Workshop Banquet and Other Events

Fri night: Drinks party at Russ Shafer-Landau's home (weather permitting), 8-11pm. Details will be provided at the workshop. No registration needed.

Sat night: Workshop Banquet (see below for details). Registration required by Sept 23. 

Sun lunch: For those not rushing off after the workshop, we'll head out somewhere close for a catered (and free) lunch. No registration needed.

Workshop Banquet Details

Location: Old Madison Room (3rd floor, Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St.)

Time: Sat, Sept. 28, 6:45-8:45pm.

Cost: $40, to be paid in cash at the banquet. This includes tax and tip.  There will also be a cash bar.



If you're interested in attending, please register by Sept 23. A link will become available here in early Spring. Thank you!