
Academic Works

(A) 專書、編輯專書、翻譯 Books, Edited Books, Translations

Wu Jieh-min (tr. Stacy Mosher), 2022, Rival Partners: How Taiwanese Entrepreneurs and Guangdong Officials Forged the China Development Model. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center.


Brian C.H. Fong, Wu Jieh-min, Andrew J. Nathan, eds. 2021. China’s influence in the Centre-periphery Tug of War in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Indo-Pacific. Routledge.


    • 書評與對話:

      • 謝國雄:「租」從何來?「租」作何解?廣東模式、尋租發展型國家與資本主義,《台灣社會學》第39期,137-166頁2020年6月。

      • 黃崇憲:「《尋租中國:台商、廣東模式與全球資本主義》:回應與對話」,《台灣社會學》第38期,183-194頁。2019年12月。

      • 王宏仁:「貢獻於紅色帝國的半邊陲資本--書評:吳介民著,《尋租中國:臺商、廣東模式與全球資本主義》」,《台灣社會學刊》第66期, 頁191+193-202。2019年12月。

      • 吳介民:「回應王宏仁教授評論《尋租中國》」,《台灣社會學刊》第66期,頁231-237。2019年12月。




赫緒曼著,吳介民譯,2013,《反動的修辭》( Albert O. Hirschman, The Rhetoric of Reaction, the Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1991),台北:左岸。



(B) 期刊論文 Journal Articles

Wu Jieh-min, 2022, "The Hong Kong-Taiwan Nexus in the Shadow of China," The Asia-Pacific Journal, September 15, Volume 20, Issue 16, Number 7, Article ID 5733. https://apjjf.org/2022/16/Wu.html.

Wu Jieh-min, 2021, “Hong Kong Deve Studiare la Lezione di Formosa (原題:Hong Kong and Taiwan, Past and Present)”, Limes: Rivista Italiana di Geoplolitica, 2021(9), 147-158. (Full Text)

簡國龍、廖美、吳介民,2021,〈國產疫苗緊急使用授權爭議與因應路徑〉《記疫》,2021 年 6 月 15 日,https://covid19.nctu.edu.tw/article/9313


吳介民, 2019, “中国のシャープパワーと、台湾・中国における地政学と経済関係の変化(中國銳實力與中台地緣政治經濟關係的變化)”, 愛知大學國際問題研究所紀要, 第153號,頁1-17. (Full Text)


Wu Jieh-min, 2017, “Migrant Citizenship Regimes in Globalized China: A Historical-Institutional Comparison”, Rural China, 14(1), 128-154. (Full Text)






吳介民,2012,〈革命在他方?此刻記憶1980年代〉,《思想》,第22期, 頁157-178。(全文)



Tseng, Yen-fen and Wu Jieh-min, 2011, “Reconfiguring Citizenship and Nationality: Dual Citizenship of Taiwanese Migrants in China”, Citizenship Studies, 15(2), 265-282. (SSCI) (IF: 1.24; SSCI ranking: 49.7%)(Full Text)

Mark Selden and Wu Jieh-min n, 2011, “The Chinese State, Incomplete Proletarianization and Structures of Inequality in Two Epochs”, The Asia-Pacific Journal, 9(5), No 1. (Full Text)



吳介民,2009,〈「中國模式」或多重複雜的制度形構?中國研究專題導論〉,《台灣社會學》,第18 期,頁1-3。(TSSCI)(全文)






Wu Jieh-min, 2004, “Beyond the Blue-Green Tango: Social Movement vs. National Security in the 320 Referendum Dispute”, Issues and Studies, 40(3/4), 342-353. (Full Text)



Wu Jieh-min, 2002, “Imminent Collapse or Tolerable Instability?”, Issues and Studies, 38(2), 248-250.


Wu Jieh-min, 2001, “State Policy and Guanxi Network Adaptation in China: Local Bureaucratic Rent-Seeking”, Issues and Studies, 37(1), 20-48. (Full Text)



Wu Jieh-min, 1997, “Strange Bedfellows: Dynamics of Government-Business Relations between Chinese Local Authorities and Taiwanese Investors”, Journal of Contemporary China, 6(15), 319-346. (SSCI) (IF: 1.575; SSCI ranking: 11.8%)(Full Text)


(C) 專書論文 Book Chapters


Wu Jieh-min, 2021, “More than sharp power: Chinese influence operations in Taiwan, Hong Kong and beyond”, editor(s): Brian Fong, Wu Jieh-min, and Andrew Nathan, China’s influence in the Centre-periphery Tug of War in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Indo-Pacific, pp. 24-44, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge.

