Women in the 16th century and women now

Hello guys!

We are going to write about the differences between women in the 16th Century (a clear example is the very well known character of Juliet) and women nowadays. We are also going to write about how things were at that moment for girls (the behaviour, the prohibitions, the emotions) and how they are now. Has there been a positive progress? Has there been a negative progress? What were the good things and perks in the 16th century for women? Do we have these perks today?

Here we have the best videos of our modern versions of the famous play:

These versions can be funny or tragic, but they are the best.


Women couldn't get out of their houses alone, they had to be with somebody else, like their parents or the servants. They couldn't have a friend from the other sex. They couldn't study either, or at least, not like boys. They had to know how to behave like a lady, and their duties were things like sewing or cooking. Having an opinion was forbidden for girls, because they couldn't discuss anything, that was a man's job.


Their situation has changed since those days, because nowadays girls and women have almost the same rights as boys and men in all the developed countries. For example, everybody has the same right to study, so they can become whatever they want.