario World 1 Yoshi. These were put into the aforementioned page because they are very minor DOS KFM edits.


SvC MotM Ryu has been fixed because I overlooked Shin Shoryuken's code. Now Ryu can't go to moon anymore.


Finally updated my SvC MotM Ryu I made back in 2016. I also plan to work on two characters: Ken and B.B.Hood (also known as Bulleta in Japan), both from the same game I took Ryu's sprites from, i.e. SNK vs Capcom: Match of the Millenium.

The updated SvC MotM Ryu can be now found, and played with, here, or as I should say, the brand new page I've made dedicated to my NGPC characters (that are not 1-by-1 conversions)


SMBZ Fire Mario was re-released from 2015. While at the same time bad creation, it is noteworthy that it was used by SpriteClub Community and it won The Great Escape tournament of February 2022.


Finally rehosted Weegee's Pachirisu. The what I uploaded on Andersonkenya1 Forum was perhaps the original release since files are dated back 2014-2015, and now it's here, now replacing the now deleted official MediaFire link to this Pachirisu. Hosted Creations page has been redesigned, too. Go check Hosted Creations page to see anything I've could to reupload after their links are down or the sources are not acceptable for many people.

Also, this very Welcome page got a slight update here.


My own version of TFGAF Azumarill has been released because I was bored. I know that Joey Faust made his own Azumarill in first place, though my version might count as "EX" version since the moves are almost same though I added Iron Tail special move and the super move from MvC Azumarill.


IslandD1 stage from Trackmania United has been released.

Also, the very, very first versions of Tails.exe and Cream.exe were re-released. Except I changed their internal names from "Dan" (used to make jade_midori/Daniel9999999's self insert (Daniel, now Rudy) laugh at this black demon fox for fun even though this isn't funny anymore) and "Symbiote Cream" (because her sprites somehow were barely edited (except for recoloring) as her white/silver pupils aren't there) to Tails.exe and Cream.exe respectively, because back then I was 13 years old while making them at first place (and they were made back when I had a purple HP Pavilion and no Bandicam) and I didn't have such big brain, so yeah. (yet I also can't unsee Tails.exe's portrait that I stole from some art made using Euvoria character builders)


Had to update Cream.exe again because player version has an issue with her Fireball move (fast version uses medium-paced version instead)


Nicolay Fighters-style Cream.exe has been updated with 2 new moves and some fixes.


Fully finished an updated version of MvC Guest Fighters page. I also removed MvC1 Leafeon Leftovers' and MvC2 Marine's pages as well as there's no infoboxes in the new Google Sites.

Also finally finished an updated version of Old Characters page, with also including some chars I made back in 2015, and SMA4 Yoshi from 2016 that I am no longer proud of. Cringy Mario's and all of SSBM Crew's pages are gone as well.


MvC2 Emolga received her final update, with MvC Guest Fighters page being updated. Unfortunately, most of MvC2 Pokemon were cancelled since their files were on my HP Pavilion's now damaged original HDD (the one before it was replaced by new HDD with Windows 10). Minccino, however, will be made on a different MvC2 template (and, in the future, there will be hope to remake MvC2 Emolga and Marill on the same MvC2 template as Minccino).


Nicolay Fighters template has been updated.


Cream.exe in the same gameplay style as my Jackinaisy has been released, with Jackinaisy being updated (now only works in MUGEN 1.0+). Also released my character template made in the same gameplay style as my characters for my full game.

Oh yeah, Nicolay Fighters Main and Character pages got updated. Title screen screenshot was removed, now the logo of the game on Game's Main Page is now shown instead of plain text


Fighting Toad, my first ever creation and my first ever spriteswap of an already bad character, has been returned! (no character page of him for now since I'm pretty much lazy)

Plus, the logo of myself (made with Kitchen Police font) has been finally made. And it now appears as the icon of my site!


Moved the site to the newer Google Sites platform because Google reminded everyone who still use old Google Sites platform to move to the newer version. Some pages might look broken, especially Sonic vs Pokemon characters page.


