Laser Scribing Complex


The Laser Scribing Complex is a dedicated and independent plant for the improvement of grain oriented electrical steel properties of most interest for industrial applications through laser beam surface treatment (Laser Scribing)

The heart of the plant is the Laser Scribing System which purpose is to modify, opportunely, the state and size of the magnetic domains in grain oriented electrical steel (GOES) sheets through the use of laser sources, in order to increase the overall material efficiency by reducing its core losses.

This effect is obtained by irradiating a specific portion of the surface of the GOES sheet with a laser beam whose energy density and whose interaction time are carefully determined and controlled in order to:

  • ensure the reduction of the core losses due to hysteresis cycle, when the material is subject to the action of an oscillating magnetic field with sinusoidal 50 Hz and intensity of the order of Tesla

  • reduce the core losses due to eddy current

  • avoid any damage to the surface coating.

The result is a linear treatment across the width of the magnetic steel sheet and perpendicular to the orientation of the magnetic domains.

The spacing of adjacent parallel lines is also defined and controlled in order to obtain a good compromise between productivity and process result.

The Laser Scribing Complex is composed of the following units:

  1. Decoiler and Coiler unit

  2. Laser Butt-Welding Coil-Joiner TeSLA 1500 (TeSLA 1500 system)

  3. Laser Scribing System for grain oriented electrical steel applications (Laser Scribing System)

  4. Online measurement system of the electrical steel magnetic properties before and after Laser Scribing treatment

  5. Coating Integrity Monitor system


  • Coils weight: up to 10.000 kg

  • Strip width: up to 1200 mm

  • Strip thickness: starting from 0,10 mm

  • Laser source: Fiber Laser

  • Laser Power: no. 2 x 5000 W (one for each optical bench)

  • Travel speed of GOES sheet: 100 m/min

  • Operation mode: 24 hours

  • Personnel necessary for plant operation: 2 for 8 hours shift

  • Remote technical service system

Laser Scribing Complex scheme

Laser Scribing Complex