1992 would be a year of conserving and rebuilding our financial reserves as quantified in the Chairman's Report at the Annual General Meeting in May. Rusty Burgin stated: “The incoming committee would have to be careful in respect of spending to rebuild its depleted reserves. This did not mean totally curbed, as there would be a need for expenditure on the maintenance front both outside the within the Club itself.”

The Treasurer Peter Scales drew attention to the expenditure already earmarked i.e. replacement of the central heating system, soil movement at Murston Park and the latest work of re-surfacing the car park. Moving onto the Balance Sheet he said that the money paid for the Club was now our biggest asset. He drew attention to the amount of loans outstanding and re-iterated that careful spending would be necessary over the coming months.

The committee who were charged with these tasks was duly elected: Chairman Rusty Burgin, General Secretary Brian Sherwood, Treasurer Peter Scales, Membership Secretary Geoff Marriott Bar Secretary Terry Wellard, Land Secretary Brian Bartlett, Social Secretary Alan Rose Sections Secretary Colin Gunn, General Committee Members: John Page, Neil Matthews, Roger Holden and Chris Keen. Brian Bartlett and Neil Matthews would share the Editor's job . It was also agreed at the Annual General Meeting that Renewal of Membership would cost £6 and for new Members £12.

The underlying theme for the year is therefore set, but at the same time the Social Committee led by Alan Rose set about raising cash for the Children's Play area and a thermometer showing progress would be placed in the hallway. In September the fund had reached £3,650 and in December as the target of £5,000 was neared Rusty Burgin asked a firm who specialised in play equipment to draw up plans to a projected budget of £5,000.

Alan Rose led an extremely active committee comprising of: Marion Gunn, Janet Pilgrim, Mary-anne Seager, Gary Whitehead, Jackie White, Trisha Shepherd, Sharon Drake, Doreen Arnold, Sue Ledger, Alison Marriott, Pauline Saunders, Tina Tingey,Judy Page, Garth Moore and Micky George. All these Members helped the Club with the organisation of many events.

The events through the year comprised of many Music Nights, a Hen Night, a weekend away, Bingo, Easter Treasure Hunt, sponsored walk for the children's play area, waste paper collecting also for the play area, meat raffles, karaoke, quiz night, Halloween Night, Cockney Night, Wine & Wisdom, Bat & Trap, a Day at the Derby, and in August a Fun Day. In his A.G.M. report in May Alan Rose paid tribute to his committee even though the year was not half way through, with special thanks to Chris Keen Chef at all the Bar-b-Q's, Geoff Marriott for the special way he called the Bingo, and to Brian Bartlett for all his help with waste paper.

The Social Committee also organised the Presentation Dinner where an entertainer “entertained” and there was a live band. Members enjoyed the following meal:

Prawn & Cucumber Salad

Minestrone Soup

Beef Carboniere/Turkey Fricassee & vegetables

Cherry Pie

Coffee, Cheese & Biscuits

The Club's Main Awards were presented to: Member of the Nick Graham, Lady of the Year Sue Ledger, Murston Park Shield Chris Keen, and the Chairman's Award was presented to Maggie Scales

Cricket had a season of mixed fortunes and another Burgin was named “Cricketer of the Year”, David Burgin. Gardening held its Annual Make, Bake and Grow Show and enjoyed speakers and demonstrations, trips and a Beatle Drive and the Members also went out for a meal together. Football seemed to suffer disappointments but Dave Matthews, the Football Section Secretary was encouraged to see the number of youngsters coming through from the Youth Section and two Over 18 teams were entered in the 1992 season.

The Bar committee's Secretary Terry Wellard reported successes with the Tote and summer Knock Out Competitions; the overall winner was Colin Newnham. At the Annual General Meeting Terry also sadly reported the deaths of Nellie Moss and Stan Read

Membership Secretary Geoff Marriott reported Membership at the Annual General Meeting at 598 Full Members and a total of 1,749 in all, he thanked Alan Rose, Sandra Tapp, Adaam Bulley and Keith Baldock for their help, Keith for computerising the membership list. In December Geoff reported that there were 532 Full Members.

