Progress and Terrorism

Nowadays, in any country (developed or not developed) people still suffer from terrorist attacks. But... How can we stop terrorism? Are there enough ways to end up with terrorist attacks? Is violence a good solution?

Terrorism is still a problem in many parts of the world. A lot of people think that terrorism happens only in the less developed countries, but if we remember last 7th of January a very important city such as Paris suffered a terrorist attack in the offices of a magazine: Charlie Hebdo.

However, there are also ways to fight against terrorism. In Ireland, for example, about 30 years ago, there were a lot of deaths and destroyed cities because a lot of Irish people wanted to separate from the United Kingdom. They created a group of terrorism called the IRA. At the beginning, they damaged a lot of cities and people. But, at the end, after a lot of deaths and pain, they were able to find a solution to their differences.

In our opinion, this is a good example of progress because they solved all their problems through dialogue and agreements that made peace possible in Ireland again.

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