Types of worship.

(What does the flow, content and song selection look like?)

It might be time to take a good look at what you are trying to do versus what you are able to do. If you don’t have anyone that can play drums or guitar, yet you want a modern worship sound with driving drums and guitar, it may be time to take a second look.

No worship leader/pastor wants to be told they must make bricks without straw. A good roadmap to the future and planning, planning, planning is critical to get to where you want to go. To build a solid team you need to have a solid leader who knows how to recruit, mentor, encourage, engage, train and serve. That is a lot to ask if they are working part time so the plan may take longer if that is the case.

It is critical to come along side that person and let them know you support them, but that you also expect them to work on these things. Weekly meetings with the worship leader/pastor or a key person on the team if you don’t have a leader/pastor is an important part of the success.

A worship leader/pastor is going to want to partner with the pastor on a service. If they don’t, you need to ask them why. The worship of the Lord through music does not happen in a church service as something apart from the service itself or the message. The “flow” of a service can actually be disruptive to the goal of opening up the morning, or evening to the presence of the Holy Spirit. A jumbled parade of opening greetings, followed by one worship song, then the announcement of the passing of someone in the church, then an “up” worship song before the offering, then a video before the message followed by another worship song that does not even relate to the message can be very confusing and hard to follow for the average churchgoer or attender.

Many worship leaders/pastors strive to play new songs every week which can be exciting for the worship team, but draining on the body because you don’t get a chance to let certain songs sink in. Same goes for sermons. The worship should support what is being said, and what is being said should not be so complicated that there is no worship to support it. (Let the debate begin…)