Upstream Useful Components

  • Dechirper (to narrow or broaden the spectrum of each pulse up to four-fold)

    • Ladder (Si part used for extra attenuation at high energies, the 510 um wafer in slot 12 is usually ok, it is in lclshome, row profile monitor, column DMP1, click ladder controls under simple ladder. We can't move it but see what they are doing)

  • Vernier (to change the energy some tens of eV, and up to 150 or 200 eV, depending on the energy)

  • XTCAV (for measuring the pulse length)

      • The xtcav has to be included in the daq stream, the camera can be viewed in the yagviewersepics. Call MCC to set it up, and then for every beam configuration take a dark run without ebeam (request to MCC) and with ebeam but no lasing (request to MCC). To look at the reconstruction: go to lcls home, in the second column xtcav feedback and click on trex menu.

  • KMono (fixed energy mono 8.2 keV)

  • Gas Monitor Detector

  • V slot (for cutting the beam length down to 1 to 10 fs...)

    • FEE Single Shot Spectrometer: a thin crystal transmissive spectrometer for monitoring and recording the x-ray pulse spectrum in a single shot basis

Energies Achieved by the LCLS: