2010 Workshop

7th Annual Wisconsin Metaethics Workshop (2010)

Keynote Speaker

Stephen Darwall

Andrew Downey Orrick Professor of Philosophy, Yale University



9am - 10:15am KENNY WALDEN (MIT)

How to Ground Normativity in the Demands of Agency

Chair: Ryan Millsap (Maryland)

10:45am - Noon VALERIE TIBERIUS (Minnesota)

Open-Mindedness and Normative Contingency

Chair: Justin Clarke-Doane (NYU)

1:45pm - 3pm MATT EVANS (NYU) & NISHI SHAH (Amherst)

Mental Agency and Metaethics

Chair: Paul Bloomfield (Connecticut)

3:15pm - 4:30pm JACOB ROSS (USC)

Rationality, Normativity, and Commitment

Chair: Eric Wiland (UM-St. Louis)

4:45pm - 6pm DAVID COPP (UC-Davis)

Experiments, Intuitions and Methodology in Moral and Political Theory

Chair: Robert Mabrito (N.C. State)

8pm -11 pm RECEPTION (Memorial Union, Room TBA)


9am - 10:15am JANICE DOWELL (Nebraska)

Contextualist Solutions to Three Puzzles about Practical Conditionals

Chair: Bart Streumer (Reading)

10:45am - Noon MATTHEW CHRISMAN (Edinburgh)

The Meaning of ‘Ought’

Chair: David Sobel (Nebraska)

1:30pm - 2:45pm PEKKA VÄYRYNEN (Leeds)

Thick Concepts and Presupposition

Chair: Teemu Toppinen (Helsinki)

3:00pm - 4:30pm STEPHEN DARWALL (Yale) ***KEYNOTE ADDRESS***

Bipolar Obligation

4:45pm - 6pm SEAN McKEEVER (Davidson) & MICHAEL RIDGE (Edinburgh)

Elusive Reasons

Chair: Christine Tappolet (Montreal)

6:30pm DINNER (University Club 803 State Street)

Advanced registration required. Email Russ Shafer-Landau (shaferlandau@wisc.edu) to reserve a spot by Sept. 20th


9:30am - 10:45am TRISTRAM McPHERSON (Minnesota-Duluth)

Ethical Non-Naturalism and the Metaphysics of Supervenience

Chair: Fred Schueler (Delaware)

11:00am -12:15pm KARL SCHAFER (Pittsburgh)

How to be a Modern Moral Anti-Realist

Chair: Carla Bagnoli (UW-Milwaukee)