Set Differences

This page covers differences between KO sets and the original models they are based on.

This is principally about known part substitutions and/or alternate building steps for the model.

Where several builders have encountered a particular QA issue, this info is included.

Also see the Set Reviews page.

Things you will encounter in many KO sets

  • As a general rule, the instructions shipped with KO "copycat" sets show the build using substituted parts (if the model uses substitutes).
  • As another general rule, colour reproduction of copied set instructions isn't great, so take your time, use a strong light and/or use the corresponding Lego or manufacturer-supplied PDF files (if applicable) - on a tablet, phone, or laptop - as a colour and occasional step reference. Part inventories (which are generally not found in printed KO instructions) in PDF instructions can be particularly useful for identifying parts in build steps when colours are unclear. Can't figure out if that 2x1 plate is tan or trans red? - refer to the PDF inventory.
  • Copied instructions are typically smaller than the originals, with up to four original pages/steps placed on a single page. This isn't a problem until you encounter a 1:1 part image, which is not 1:1 in the smaller instructions. The reduced instruction size cuts down on printing costs and weight, thereby reducing packing size and freight costs. As a tip: A number is usually shown for 1:1 part images. This indicates the length of the part.
  • All Lepin modular clones - EXCEPT Pet Shop - have thicker baseplates than the original models. If you intend on displaying/connecting these models with original Lego modulars, it is advisable to use genuine Lego baseplates.
  • Baseplates are often warped/bent at the corners, due to shipping without boxes. As above, use original TLG baseplates if required.
  • Most KO sets do not have numbered bags of parts, or if they do, the numbers are unrelated to building steps (there are one or two exceptions to this, but these are rare). Some sets group parts by type: plates, bricks, windows etc., by size, or by colour. Generally, the bagging of parts seems somewhat random, but there is undoubtedly a system that makes sense during manufacture. It is recommended that you empty parts bags into a number of containers. From there, start building or sorting into an order that works for you.
  • Note: From early 2017 - SOME Lepin sets will have numbered bags/100% replication of parts/no missing pieces - indicated by a "V1 Grade" logo.
  • No box, unless you're willing to pay for it - both a higher selling price and additional freight costs. Sets usually come in a number of parts bags that are enclosed in one or more overall "set' bags that are taped together (depending on the size of the set). Sellers typically wrap the set bags (and manuals) in bubble wrap and/or one or more layers of plastic sheeting. This is heavily taped, labeled, and sent as is, or placed in a courier bag - depending on set size and shipping method. Some sellers do, however, send sets in a plain cardboard box, but these are the exception, rather than the rule.
  • It's not uncommon to be missing one or two small bits (1x1 stud, 1x2 plate etc.), or to have an incorrect part (right piece, but wrong colour or a 4x2 roof slope instead of a 4x2 brick, for example) in copycat sets. This also happens occasionally with sets from TLG, MegaBloks etc. If your set has missing/incorrect pieces, you can raise a dispute with the seller to have the parts sent to you (or to negotiate a partial refund on your purchase). Most KO set buyers have spare parts available, but if it's a piece you don't have at-hand, either improvise a solution or use Bricklink to get the bit(s) you need.
  • Occasional malformed parts (warped or an injection molding problem, for example). This is rare, but does happen. You'll need to replace such parts with something from your collection (or Bricklink/the seller).
  • Some sets may contain parts based on an older TLG mould. In most cases, this will be a minor cosmetic thing (i.e. you won't even notice it). In some instances, however, the geometry (shape, angle, width, or height) of the old/new moulds is different, resulting in problems that affect the build. See the set differences below. If your set is affected by such parts, you will need to replace or modify them.
  • Inconsistency of Technic parts - some loose, some tight. This is not too much of an issue if the Technic elements are used for the superstructure of the model. If these parts are used for mechanical functions (motorized or not), however, the "moving parts" of your Technic KO may move poorly or may not move at all. DeCool are the best of the Technic KO manufacturers. Lele Technic parts lean towards being "tight". Lepin Technic parts can be inconsistent.
  • Certain sets (see below) have parts that are substituted for the original parts. If you're bothered by these, you may want to modify or replace them with parts from your collection/Bricklink. You should note that in cases where the part is rare (Market Street hoses, for example), the Bricklink price may actually be higher than the entire KO set.
  • Sets with "shooting" components (flickfire missiles etc.) can be hit and miss for some manufacturers, with some jamming, firing a very short range, or not firing at all. Lepin seem to have the most problems with these parts. Lele and Bela have more success. Not all sets have "dud" shooters, so it is really down to luck. If these play features are of importance, you may want to substitute these parts or purchase the original set.

