
You keep all your players here. Press "+" button to add players. Press "Edit" button to delete unwanted players if you typed wrong name or the player does not belong to your team any longer.Once you know all the players in your team, add all the names of the players here.At the beginning of each game, you mark who's present and who's absent.If a player has to leave in the middle of a game, you can still mark him or her "Absent". He or she will be removed from Field segment.Tapping player's name will lead you to Player Info page which is described below.The left is Player Info page where you can write the player's email address and select the player as goalie.The email address is used when sending email to all players.By turning on Goalie option, you can count goalie time differently from other players playing time. Set goalie time factor from "Settings" system application. The possible values are: 0%, 25%, 33.3%, 50%, 100%.So for example, setting it to 33.3% means only 1/3 of goalie time will be counted as actual playing time. The default value is 50%.Only one goalie can be selected at a time. This means that if you want to switch goalie, you can choose other player and the previous goalie will be deselected.You can also substitute goalie from "Field" segment. When you touch "Note" button from Player Info page above, you get to "Note" page for this player.You can write any notes about this player. Notes for all players can be emailed to all players and/or any addresses you choose from "Mail" segment.