How do I find an interim worship leader or guest worship leaders?

Network, network, network.

Really... the time to not be looking is when you need one. This is an all year, every day event for a church. If you have a regular worship leader/pastor you should be engaging them to help in this area. Be sensitive here, telling your current worship leader you would like them to help find people that can lead on occasion may be akin to asking your girlfriend/boyfriend if she/he has any single friends.

  • Posting on occasion via Craigslist or on your denominations website may also be helpful.

A typical Craigslist ad might read,

“Looking for a guest worship leader to play from time to time at our church. Service typically includes contemporary and modern worship songs with some hymns. Solo or bands welcome to inquire”.

When you post the ad it will default to anonymous posting which means people will not see your name unless you put it in the posting. (Not recommended). When they reply, send them the church website with a brief explanation of what you are looking for. ASK THEM what they would charge. If it is reasonable, contact them and ask for YouTube links to services they have played and or for references from the last 2-3 churches they have played.

(Refer to the “How much should I pay” section on determining pay for services)

  • Network with sister churches in the same town.
  • Network with sister churches in other towns! They may have folks who like to travel to different parts of the country or state.
  • Go to events at coffee shops or other church events and network. (Caution, you should not attend another churches service to recruit their musicians)
  • Friend these folks on Facebook and keep tabs on what they are doing. They will invite you to events and although you may not be able to attend, you can see how often they play out and where.
  • Hold special music events in your church. If your worship leader has events, attend and get to know the people who show up!