2000 demonstrates the Club's wishes to help other organisations, yes we had done a lot in the past including the bottles and charity tins on the bar but in 2000 we:
· Raised £530 on a charity night on behalf of St. Bartholomew Children.
· Kim Richards organised the Rose Bowl competition for Ladies Darts
£300 was raised for the Air Ambulance.
· The pool league held their presentation in our hall
· The American Weekend at Central Park was assisted with the provision of our football pitches.
· A Police Exhibition was held at Murston Park .
Brian Bartlett our groundsman was experiencing lots of problems with loose horses and contacted Swale Borough Council, Kent County Council and the R.S.P.C.A. He blocked off possible entrances with chains and gates and although initially successful the horses kept on coming and were still a problem in December.
The building project to improve the frontage with new windows and doors was completed in April, and during the first months of the year the Club purchased a new sound system with individual controls to designated areas, the old system went into the hall. We purchased a new mower and two of the old ones went for a walk and did not return! The tennis courts opened in April and new seating for them purchased. In March following a meeting of the Health and Safety Committee new signs were displayed.
At the Annual General Meeting in May the Chairman Rusty Burgin said that the building work would take up to two years to complete as “we do not intend to go in the red.” He added “the work will start inside with refurbishment of the old toilets enabling the bar cellar to be extended; also the hall bar will be re-fitted. The Treasurer Peter Scales explained that expenditure had been £3,000 more than income, which was part compensated for by transferring £2,000 from the Building Reserve. The Whitbread loan had been paid off and the outstanding loan from Swale Borough Council amounted to £22,500. He went on “The budget for the improvement work is £25,000 half of which has been spend. The general reserve of £10,000 needs to be kept as a working balance. Rumours that the Club was for sale were totally dismissed by the Chairman.
Peter Scales said that he could only act as Treasurer for one year if re-elected, which he was; also re-elected were Chairman Rusty Burgin, General Secretary Terry Wellard, Membership Colin Gunn, Land Brian Bartlett, Editor Sandra Baldock . The new Social Secretary was Sheila Russell, Bar Secretary Roger Ford and General Committee Members: John Page, Andy Glazier, Barry Clark and Trevor Shepherd.
Membership was 548 Full Members, 16 Honorary, 83 Retired and 941 Associate Members, 1588 in all. The General Secretary in his report had urged only those who wanted to work hard stand for the committee. In his Bar Report he said that Mandy Feaver would take over as Deputy Bar Manager when Lynne Rose leaves. He added that Paul Ryder was once again the overall indoor games champion. Sandra Baldock reported her History writing was up to 1973.
Trevor Shepherd thanked his hard working Social Committee: Jackie White, Sandy Hiller, Marion Gunn, Sheila Russell, Pauline Shepherd, Les Mills, Clive Stone, George Moss and Christmas helpers Ray Oddy and Adrian Oliver, also Mally White and Steve Russell the Bar-B-Q duo, Roger Ford Bingo Caller Supreme!
Gardening reported a visit to the County Gardens at Teynham , a walk around Conyer and a Bar-B-Q, visit to Jean Tallboys garden in Hollingbourne at which great cakes were eaten. The gardeners also went to Hampton Court Flower Show and to Wisley Gardens , they had a quiz, beetle drive and went out for a meal.
Andy Glazier reported that Indoor Games had gone well with Michael Rose and Darren White playing pool for the Kent Under 18 side helping to retain the National Youth Title, Darren just missed out on an England place. Cricket, well we had no team but it was hoped to still have friendlies this year. John Russell Secretary of the Fishing Section reported 10 competitions held between May 1999 and May 2000 with an average attendance of 27 Members. He congratulated Jackie White and Pauline Saunders on their achievements.
The golfers as usual had a good season and the trophies won as follows:
Snowflake Cup Ron Goodwin Mizpar Trophy Steve Russell
Captain's Prize Dave Hancock Woodcoombe Shield Kevin Gambell
Whitbread Trophy Alan Blundy Murston Park Cup Terry Saunders
Mike Savage Memorial Trophy Brian Bartlett
Chris Russell Football/Youth Secretary reported that the U.10 team in their first season in the league won the 2 nd Division. The U.12 team were cup semi finalists and won Fulston Zebras 5 a-side competition. The U.14 team were runners up in Division 2 and the U.15 team reached the semi finals in the cup. The U.11 team finished in the top six whilst the senior sides both finished half way up the table.
Throughout the year the Social Secretaries Trevor Shepherd and Sheila Russell with the aid of their committees organised music nights and bingo monthly. There was a Race Evening in January won by the “Eight Balls Pool Team”, music on St. Valentine's Day and Nosh & Knowledge with question master Ray Oddy in April At Easter there was the customary Egg Hunt with “Spin the Wheel” in the bar and a disco on May Day.
The Presentation Dinner/Dance with Kudos and Alan Reed a comedian was the entertainment although we had a magician doing tricks at the table. Councillor Brian Austin presented the awards to:
Club Personality Roger Ford
Lady of the Year Pauline Shepherd
The Murston Park Shield Nick Graham
Geoff Kempster Memorial Trophy Sue Russell
Chairman's Award Una Burgin
Social activities continued with a Fun Day at the end of May, this earned each section £100. There was a Boot Fare and the children were taken on an outing to Butlins at Bognor Regis. On August Bank Holiday Members played Bat'n'trap enjoyed a Bar-b- que and the children played on the bouncy castle. The Ladies enjoyed a Hen Night in October and there was Fancy Dress 60's and 70's style in November; a couple of weeks later pit your wits at the music quiz.
In the Main Committee room a decision was made to fix three steel shutters to the doors at the back of the Clubhouse following three break ins, then when the burglars came in through the window security bars were put in the playroom and toilets.
In August the building work in the hall bar and new toilets were completed, with added cellar space the Club started stocking Real Ale with “London Pride” going down a treat. George Moss became an Honorary Member and for the first time we appeared in the Yellow Pages.
In September there was a letter from Swale Borough Council concerning our cost input to remedy the problem with trees at Murston Park , this we queried, we did not however query their proposal to delete the play area and car parking from the Lease. We also gained permission to site a second metal storage container on the park.
Brian Bartlett got the go ahead to purchase a new roller but he still had problems with horses and footballer's losing keys to the changing rooms, the footballers did however paint the changing rooms. Woodstock Table Tennis teams also joined the Club in block.
The Christmas festivities started on 2 December with the Children's Party and Karaoki . Our retired Members were also able to enjoy the discounted drinks for them at lunchtimes. There was Karaoki on the 17 th at lunchtime, a disco in the bar on Christmas Eve, and a disco on Boxing Day. Tom Austin in the shape of Father Christmas did Christmas morning house calls.
On New Years Eve, after the success of the Millennium party, there was an All Inclusive Drinks disco costing £20, £10 to senior citizens, £5 children 11-17 and £3 3-10 years. It was a great success.
In the last few months of the year the committee discussed how they would replace Peter Scales our Treasurer of 22 years in all, and also Maggie Scales in the club every Tuesday doing the wages, what wonderful dedicated Members. In May, glimpsing in to the future, John Page would become the Treasurer with Accountant Kim Richards employed to help. It was also the last Christmas Rusty Burgin would be our Chairman after 25 years service in that post in all, another very stalwart Member who would be missed. He was replaced in May by Trevor Shepherd.