Nicolay Fighters page has been created, where at same time Jackinaisy Yoshida saw worldwide release (originally released on 25.01.2021 for those who have exclusive download pass on my Discord server).

If you wanna contribute the project or suggest something for this game, you may join my Discord server.


Not related to MUGEN, but my Discord server has been reopened since its private days after the hate account raid.


Sonic that was made for Sonic vs Pokemon has been finally finished and finally released.


Hoo, boy. Looks like I'm working on another Sonic vs Pokemon update. Sorry for a very big delay.

Pichu that I made for SvP has been released (though it's actually an edit of my SvP Pikachu). Unlike my other SvP fighters, Pichu has a Oshawott-esque smartpal (head and arms share colors, but rest of body is color separated).

Why not to go to SvP Characters page and download him now?


gabe2006's older version of PokePark 2 + Anime soundpack for MvC1 Emolga has been rehosted. The reason why I did that is because the soundpack on GameBanana was updated with higher-pitched sound from PP2 and Pokken Tournament sound which was used in MvC1 Emolga's default soundpack were thrown into mix, which is why I don't like using newest version of PP2+Anime soundpack.


TFGAF-style Original SMW Luigi I made back in 2019 but never released until now has been finally released.


New stage released: Super Mario Maker 2 - Forest (SMB1). Available now in "Stages" page.


MvC1 Petunia is now a new WIP and she is having her own page at MvC Guest Characters page.


Roblox Speed Run 4's Level 24 stage has been reuploaded to MEGA. No changes were made to that stage except changing music to correct one (since prior to music update in Roblox SR4 it used Drop Mix of Kevin Macleod's Go Cart, not the original)


MvC2 Emolga has been updated, and a new stage (Nintendo DS) has been released. The Nintendo DS stage was actually rendered in Zmodeler 2.2.6, and it's my last MUGEN creation of 2019.


Hey, guys! I made a special page dedicated to my old characters that you never should add to your roster. Those characters from circa 2014-2016. Characters from 2014-2015 have stolen codes or are even actually spriteswaps before I learned out to code very properly, while some characters from 2016 are either buggy or something like this. The first four that made into this page were my three Super Smash Bros-like characters (Mario, Pikachu and Young Link) and one cringy one. All of those old characters re-released in 2019 won't get any changes (if character has no own portrait (and instead uses portrait from base character), the portrait will be replaced with correct one), and the page itself is for my old character collection purposes only.

18.12.2019 (UTC) - 19.20.2019 (MSK):

After 2 months and a few days of lack of newest updates, I decided to release 6 new stages. They are:

All of them are available in "Stages" page.


MvC2 Emolga is updated again.


Public beta of 3D Emolga edit is released.


Wow, around(?) 2 months I never worked on my site. No new releases nor new updates here, but MvC2 Togedemaru is revealed to be as my new WIP (will work on her if I finish other four 'mon that I'm working)!

"External Links" page was completely changed to "About Me" page (no worry, links are still in this page), and the "My Creations" page also got a change (also removed links that led to old site cuz my old Weebly-based site is down now)

Unfortunately, MvC1 Leafeon has been completely scrapped due to following reasons:

Unfinished files of MvC1 Leafeon will be released soon as possible. (Nevermind, those unfinished files of it are released if you want to continue my scrapped work)


Since it's my birthday, I updated my MvC2 Emolga yet again up to version 1.0.1.


StarPlatnum4658's (formerly Pizzasause) old SBME spriteswaps from 2015 are back! Check "Hosted Creations" page.

A (very) small update of SvP Riolu has been released. Check "SvP Characters" page, where I also edited roster for base and pro versions.


Changed Stages page's look, now stages are separated by games. Plus, I released Roblox Speed Run 4 Stages (Normal versions of Level 16 and Level 24 are my stages from 2018, Level 23 is my recent stage from SR4 and Moon version of Level 16 is an unreleased stage that is now in public)


Started on small modification to my pages, as they will now have (probably) more detailed information.