Wu Jieh-min and Liao Mei, 2021, “China’s influence on Taiwan’s elections: The impact of the “1992 Consensus” on presidential elections”, editor(s): Brian Fong, Wu Jieh-min, and Andrew Nathan, China’s influence in the Centre-periphery Tug of War in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Indo-Pacific, pp. 173-190, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge.


Wu Jieh-min and Tsai Hung-jeng, 2020, “The China Factor in Taiwan: Incentive Structure, Impact Assessment, and Counteractions,” pp. 205-236 in Hsu Szu-chien and J. Michael Cole eds., Insidious Power: How China Undermines Global Democracy. Manchester, UK: Eastbridge Books.

Wu Jieh-min, 2019, “Taiwan’s Sunflower Occupy Movement as a Transformative Resistance to the “China Factor"”, editor(s): Ching Kwan Lee, Ming Sing, Take Back Our Future: An Eventful Sociology of the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement, pp. 215-240, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. (Full Text)


吳介民, 2017, “中國因素作用力與反作用力”, editor(s): 吳介民、蔡宏政、鄭祖邦, 吊燈裡的巨蟒:中國因素作用力與反作用力, pp. 21-85, 台北: 左岸.

Wu Jieh-min, 2016, “The China Factor in Taiwan: Impact and Response”, editor(s): Gunter Schubert, Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan, pp. 425-445, London and New York: Routledge. (Full Text)

吳介民、廖美, 2016, “佔領,打破命定論”, editor(s): 林秀幸、吳叡人, 照破:太陽花運動的振幅、縱深和視域, pp. 117-163, 台北: 左岸文化. (Full Text)

吳介民, 2016, “政治ゲームとしてのビジネス―台湾企業の政治的役割をめぐって”, editor(s): 園田茂人、蕭新煌, チャイナ・リスクといかに向きあうか-日韓台の企業の挑戦 (《怎麼面對中国風險:台日韓企業的挑戰》), pp. 35-74, 東京: 東京大學出版會. (Full Text)

Wu Jieh-min, 2015, “Taiwan after the Colonial Century: Bringing China into Foreground”, editor(s): Shu-Mei Shih and Ping-Hui Liao eds., Comparatizing Taiwan, pp. 278-294, London and New York: Routledge. (Full Text)








Wu Jieh-min, 2010, “Rural Migrant Workers and China's Differential Citizenship: A Comparative-Institutional Analysis”, editor(s): Martin King Whyte ed., One Country, Two Societies: Rural-Urban Inequality in Contemporary China, pp. 55-81, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Full Text)








Wu Jieh-min, 2000, “Launching Satellites: Predatory Land Policy and Forged Industrialization in Interior China”, editor(s): Si-ming Li, Wing-shing Tang, China's Regions, Polity and Economy: A Study of Spatial Transformation in the Post-Reform Era, pp. 309-349, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (Full Text)


(D) 研討會論文 Conference Papers

Wu Jieh-min, 2020, "Taishang, China, and Global Value Chains," keynote speech presented at the International Symposium on Global Chinese Entrepreneurship, organized by UCLA Asia Pacific Center, November 20 (Online).

吳介民,2019,〈中國因素2.0:地緣政治經濟變化與中國影響力在台灣之擴散與演化〉,發表於解構銳實力:中國因素2.0學術研討會,國立中山大學東南亞研究中心,高雄:國立中山大學東南亞研究中心,2019-12-12 ~ 2019-12-13。



Wu Jieh-min and Hung-jeng Tsai, 2018, "The China Factor in Taiwan: Incentive Structure, Impact Assessment, and Counter-Actions," paper presented at the workshop on “The corrosion of democracy under China’s global influence,” organized by the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, May 28-29, 2018.

Wu Jieh-min, 2018, The Making of Taiwanese National Identity: Indigenization, the China Factor, and the Anxiety of “To-Be-Unified”, presented at the “Sunflowers and Umbrellas: Social Movements, Expressive Practices, and Political Culture in Taiwan and Hong Kong” conference, March 16-17, 2018, Institute of East Asian Studies and Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley.


Wu Jieh-min and Hung-Jeng Tsai, 2017, The China Factor in Taiwan: Incentive Structure, Impact Assessment, and Counter-Actions, presented at the workshop, “The corrosion of democracy under China’s global influence”, organized by Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, Sept. 2017, Arlington, VA.

Wu Jieh-min, 2017, "Taiwan’s Sunflower Occupy Movement as a Transformative Event," presented at the “Workshop on the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement,” organized by HKUST, January 4-5, 2017.







Wu Jieh-min, 2016. "Notes on the Tensions between Taiwanese Nationalism and Chinese Irredentism", conference on "Conceptions of the Nation-state: China, Taiwan, Hong Kong", April 27, EHESS, Paris.

​Wu Jieh-min, 2015, "The Sunflower Movement as a Social Resistance to the China Factor: A Long Durée Perspective", presented on the workshop "Towards an Eventful Sociology of the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement", Nov. 14, 2015, Hong Kong, HKUST.

吳介民、廖美​,2015 「To Be or Not To Be: 統獨意願與預期的落差與世代效應」,發表於「太陽花運動與中國效應」(2015中國效應工作坊),2015年10月16日,台北:中央研究院社會學研究所。

Wu Jieh-min, 2015, "The Origins and Transformation of the Growth Alliance in Guangdong," the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), 2-4 July, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London.

Wu Jieh-min, 2015, “Rediscovering the China Factor: Overview of the China Impact in Taiwan," The 2nd World Congress of Taiwan Studies (Taiwan Studies: The State of the Field), June 18-20, SOAS, London.

吳介民,2015,「政治機會與長波段抗爭:比較野百合太陽花」,「學生運動與社會正義」(中央研究院社會學所二十週年所慶學術研討會), 5月 29,30 日,台北南港,中研院。


Wu Jieh-min, 2015, "Path to the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan: the China Factor and Implications for Hong Kong," colloquium on "Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement in Regional Perspective," Center for Social Theory and Comparative History, UCLA, Feb. 23, Los Angeles.

Wu Jieh-min, 2014, “Business as United Front Work: The Taiwanese Collaborators in the Cross-Strait Government-Business Relations”, paper presented on the international conference on “Political Risks and Foreign Business in China: Japan, Taiwan and South Korea in Comparison”, organized by Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica and Institute of Advanced Studies on Asia, the Tokyo University, December 22, 2014, Taipei.

Wu Jieh-min, 2014, “China Factor and Resistance from Taiwan’s Civil Society”, seminars on “China’s United Front Strategies: Lessons from Taiwan, Hong Kong and its Neighbours”, organized by University of Surrey and London School of Economics and Political Science, December 2-3, 2014, Guildford and London.

Wu Jieh-min, 2014, “Comparing the Social Movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan,” “The Borders of Democracy: New Developments in Hong Kong-China and Taiwan-China Relations,” organized by the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) and the University of Hong Kong, October 10, 2014, Hong Kong.

Wu Jieh-min, 2014, "The Origins and Transformation of the Growth Coalition in Guangdong: A Taiwanese Perspective," "Island vs. Empire: Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Ireland in Comparative Perspective", sponsored by the Institute of Taiwan History, the Institute of Sociology at Academia Sinica, and the Lim Pen-yuan Cultural and Educational Foundation at Academia Sinica, September 11-12, 2004, Taipei.

Wu Jieh-min, 2014, "Local Developmental State in Crisis: Transforming the EOI Strategy in Guangdong, China", 20th Conference of the European Association of China Studies (EACS), 22nd - 26th Jul 2014, Braga/Coimbra, Portugal.



吳介民,2014,「『太陽花学生運動』への道―台湾市民社会の中国要因に対する抵抗」,シンポジウム「中台関係の新展開と社会変動」,「日本台湾学会第16回学術大会」,2014 年 5 月 24 日東京大学本郷キャンパス。

Wu Jieh-min, 2014, "Boomerang Effect: Political Risks Brought Back Home by Taishang", workshop on "Political Risks of Foreign Investment in China", sponsored by Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo, March 18-19, Jeju National University, Jeju, South Korea.