Lepin Cafe Corner

  • Different corner door type - original is frameless and has six "clear" panels.
  • Different hotel door type - original is frameless. The hotel door is not attached to the walls/pillars and sits "loose". You may want to consider a small redesign here if the set is to be used for more than just display.
  • Owls replace parrots of original.
  • Grates of second floor windows are horizontal/vertical rather than diagonal of original.
  • Stairs come in two parts (plus a 2x1 plate to correct height). Single piece in the original.
  • Window shutters are two pieces (left/right) rather than single shutter piece of original.
  • Some have found the window glass to be scratched and/or milky.
  • Several people have had a dark blue 1x4 plate instead of a dark grey 1x4 plate.
  • One or two missing pieces - generally small 1x1 studs or 1x2 plates.
  • Slight colour difference between Lego Light Bluish Grey and equivalent Lepin colour.
  • Hairpieces of minifigs are slightly different.
  • If you want to replace the Lepin substitute parts with other KO parts that match the original, see here.

Lepin Temple of Airjitzu

  • Different golden spears (a "bi"-dent from Pharoah's Quest sets) replace two LOTR Elvish spears found in original.
  • Sand green fence section is 4 post bannister rather than ornate LOTR/Elves fence of original.
  • Technic rod of wrong length (too short in Lepin). This requires one of a few possible workarounds to circumvent the problem this causes. Note that not all purchasers have had this shorter part.
  • The mining helmet used as a water basin in the Smuggler's Market is swapped with a 2x2 radar dish.
  • The painter's palette is a circular shield.
  • The fez pieces used for the railings are replaced with minifig heads.
  • The longbow is a generic bow and arrow.
  • Minifigs are painted well enough, but are structurally weak (waist/torso join, in particular).
  • Dareth has the same hairpiece as the mailman, not the original pompadour.
  • Misako's hairpiece (from the Prince of Persia sets) is swapped for a generic ponytail.
  • Jesper's bandana is replaced with a ninja scarf.
  • Sensei Yang statue Gandalf beard is replaced with a classic Castle beard.

Lepin Fire Brigade

  • Golden helmets and bell parts are pearl gold in Lepin, rather than metallic gold found in original.
  • Silver parts (helmets and stud on fire truck) are not quite the right colour.
  • Stairs come in two parts (plus 2x1 plate to correct height). Single piece in the original.
  • Hairpieces of minifigs are slightly different.
  • The firepole pieces may be difficult to get into the yellow technic pieces that hold it. As a tip, try out each of the yellow technic pieces (there are a few) with the pole piece(s) before building – and keep these aside until needed.
  • There is a design flaw with the two long white pieces (1x14) with groove – used as the horizontal beams/structural elements for the roller door - and the roller door pieces. The right angle is too "square" and the pins are too large, so the door gets stuck. If you want this to run smoothly, you'll need to modify the corner groove on both pieces (with a blade or rotary tool). You will probably need to modify the pins on the door pieces (by gently crushing with pliers or by sanding their diameter down with emery cloth/an emery board). It is suggested that you only modify the pins of roller door parts that actually go past the corner. If all are sanded down, the door may not stay up. Bricklinking the 1x14 bricks with groove and/or the roller door pieces is also an option.
  • The bell string is separate to the two studs with hook pieces, so you need to tie these. A quick workaround/alternative is to use a rubber band (this is mostly hidden by the bell tower).
  • Clear window/door pieces may be slightly milky, but scratches are minimal.
  • Other coloured transparent parts are slightly opaque/not as clear as Lego pieces.
  • The fire truck seats are a different piece design.
  • The fire truck hose pieces may have a seam of excess rubberised plastic. This can be rubbed away with your thumb.

Lepin Brick Bank

  • There is a known issue with the curve height (it's out by a stud height) of the Lepin window arches that causes problems with gaps/an incorrect fit in the roofline. You can either replace the arches with the correct Lego part or do some filing - or perhaps buy the genuine model.
  • Lepin wall tiles are smooth, whereas the original uses (indented) grey ingot pieces.
  • Some minifig hairpieces are different to the original.

Lepin Town Hall

  • Some minifig hairpieces are different to the original.
  • Some purchasers had printing issues with manual pages containing steps 50-60. Refer to the PDF if your manual is affected.
  • The solid doors at the base of the lift shaft on the original have been substituted with window panes.

