
Overzicht van verschillende soorten publicaties: blogs, proceedings, rapporten, bijdragen in boeken, cursusboeken, handleidingen, beleidsdocumenten, onderzoeken, interviews, ...


  • Boer, W.F., de (2022). Designing Flexible Teaching and Learning that Keeps Students Motivated and With Positive Results. Online Educa 2022 Conference site.

  • Boer, W.F., de & Boschman, F. (2021). Solutions and Strategies for Support for Educators & Developers of Blended Learning Designs. Berlin: Online Educa 2021 Conference proceedings.

  • Boer, W.F., de (2017). The use of CEFR as flexible tool in a blended learning setting. Conference proceedings. ICT for language learning, Florance, Italy. 10th Edition. ISBN:8862929250

  • Boer, W.F., de (2016). Nieuwe vormen van arrangeren van leermiddelen en taalactiviteiten in het po. Proceedings van het VELOV/VELON congres, Brussel.

  • Boer, W.F., de (2015). Language teachers digitally create their course by choosing CEFR goals and the resources they want. Online Educa 2015 Conference proceedings.

  • Boer, W.F., de (2015). 2015 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference. Assessment as learning as a methodology for a serious game for language learning in primary education. USB-proceedings.

  • Boer, W.F., de (2014). Organisational and Pedagogical Flexibility as the Rationale of an Open Source Language Learning ELO. Online Educa 2014 Conference proceedings.

  • Boer, W.F., de (2014). Flexibiliteit als uitgangspunt voor een nieuwe taalmethode: ICT als meerwaarde. Proceedings van het VELOV/VELON congres, Zwolle.

  • Boer, W.F. (2013) Flexible ICT options for language learning in primary education. Conference Proceedings. Published by (ISBN 978-88-6292-423-8).

  • Boer, W. de & Crespo, C. (2012). Desarrollo profesional mediante el fortalecimiento e intercambio de innovaciones educativas en Ecuador (Professional development through strengthening and exchange of educational innovations in Ecuador). IX SEMINARIO DE LA RED ESTRADO. Políticas educativas en América Latina - Praxis docente y transformación social. Santiago de Chili: Universidad de Chile

  • Janssen, S., & Boer, W. de, (2012). Wat kunnen we leren van de oprichting van een pedagogische universiteit in Ecuador? Congresboek "over het muurtje". Antwerpen: ELAnt, Expertisenetwerk Lerarenopleidingen Antwerpen.

  • Beel, C., Janssen, S., & Boer, W. de, (2012). Internationale samenwerking met lerarenopleidingen uit Suriname en Ecuador. Congresboek "over het muurtje". Antwerpen: ELAnt, Expertisenetwerk Lerarenopleidingen Antwerpen.

  • Boer, W.F. de, Smulders, M., Dionys, D., & Meijerink, l. (2011). What Works? ICT Integration in Developing Countries. Proceedings van de Online Educa Berlin 2011. Berlijn: ICWE GmbH.

  • Fisser, P., Boer, W. de, Berg, E. van den, & Suasso, E. (2009). Developing design principles for physical learning spaces with a virtual component. Book of Abstracts of the Online Educa Conference, 2-4 December 2009.

  • Boer, W.F. de (2009). Use of textbooks in the Netherlands. Proceedings van de ECER 2009, Wenen.

  • Boer, W.F. de, Kievit, R., Klein, D., Mulder, H., & Rodenboog, M. (2009). Lerarenopleidingen en leerplanontwikkeling: Onderzoek naar aandacht voor leerplan in opleidingscurriculum (274-275). Proceedings van de ORD 2009, Leuven. Leuven: K.U. Leuven.

  • Boer, W.F. de, Kievit, R., Klein, D., Mulder, H., & Rodenboog, M. (2009). Wat kunnen Leerplancompetenties bijdragen aan de professionalisering van aansltaande leraren? Slo-onderzoek bij 1e en 2e graads lerarenopleidingen naar de aandacht voor het leerplan in het opldeidingscurriculum (p. 182). Proceedings van het VELOV/VELON congres, Gent.

  • Boer, W.F. de (2008). Het leermiddelenmonitor onderzoek: leermiddelen in beweging (p. 78-79). In: W. Jochems, P. den Brok, T. Bergen & M. van Eijck (Eds). Proceedings van de ORD 2008: Licht op leren. Eindhoven: ESoE.

  • Boer, W.F. de (2008). Developments in educational resources. Proceedings van de ECER 2008, Gothenburg.

  • Boer, W.F. de (2008). Use, possibilities and future of Course Management Systems in secondary education. Proceedings van de Online Educa Berlin 2008 (CD-rom). Berlijn: ICWE GmbH.

  • Boer, W.F. de (2007). Labelling Digital Learning Materials so that Teachers can Find and Use them. Proceedings van de Online Educa Berlin 2007 (CD-rom). Berlijn: ICWE GmbH.

  • Boer, W. F. de, & Muianga, X. (2006). Possibilities, experiences, and future of Course Management Systems in Mozambique.E-learning Africa Conference, Book of Abstracts (pp. 93-95). ICWE GmbH, Berlin, Germany

  • Boer, W. F. de (2006). Opening the traditional University trough ODL to reach practitioners without a teaching degree. Open and Distance Learning Praxis in Africa.

  • Boer, W. F. de, & Collis, B. (2003). Flexibility beyond time and place: Stretching and opening the course. In A. Szucs & E. Wagner (eds.). Conference Proceedings of EDEN 2002: The Quality Dialogue (pp. 95-101). Bulgaria, EDEN.

  • Boer, W.F. de & Fisser, P.H.G. (2002). Best practices experiences: successful use of electronic learning environments. In P. Barker & S. Rebelsky (Eds.), ED-MEDIA 2002: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (pp. 384-389). Charlottesville, VA: AACE (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education).

  • Fisser, P., & Boer, W.F. de. (2002). A Study Trip to the UK: sharing experiences. Abstract for the Panel discussion at the ALT-Conference, September, 2002, University of Sunderland.

  • Boer, W.F. de (2001). Flexibility, Efficiency and Enrichment in WWW-Based Learning Environments? Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2001: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (pp. 374-379). Charlottesville, VA: AACE (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education).

  • De Boer, W., & Collis, B. (2000). The adaptation and use of a WWW-based course-management system within two different types of faculties at the University of Twente. In J. Bourdeau & R. Heller (Eds.), ED-MEDIA 2000: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (pp.237 - 242 ). Charlottesville, VA: AACE (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education). ISBN 1-88-00-94-40-1.

  • Boer, W.F. de, Peters, O. (2000). New Didactics for WWW-based Learning Environments: Examples of Good Practice at the University of Twente. In: F.Scheuermann (Ed.). Campus 2000: Lernen in neuen Organisationsformen. Muenster: Waxmann. ISBN 3-89325-925-2. Pp.289-298.

  • Boer, Wim de and Collis, Betty (1999) How do instructors design a WWW-based course-support environment? In: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, ED-MEDIA '99, June 19-24, 1999, Seattle, Washington, USA (pp. pp. 299-304).

  • Fisser, P., Peters, O., & de Boer, W. (1998). Teacher or learner centred education? Evaluating the changing roles for academics and students. Abstract Book of the CAL 99 conference: virtuality in education, what are the future educational contexts? (pp. 135-136) London, UK: The Institute of Education.



Hoofdstuk/bijdragen in boeken:

  • