The Marc Sanders Prize in Metaethics

The Marc Sanders Prize in Metaethics

This biennial competition is designed to encourage outstanding work by younger scholars in the field of metaethics. Graduate students, independent scholars, and those within 15 years of receiving their Ph.D. are eligible to submit a paper, prepared for blind review, to Russ Shafer-Landau, who administers this award. Submissions may be sent after December 1, 2024. Deadline: March 1, 2025. Word limit: 10,000 words, inclusive of notes and references.

The winner will be selected by a panel of experts in the field and will receive a $5,000 prize. The winner will present the paper at the Workshop and will have his or her paper included in Oxford Studies in Metaethics.

Those who submit a paper for the Sanders prize are (provided they haven't appeared on the MadMeta program within the past two years) encouraged to also submit a separate 3-page abstract to MadMeta. The MadMeta Program Committee can review only abstracts, not whole papers. Those who have appeared on the MadMeta program in the past two years are nonetheless eligible to submit a paper to the Sanders competition.

Full details of the prize competition can be found here.