An artificial channel-cut monochromator (CCM) is available for use on the XPP instrument. The system design is adopted from the work of Narayanan et al. (J. Synchrotron Rad. (2008) 15, 12-18). This system currently uses Si (111) crystals and thus has a energy resolution of 1.4x10-4 (ΔE/E). The mechanics of this system are appropriate for scanning measurements such as those required for various X-ray spectroscopies. The CCM may be retracted when not needed. Please note that the CCM displaces the beam +7.5 mm in the vertical plane at 6.5keV.

The lower energy bound is ~4.5 keV (I L-edge) and the higher is above 18 keV

More info about the mono in the pdf below.