The Golf Committee saw some changes the committee comprised of: Fred Taylor Chairman , Colin Gunn Secretary, Brian Roalf Treasurer, Terry Saunders Captain and Chris Keen Vice Captain. The Secretary reported at the Annual General Meeting of the Main Club that the Section now had 49 Members. The 2 day Chairman v. Captain's Cup at Dale Hill Golf Club saw the Chairman's team eventual winners, the overall individual winner was Brian Roalf and Chris Keen won the Mizpah Trophy. The Golfers' Award went to Barrie Tapp and Andy Wellard. Matches at Deangate, Upchurch, Cray Valley and two at Chestfield took place during the year.

Indoor Games continued to be self organising with teams in Monday Night Games, snooker, pool, men's and ladies darts teams, table tennis and indoor bowls. In her Indoor Games Report to the Annual General Meeting Sandra Tapp thanked Andy Glazier for organising several competitions and Terry Wellard for all his fund raising efforts, she also thanked Treasurer Jackie Sherwood and Chairman John Rees for the masterful way he controlled the meetings. In June the section made a donation to the Children's Playground Fund, also in June Sue Ledger won the League's Singles Darts Competition for ladies and Colin Newnham and Nick Graham won the League's Doubles competition for the men.

The Youth Section held a 5 a-side competition in July and their U.14 team won the cup in May. July saw a new Youth committee with Alan Bond Chairman, Eddie Pilgrim Secretary and Ken Newman Treasurer plus the Managers for each team. Badminton went on despite a fall in numbers but a massive effort from Janet Pilgrim.

Throughout the year the Main Club Committee were involved with the general running of the Club. In February Treasurer Peter Scales reported that after the VAT refund the Club was now back in credit. Brian Bartlett reported on a watery month with a leak on the water supply on the field and flooding in part of the dressing room all fixed, but now the lights not working and half the showers on strike too. It was agreed to re-surface the car park and put in a drop kerb, the original quote was £4,700 but as extra work was carried out this went up to £5,600. In March Peter Scales said that this increase in cost exposed weaknesses in the control of expenditure which he felt needed tightening up to avoid future occurrences. The following was agreed by the committee:

(1) That no expenditure may be incurred or committed unless authorised specifically by the Committee or by the Treasurer, or under arrangements agreed by them.

(2) That any item of new expenditure of £500 or above shall be subject to competitive quotation or tender unless the Committee decides otherwise.

(3) That tenders and quotations shall be subject to the following procedure:

based on an agreed specification;

controlled by an individual Committee Member in each case, being either one of the three Officers or authorised specifically for the purpose:

sought only from agreed contractors or supplies:

opened at a stated time in the presence of the “controlling Member” and one other Committee Member:

any variations shall be agreed by the Committee or by the controlling Member acting on its behalf:

invoices for payment to be properly documented and agreed by the Treasurer .

(4) That Committee Members shall be allowed to tender or quote for work but shall not be allowed to participate in any discussions on the subject concerned, nor be allowed to vote on any decision relating to the same subject.

At other meetings it was agreed to buy fire doors for the hall, these were fitted in September, the reported leak in the roof was repaired by Colin Gunn, the Club started a “star” raffle. The committee agreed that a Charity Football match in aid of the Air Ambulance could be held and a paint line marker was purchased. A new Dennis Mower was purchased and news came through that Eddie Pilgrim was voted Secretary of the Year by the League.

In June a letter from Swale Borough Council was received regarding the possible usage of 6.5 acres of land adjacent to Murston Park . In September it was agreed that the Lease would cover this land and we could take it over by September 1994.

At other meetings it was agreed new notices on Murston Park ”No Golfing, No Horse riding” were needed, and notices to stop Members taking drinks into the hall from the Lounge Bar. More repairs were made in the dressing rooms and new tills purchased also some of the furniture in the games room was recovered. A quote for £880 for decorating the Games Room was implemented but to save money Colin Gunn, Chris Keen, Roger Holden, Terry Wellard and Geoff Marriott decided to decorate the Function Room themselves.

It was with sadness that Rusty Burgin told us of the death of Tony Cuthbert, not only was Tony Membership Secretary for several years but he was also one of the Guarantors when we gained the Lease on the Clubhouse in 1992. In November we were also saddened to hear of the death of Ken Trueman a keen member who enjoyed both golf and table tennis.

In December we were burgled twice and the losses endured plus the cost of a new alarm system amounted to £6,000.

The Christmas season was as usual a happy one with the Children's party and all the family entertainment which the Social Committee successfully organised and the New Year was seen in in traditional Woodcoombe style.

The aim in 1992 was to conserve funds and build up our reserves and apart from the big spend on the necessary alarm system the Club's aim was achieved.