Civilian Prisoners IV-Wheeling

This list of prisoners came from government records on microfiche of prisoners who were arrested by the military and sent to Wheeling, from which most were sent to Camp Chase. These are not arrests made by the Pierpont government, which have never been transcribed and are much more numerous. The microfiche is very difficult to read, in some cases impossible, and I have put question "?" marks where the reading was doubtful. If you have a question about any of the names I have included the page numbers where they can be found. These records were arranged alphabetically from numerous record books and re-transcribed, and I think some errors in dating were made in the new transcriptions. Some of the arrests were women, though not very many. This is the book from which I made this list, which consists entirely of those arrests marked "citizen". The vast majority of arrests were Confederate soldiers and I have not included any of those.


CC = Camp Chase

RO = released on oath

ROB = released on oath and bond

Civilian Prisoners IV-Wheeling — List page from Classic Sites