Wu Jieh-min, 2013, "Type of Political Risks in Investing China and Reverse Political Effects in Taiwan", workshop on "Political Risk and Human Mobility: International Collaborative Research on the Rise of China", Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo, July 22, Tokyo.

Wu Jieh-min, 2013, "China’s Authoritarian Capitalism and Differential Migrant Citizenship," presented on the international conference “Plural Coexistence and Asian Sustainability: Asian Experiences in the Interdisciplinary Perspectives,” jointly organized by School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University and Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, March 11–12, Singapore.

吳介民,2012,〈中國珠三角發展模式變遷:1989-2009 〉,台灣社會學年會,東海大學社會學系與台灣社會學會主辦,11月24-5日,台中。


吳介民,2012,〈九二共識:兩岸政治修辭的選舉效應〉,愛知大學國際問題研究所與東吳大學政治學系主辦,「民主と兩岸關係についての東アジアの觀點」國際研討會,6月16-17日,名古屋。吳介民,2011,〈「同床異夢」二十年:珠三角模式下一家台商與地方政府關係的變遷〉,中央研究院台灣史研究所主辦 ,「臺灣人的海外活動」國際學術研討會,8 月25-26 日,台北:南港。

Wu Jieh-min, 2011, "Taiwan after the Colonial Century: Bringing China into Foreground," Conference on “Comparatizing Taiwan,” UCLA, January 21-24, Los Angeles.

Mark Selden and Wu Jieh-min, 2010, “The Chinese State, Suppressed Consumption and Structures of Inequality in Two Epochs”, paper presented at Authoritarianism in East Asia, Hong Kong: the Southeast Asia Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong, June 29-July 1, Hong Kong.




Yen-Fen Tseng and Wu Jieh-min, 2008, “Politics of Dual Membership: Regulating Taiwanese Migration to China,” paper presented on the mini-conference “Transnationalizing Taiwanese Identities in China? Gender, Consumption, and Identity Politics,” sponsored by Center for Contemporary China, December 26th, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan.

Wu Jieh-min, 2008, “Comparing Three Migrant Citizenship Regimes in Globalized China,” paper presented on the international conference “Breaking Down Chinese Walls: The Changing Faces of Labor and Employment in China,” sponsored by Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, September 26-28, 2008.


Wu Jieh-min, 2007, “Migrant Citizenship Regimes in China’s Southeast Developing Region,” paper presented at “the Annual Conference of the British Association for Chinese Studies,” University of Manchester, September 6-7th.

Wu Jieh-min, 2007, “State and Capital in the Making of Chinese Migrant Citizenship Regimes,” paper presented at “International Conference on Globalization and Development in Chinese Economic Region,” organized by Globalization Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Science, National Taiwan University, June 22-23.

Wu Jieh-min, 2007, “State and Capital in Chinese Migrant Citizenship Regimes,” paper presented at the “Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting,” Boston, March 22-25.


Wu Jieh-min, 2006, “Chinese Migrant Workers under Differential Citizenship: A Comparative-Institutional Analysis,” conference on “Rethinking the Rural-Urban Cleavage in Contemporary China,” sponsored by Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University, October 6-9.

Wu Jieh-min, 2006,〈跨海峽新社會研究綱領芻議〉(Toward a New Research Program for Trans-strait Social Studies),第二届世界中國學論壇,9月21-22日,上海社會科學院主辦。

Wu Jieh-min, 2006, “Alien Nationals: Chinese Migrant Labor under Differential Citizenship,” paper presented at the “Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting,” San Francisco, April 6-9.

吳介民,2006, 〈「華人社會民主」公共論壇的構想〉,發表於「兩岸知識份子論壇:診斷兩岸民主」研討會,東吳大學政治學系、澄社主辦,3月4日,台北:東吳大學。

Wu Jieh-min, 2005, “Taiwanese Business Associations in China: a Contested Terrain for Symbolic Sovereignty,” 發表於日本中國研究學會 (The Japan Association for Modern China Studies) 年會,愛知大學,10月22-23日。

吳介民,2005, 〈順應強權,解殖正義缺席,誤認加害者〉,發表於「誰的悲情誰的歌?從影像反思二二八與白色恐怖的記憶政治」研討會,台灣社會研究季刊、台灣大學社會科學院主辦,9月16、17日,台北,台大圖書館國際會議廳。

