1981-1982 was dominated by negotiations with Swale Borough Council for the leasing of Murston Playing Field and with Blue Circle Industries for a management contract for the A.P.C.M. Clubhouse, but in 1981 the Club did not achieve any of its goals in this direction but did gain considerably by it's name and reputation being placed prominently to the fore.

The many social events continued throughout the year with Youth Section staging the Valentine's Dance, there was a Children's outing and Christmas Panto, plus their Christmas Party and Santa's visit on Christmas Day, an event always looked forward to by RAY ODDY and his elves, there were discos and a visit to the 'Generation Game' and a Car Rally organised by BOB PARRY.

The Football Section Awards were made at the Club's Dinner and Dance and did go on for a while, but nevertheless were enjoyed by over 200 people paying £3.50 . The Main Club Awards were presented by Cllr. Brian Austin, (an ally gained with reference to Murston Playing Fields), JOHN REES received the Chairman's Award, the Member of the Year was RAY ODDY , and the Lady of the Year was SYLVIA BALDOCK.

In his Annual General Meeting Report in May 1981 Peter Scales the Club Treasurer reported Membership as 202, that the 1000 Club had raised £637 net over budget by nearly £200, Function Profits had risen to £496 and the sale of paper had raised £58. The value of the Club was £2,750 an increase of £620 due, as Peter reported, to the substantial increase in the 1000 Club and the sale of waste paper; furthermore the sums earned in profits from functions due to a continuing high level of support from members, also there had been no necessity to finance the sections' activities. The Main Committee had also purchased a complete new football kit prior to the Zuidschote matches.

Sandra Tapp , the 1000 Club Secretary, thanked Maggie Scales, Sylvia Baldock, Janet Pilgrim, Wendy Bryant, Trisha Shepherd and Janet Standing for helping find the 86 new members and losing only 17 during the past year.

The Youth Section had a new Chairman in Colin Gunn after Rusty Burgin resigned and Tony Rees was still there as Secretary and Brian Bartlett as Treasurer. Although no silverware had been won the section had 3 teams, Under 16, Under 15 and Under 13 and they played in the Medway City Boy's League, they also entered the Holborough Cup and four 5 a-side teams.

Sylvia Baldock reported that the Gardening Section had grown from “A seed to a sapling”, a Lawnraker and Cultivator were purchased for Members to hire, and during 1980/81 the Section Members had visited Wisley and ran another Make, Bake and Grow Show , there had also been a Children's Flower Growing Competition and a best garden competition.

Whilst Ken Halliday in his AGM report for Cricket Section just begged for better weather for his two teams, Bob Murphy of Football reported that the Saturday representation had gone down from two teams to one and hadn't done too well as they had been so unsettled. Shaun Burgin's Sunday team however was a different kettle of fish finishing high up the table. The Football season closed with a visit to the Rhonda where draws with Wattstown and Cosmo were achieved, thanks to John Rees the organising “Wizard”.

At the Annual General Meeting a new Rule was introduced by Mike Ingram stating that the Chairman would serve for 3 years, in fact all the officers would then serve for 3 years with only one officer changing each year. A good new rule which ensured continuality.

Keith Baldock the retiring General Secretary had pointed out at Committee Meetings that the General Secretary's post covering Membership, Social Functions, Newsletter, Minutes, correspondence and representing the Club had now become a pretty full time job; this had been taken on by the outgoing committee and two new secretaries were appointed to assist the new General Secretary, they were a Membership Secretary and an Editor for the newsletter. The new committee comprised of Eddie Pilgrim , Chairman, George Gibson , General Secretary, Peter Scales Treasurer, Gordon BroughtonN Membership Secretary, although this post was eventually taken over by Brian Sherwood , Sandra Tapp Editor, Tricia Shepherd 1000 Club Secretary, and the General Committee Members were: Keith Baldock, Mike Beney, Brian Sherwood, Guy Standing and Wendy Parkes

On December 4 the Members enjoyed their Christmas Dance and looked forward to 1982 very hopeful that a lease on the land at Murston Playing Fields would come to fruition the following year.