
All previous game statistics will be recorded here.

Use Edit button to delete entries added by mistake or delete all entries at the end of the season or start of a new season.

Tap each game history to see playing time and scores and assists of all players for the game.

"Players" button will show season total playing times and scores and assists of all players. "Player Stats" page is displayed below.

Hitting each game will display the statistics of the game. The number in green is the number of scores of each player and the number in yellowish color is the number of assists of the player. The playing time is always in the format of HH:MM:SS. This list is sorted on playing times in descending order. "Player Stats" page shows the seasonal total playing times and total scores and total assists of all players.The green numbers are the total scores and the yellowish numbers are the total assists of all players for the season. The playing time is always in the format of HH:MM:SS. This list is sorted on playing times in descending order.Previous: Score Next: Mail