Hand-wired 60% keyboard

This is a guide to construct a TMK-compatible 60% keyboard. The main aims are:

  • Low cost (not including tools). The aim is to make a practical layout as cheaply as possible. Since building keyboards is a hobby, we are going full-hardcore hand-wired. This is only a bit cheaper than a pcb version, and adds way more effort.
  • Run TMK
  • 60% layout
  • No LEDs
  • Hand-wired
  • Wooden case

If you want a 60% programmable keyboard for cheap, get the Anne Pro. It costs less and comes fully assembled with full RGB lighting, bluetooth and heaps of other great features.

Unfortunately, the firmware wasn't TMK and had heaps of limitations, such as FN + R T Y U B all doing extra things. Since Obins didn't open source their firmware, I reluctantly had to change to a TMK based keyboard.

This guide is from my own experience. I recommend that you complement your research by reading other people's guides.