
Pok3rAHK is a simple binding system that converts any keyboard into a fully functional 60% keyboard.

It runs using AutoHotkey

The script is available on github:


The keys actually just move inwards into the keyboard in mainly logical order:

Basically with a 60% layout, you never have to move your hands away from the 61 key main cluster. When coding, it was previously annoying

hopping my hands away from the letters/numbers to the arrow keys + home/end key cluster. Now, i can type and then hold down fn + ijkl to move arrows.

Combining this with ctrl + fn + ijkl lets me move a word at a time, and everything flows very nicely.

I could already code a few functions without having to touch the mouse, now i can do the same thing without having to move my hands away from

the main cluster.

I still use a full size 104-key keyboard at work, so whenever i actually need the numpad, or someone else needs to use the keyboard,

it still works like a regular keyboard (except for capslock - but who uses that?)

After you get used to the 60% life, it's hard to use other keyboards. By using this script, i can simply grab it off github on any computer,

Update in 2022:
I have this installed on some communal computers at work, and a few of the fellow developers like it so much that they have learned the bindings. It definitely stops the disgusting right hand stretch to the navigation clusters!