FAQ - Wiki Edits

Can I make changes to the wiki?

Yes, absolutely.

You need editing permission before you can make changes to existing wiki pages (new pages can only be created by admin staff). Send your (preferably GMail*) email address and a quick note that you'd like to edit the WP KO wiki via the Contact links to the left (send to both as this gives you a better chance of getting a quick response).

Don't worry, your bank account won't be emptied and you won't receive unsolicited e-mails promising body part enhancements or untold riches from Nigerian royals.

All wiki edits are logged automatically. Changes can be undone, so don't be afraid to have a go as the more people involved, the better this resource will become.

*You can use a non-Google/GMail address, but you'll be asked to link this to a Google account (for verification). If you don't already have a Google account, you'll need to create one, so you might as well sign-in with this. The Google mail requirement is because the wiki is a Google (hosted) site.

How do I add a set to a manufacturer list?

  1. First up, navigate to the specific manufacturer page.
  2. Click the Add Item button at the top left of the list. This opens a dialog:
  1. Open a separate tab in your web browser, and go to AliExpress or the product page on the company website if the set isn't available through AliExpress.
    • On AliExpress: Type in a search term to find the set you're after (by set number or name).
    • In either case: Copy the URL of the AliExpress search (or company product page) into the Web Address field.
    • The search query string (copied URL) should look something like the following three examples:
    • https://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?SearchText=lepin+07008&blanktest=0&tc=af
    • https://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?SearchText=lepin+04006
    • http://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20160727155057&SearchText=lepin+19003
    • If your search term doesn't follow an SQL structure like those shown above, links won't work.
    • As an example of a link that won't work:
    • http://www.aliexpress.com/af/lepin-14022.html
    1. As a tip, you can use the Tab key to move between data entry fields.
  2. Type the set number in the Display text field.
  3. Type the set name in the Set Name field.
  4. Type the Lego set number in the Lego Set No. field (if applicable).
  5. Choose the status from the Status dropdown. Choices are: Available, Pre-Order (if the release is within a month or so), Unconfirmed (if the set is rumoured for release at some point), or leave blank if unknown.
  6. Choose the set type (theme or product group) from the Category dropdown. Use existing list entries as a guide. If no existing category matches your needs, you can customize the list (see below).
  7. Click Save and your entry is added to the list.

How do I add a column to a manufacturer list?

If you feel that another column for piece count, series, etc. is warranted for a list, you can easily add it.

Just remember that you need to fill it in for all sets in the list.

  1. Click Customize this list at the top left of the list. This opens a dialog:
  1. Click Add a Column.
  2. Type the name in the Column Name field.
  3. Choose the type of column from the Type field.
    1. Checkbox - Creates a column with a checkbox.
    2. Date - Creates a column with a user-selectable date.
    3. Dropdown - Creates a dropdown list that you can add to. The Status and Category columns are dropdowns.
    4. Text - Creates a text column. Set Name and Lego Set No. are text type columns.
    5. URL - Creates a URL column. Set No. is a URL type column.
  1. Click Save and your column is added to the list.

How do I add a category to the Category column?

If the list doesn't contain an appropriate category for one or more sets, you can add it.

  1. Click Customize this list at the top left of the list. This opens a dialog:
  1. Click Category. This opens the following:
  1. Click Add another to add a new category.
  2. Type in the category definition.
  3. Click Save and your category is added to the dropdown menu.

I buggered up a list entry. How do I fix it?

Pretty simple. Just click the name of the entry you want to correct in the Set Name column and the Add item dialog will open. Make your changes, then click Save.