The first pages of new character select format were my MvC2 Emolga (she's not updated yet at this moment, but she is first to get her own page), MvC2 Minccino and MvC2 Ribombee (both of them were not yet released), I'll make more character pages later.


"Edits" page was removed in favour of new formatting of my MUGEN characters and stages pages.

Also, Super Smash Bros Ultimate Soundpack for PichuMario650's Pichu was released.


Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Emolga from Sonic vs Pokemon game are updated. Pikachu and Jigglypuff have their victory quotes changed since Solarflared/Dylanius9000 caught me for stealing victory quotes from his characters, while Emolga now can do some specials in air!


MvC2 Emolga has been updated again up to version 1.0.


MvC2 Marill released!


Reformatted Hosted Creations page.


MvC2 Emolga has been updated. Again.


SSB4 Soundpack for Dylanius9000/Solarflared's KOF Chespin has been released.


Since vo-jk's Paqi has been updated to make it more cheap (teleports after getting hit), I added anti-cheap patch so it won't teleport after getting hit. The soundpack has been also updated.


Actual voice for vo-jk's Pachirisu (paqi) has been released.


I had to release Marine the Raccoon early. Why? Because I lost interest on her, so I cancelled my own version of Marine the Raccoon. She looks very unfinished (no specials, but she has 1 super), though, but you can finish her by yourself.

Also, "Work in Progress" page has been removed, because, you know, all WIPs are in corresponding characters category pages (for example, if I'm working on MvC character, this WIP will be seen in MvC Guest Characters page)


SSB4 Soundpack form Tanicfan22's Custom/SSBM Luigi has been released.


Added "Sonic vs Pokemon" page, and SvP Characters page has been moved. Also I scaled down stage previews.


Piplup (SvP version) is now has actual voice instead of classic cry.

Also renamed "Palettes" to "Palettes & Addons" which now will contain not only palettes, but also some other minor things such as sound packs.


Another minor update of my MvC2 Emolga.

26.06.2018 - 27.06.2018:

A minor update of my MvC2 Emolga. Catch her here.


Just a release of beta version of Zobbes-esque MvC2 Emolga. Well, you can catch her at the same page where you download my MvC1 Pokemon.


Someone told me to leak Windows Longhorn Build 4015 as MUGEN stage. Well, I did. Splendid!


Another update of my MvC Emolga. Grab it at "MvC Guest Characters" page.


I've finally made Discord server! Check this out: https://discord.gg/pbV5YmT


MvC version of Emolga has been updated (again). Catch it at "MvC Guest Characters" page!


MvC version of Emolga has been updated. Now it has Discharge as a level 3 super. Catch it at "MvC Guest Characters" page!


SvP version of Emolga has been released. Catch it at "SvP Characters" page!


MvC Pachirisu has been released + minor update of my MvC Emolga. Catch 'em at "MvC Guest Characters" page!


Happy April Fools! The "All we had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!" stage has been released! Grab this at "Stages" page!


Added "Joke Characters" page along with Ridge Racer '11 punching bag.

27.03.2018 - 28.03.2018:

"MvC Guest Characters" page has been added along with release of MvC version of Emolga. Grab your Pokeballs and catch it (Emolga) at aforementioned page.


Jigglypuff has been released! Grab it in "SvP Characters" page!


"SvP Characters" page has been reformatted for easier navigation.


Tails.exe has been updated! You can get him at "My Creations" > "Characters" > ".exe Characters" page!

Cream.exe has been updated too! You can also get her at "My Creations" > "Characters" > ".exe Characters" page!


Beta version of Mario.exe is now available for download. You can get him at "My Creations" > "Characters" > ".exe Characters" page!

All my beta released .exe Characters are now moved from "Work in Progress" to "My Creations" > "Characters" > ".exe Characters" page.


Beta version of Tails.exe is now available for download. You can get him at "Work in Progress" page!

Cream.exe has been updated. You can also get her at "Work in Progress" page!

A new stage (Bowser's Castle) is now available. Check out "My Creations" > "Stages" page!