1994 Happy 30th Birthday, from the early years of ambition to the later years of achievement the Club now looked forward to it's physical development.
At the Main Club Committee meeting on 10 January 1994 a Resolution was made by the committee:
(1) That in order to help finance the proposed extension of the Clubhouse to provide a Children's room and new toilets, the loan from The Whitbread Beer Company be increased to £58,000 repayable over 5.5 years by foregoing discount at the rate of £33 per barrel.
(2) That the loan be taken in the name of the four Trustees: Peter Scales, Eddie Pilgrim, Ray Oddy and George Gibson.
At this Main Club Committee meeting the Treasurer Peter Scales said he thought the terms were favourable and an optimistic Chairman, Rusty Burgin told the committee that the builder would be starting the extension to house the Children's Play room on 24 January. All would not be plain sailing when a cess pit was uncovered by the builders and additional work was required to reinforce the area involving trial bores and piling in order to obtain building regulations approval this would cost an extra £14,000 - £20,000. In addition estimates for variations in respect of the toilets and fire doors could mean an extra cost of £16,000. The Club was facing additional costs of around £30,000 and this just to complete phase 1.
Would the Club's committee and Members be put off, no of course not? On the 9 th May the Chairman reported that the foundations were in and building was up to roof level in the Children's Room. The Treasurer said that the money was available to complete the building but the actual fitting out may have to wait.
In the meantime the parcel of additional land was officially handed over to the Club and life went on inside the Club itself. The Monday Night Games team were League Champions, we had new snooker table covers and a new dartboard, spending around the Club was being done to the minimum.
At the Annual General Meeting the Club decided on the committee's recommendation to do away with the post of Section's Secretary and to have a fourth General Committee Member. Alan Rose had been an extremely successful Social Secretary and under his leadership raised a lot of money for the Children's Play Room; the Chairman expressed his thanks to Alan. The Committee elected was: Chairman Rusty Burgin, General Secretary Brian Sherwood, Treasurer Peter Scales, Bar Secretary Terry Wellard Land Brian Bartlett, Social Secretary Barbara Green, Editor Neil Matthews, Membership Secretary Geoff Marriott, General Committee Members: Colin Gunn, Alan Rose, later replaced by Richard Beard, John Page and Wayne East. Renewal fees were set at £8 renewal and £20 for new members, Junior Members remained at nil.
In his Land Report Brian Bartlett said that all was going well despite the two wheel invasion of motor bikes, this was added to by horses and golfers during the year, and Brian was pleased with the added security to the sheds. He thanked Brian Roalf and Archie Huntley for all their great work. Throughout the year it was agreed that the new parcel of land would become a temporary football pitch, Brian was then looking for prices for equipment to cut grass on this extra land and in August asked for £300 for goalposts, nets, corner flags etc. In October Brian was reporting that matches were now being played on football pitch number 2, that work was completed on the cricket table and boundary hedges were cut.
In his Membership Report Geoff Marriott reported 629 Full Members including 48 O.A.P.s and 11 Honorary Members. In total membership stood at 1,602.
Ellen Matson, Secretary, reported on a very successful year for the Gardening Section, whilst Janet Pilgrim reported still only 10 members and unfortunately 1994 saw the end of the Section. The Golf Section had many exciting days out and the Society Championship was shared between Colin Newnham and Paul Newman.
John Hook retired as Captain of the Cricket Team and was replaced by David Burgin assisted by Glen Couchman. David Burgin was voted Player of the Year for the third year in a row!
The Youth Section with officers Trevor Shepherd, Eddie Pilgrim and Ken Newman oversaw six teams the U.16 team finishing 3 rd in the Medway League and with U.13, U.14 and U.15 teams in the Swale League, there were also two teams in the Sheppey League, with football as a whole this could be considered a year of consolidation. Bob O'Rawe on the other hand reported that the handicapped table tennis team from 1993 had been entered into the 5 th Division and he was delighted when they won it. There were also teams in the 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th Division.
Alan Rose on his retirement as Social Secretary reported that they had raised a massive £10,200 so far towards the Children's Play Room, he thanked his committee for all their hard work: Barbara Green would take over from Alan as Social Secretary with Tina Cairns joining the existing committee.
The new Bar Committee consisted of Terry Wellard, John Page the Main Club Committee Representative, Nick Graham, Paul Ryder Micky George and Bar Manager Colin Gunn plus a non voting representative from Indoor Games.
The Presentation Evening was very successful and the main club awards were presented to: Member of the Year George Moss, Lady of the Year Janet Pilgrim, Murston Park Shield Terry Harper and the Chairman's Award went to Bill Tingey.
In August Alan Rose resigned and some problems arose when Brian Sherwood was unable to attend meetings, his shoes were filled by Terry Wellard but it did mean one meeting in October being cancelled due to lack of a forum. It was also in August that Swale Borough Council agreed to increase our loan to £80,000 interest free over 10 years, and a grant of £18,000 was received from the Sports Foundation solely for developing the tennis courts.
The Social Committee put on numerous functions throughout the year including a trip to Dumpton Park , a Hen Night, Bank Holiday events, Disney on Ice, bingo, music in the bar, boot fairs, and on 22 nd October there was a Cockney Night with sea food on the menu! To celebrate the Club's 30 th Birthday in September the Children's Room, affectionately known as Nellie's Room, was opened and equipment supplied.
The 30 th birthday was celebrated when The Tommy Atkins Wartime Band entertained members in wartime uniform, and the many that had made the effort to dress up were rewarded with ration books to take to the bar and get cheaper drinks, the donation of barrels from Whitbread therefore being used wisely! This dance was most memorable for all those who attended. A fantastic evening was had by all the privates and captains for the night and didn't the girls look good!
In November a group of volunteers led by George Moss got together to paint the Children's Room and hallway and carpet went down. It was agreed to proceed with the extension of the cellar by converting existing toilets and the south end wall of the Clubhouse was treated with “Themabond Wall Guard” to correct the water seepage. It was also agreed that in November 1995 we would have a fireworks night; Colin Newnham was to head a team of 20 stewards.
During the year an Editor's box was put into the Entrance Lobby and work started on the Officer's Board . This beautiful piece of work in wood with three panels showing the past officers of the Club since 1994 was made by Terry Harper and would be erected above the archway between the Games Room and Lounge.
Ray Oddy with “Red Gown and White Beard” appeared at the Children's Christmas party and with help from Paul Glover, Taffy Williams, and George Moss did his usual Christmas Day visits. The adults and older children enjoyed all the Christmas activities put on for them including Christmas Eve disco and Boxing Day disco. The Club looked extra special as the request from Marion Gunn to buy new decorations had been agreed.
1994 had seen the first extension to the Clubhouse, but this had not been without obstacles, the uncovering of the cess pit may have set us back financially, but morale was still high and plans for the future positive!