吳介民,2004, 與李丁讚合著,〈傳遞共通感受:公共領域修辭模式的分析〉,發表於「自由主義與新世紀台灣」學術研討會,紀念殷海光先生學術基金會主辦。

吳介民,2004, “The Contested ‘Status Quo’: Toward a Social Perspective,” 發表於「不穩定的三角:變動中的台美中關係」研討會,國立清華大學當代中國研究中心、美國哥倫比亞大學東亞研究所、教育部顧問室現代性計畫辦公室合辦,3月18日,台北,清華大學月涵堂。

吳介民,2003,「『維持現狀』的焦慮感,及其出路?」,發表於「重建想像共同體 — 國家、族群、敘述國際研討會」,圓桌討論會,「兩岸關係與台灣的共同體想像」,行政院文化建設委員會主辦,財團法人現代文化基金會承辦,12月20 – 21日,台北,國家圖書館。



Wu Jieh-min, 2002, “Whose Village? A Case Analysis of Class Relations in Coastal China,” present on the “Political and Economic Change in China under Globalization”, organized by College of the Social Sciences, National Taiwan University and Mainland Affairs Commission, Taipei, April 25-27.

吳介民,2001,〈解除克勞塞維茲的魔咒〉,發表於中研院社會學所「組織、認同與運動者:台灣社會運動研究」研討會 ,台北,六月二十一日。

Wu Jieh-min, 2000, “State Policy and Guanxi Network Adaptation: A Case Study of Local Bureaucratic Rent-Seeking in China,” presented on “The 29th Sino-American Conference on Contemporary China,” sponsored by Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, May 28-30.

Wu Jieh-min, 2000, “Fictive Ownership and Paths to Privatization in Rural China,” prepared for the conference on “Economic Reform and Institutional Change in China,” sponsored by the China Studies Taskforce, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, April 28.

吳介民,1999,〈壓榨人性空間:華南蛇尾村的故事〉,發表於東海大學「間別千年:臨界空間與社會」研討會,台中,十二月十一 – 十二日。

吳介民,1999,〈治亂循環?中國的國家—社會關係變化的線索〉,發表於國統會和政大國關中心等機構合辦,「中共建政五十週年」研討會,台北,國家圖書館,九月二十二日 – 二十三日。

吳介民,1999,〈虛擬產權與台商的「關係政治學」〉,發表於嶺南大學族群與海外華人經濟研究部以及香港海峽兩岸關係研究中心所合辦之「台商與兩岸關係研討會」,香港,十月十四日 – 十五日。

Wu Jieh-min, 1999, “‘Fish Do Not Thrive in Clean Water’: How Chinese Local Cadres Manipulate Property Rights,” paper presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 6-10.

Wu Jieh-min, 1997, “Guanxi across the Balance Sheet and the Taiwan Strait: Political Connections, Economic Structure, and Chinese Societies,” paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, Chicago, March 13-16.

Wu Jieh-min, 1995, “A Tale of Two Villages: Deconstructing the Developmentalist Image of Chinese Local Industrialization,” paper presented at the Second Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Political Science Association, Taipei, December 23-24.

Wu Jieh-min, 1995, “Strange Bedfellows: An Inquiry into the Pseudo-Joint-Venture Relationship between the Local Authorities and Foreign Capital in the Pearl River Delta,” paper presented at the conference on the “Local Development in China,” Department of Geography, National Taiwan University, March.

(E) 學術書籍導論 Book Reviews/Introductions



吳介民,2013,〈中文版導論:如何破解反動的修辭〉,《反動的修辭,赫緒曼(Albert Hirschman)著》,頁45-57,左岸文化。

吳介民,2000,〈中文版導論:從毛政權的宮廷政治,到台灣的中國研究〉,《蛻變中的中國 : 政經變遷與民主化契機》黎安友(Andrew J. Nathan)著,柯洛漪譯,頁7-14,麥田。

吳介民,1998,〈中文版導論:解析中國的戰略意圖〉,《長城與空城計:中國尋求安全的戰略》〉黎安友與陸伯彬(Andrew Nathan and Robert Ross)合著,何大明譯》,麥田。

(F) 學位論文 Degree Theses

Wu Jieh-min, 1998. "Local Property Rights Regime in Socialist Reforms: A Case Study of China’s Informal Privatization," Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Political Science, Columbia University.