Lepin Parisian Restaurant

  • Grates of windows are horizontal/vertical rather than diagonal of original.
  • The (original) black chains used in the outdoor seating area are swapped with metallic gold chains.
  • Some users have had small misalignments for printed parts.
  • Some minifig hairpieces are different to the original.

Lepin Grand Emporium

  • The two 2x12 skylight pieces (trans-black windshields) of the original have been replaced with four 2x6 skylight pieces. Additional 2x2 plates are included to compensate for the height difference this substitution causes.
  • Metallic gold parts (dinner plates) are replaced with pearl gold.
  • Some minifig hairpieces are different to the original.

Lepin Market Street

  • The diameter of the white hose pieces used as balcony railings is too small for the clips of the droid arms used as bannisters. You will need to modify either the hose (with electrical tape), or the droid arm clips (by gently crushing them). An alternative is glue, or a redesign of the fences using other parts. Bricklinking the 4 original hose parts is more expensive than the total cost of the set, so while an option, it's probably not viable for most people.
  • All of the doors are different, with the 2nd and 3rd floor door pieces being taller (6H vs 5H) than the original. 2nd and 3rd floor front doors also don't open properly due to hitting studs on the 2x3 plates on the balconies.
  • Piece count deviations from original: -3 1x6 medium blue plates, -2 1x4 medium blue bricks, +2 1x2 brown plates, +6 1x1 medium blue plates, 3L axle instead of 4L, 4 1/2 height stair units instead of 2 full height. Several of these pieces are due to slight redesigns required to compensate for the door height differences.

Lepin Detectives Office

  • The detective office door is clear.
  • The cat is "Friends" style.
  • The trophy in the pool room is a goblet (no side handles).
  • Stairs come in two parts (plus 2x1 plate to correct height). Single piece in the original.
  • Hairpieces of minifigs are slightly different.

Lepin Green Grocer

  • Grates of windows are horizontal/vertical rather than diagonal of original.
  • Stairs come in two parts (plus 2x1 plate to correct height). Single piece in the original.
  • Hairpieces of minifigs are slightly different.

Lepin Porsche 911 GT3 RS

  • The orange hose pieces may be slightly longer than original. This doesn't seem to be a probem with all sets. If so, you can shorten the piece(s) if necessary, but the difference may not affect the final model - even with the slightly longer parts.
  • Some gears may be a little loose. This doesn't affect functionality, but feel free to replace them if it bothers you.
  • Some rubber engine parts and elastic bands are slightly softer than TLG equivalents. As above, replace them if a concern.
  • The engine cover parts leave small gaps. It's unclear if this is due to a slight difference in the design of the Lepin, or a slight difference in the engine cover parts. This video compares the Lego/Lepin parts from this set.
  • Instructions are compressed onto fewer pages. Given the complexity of the model, you may want to reference the PDF.

Lepin UCS Millennium Falcon

  • Many users have received black - rather than grey - hose pieces, which are different to original.
  • The manual has a number of incorrect steps. It is recommended that you use both the Lepin and TLG PDF files during the build.
  • Landing gear is problematic due to shortened rod pieces. There are workarounds to the issues this causes.
  • A number of 2x1 clips are provided. These are 1x1 in the original.
  • The radar dish is smaller at 8x8, with the original being 10x10.

Lepin VW Kombi

  • The black hose pieces are different to original.

Lepin Wall-E

  • The black hose pieces are different to original.

Lepin Black Pearl Ship

  • Sails are plasticized fabric that is prone to bad creasing. You will probably need to iron them (low heat - under a tea towel) or maybe consider replacing them.
  • Some users encountered problems with pieces supporting the centre mast. This can be worked around and the problem has not affected all sets.
  • Instructions are too dark/near impossible to see (black part) steps, so download the PDF.

Lepin Sea Cow

  • The cabin door is the wrong part and will not fit. Your choices are to: replace the door, replace the door frame connectors/parts, or live without the door.
  • Some Technic axle parts may be a little tight.

Pogo Cafe Corner

  • See review here. Apparently there are numerous problems and 190+ parts need to be replaced.

Train Sets/Tracks

  • Ausini and Enlighten track is identical to Lego track, although the track is a different colour.
  • Banbao track has slightly taller rails, so is not 100% compatible and causes problems when joined to other manufacturer track.
  • Kazi / GBL have released KY98215 - 2 and 1 (Straight/Curved/Flex & Points/Short Curves) track packs. These are near-identical to TLG track (colour very close).
  • The wheels/bogey components all fit Lego track.
  • The connections between engines/carriages varies between manufacturers - both in connection type and also height - so you will need to modify these, or settle on only one connector type to use when mixing engines and carriages from different makers.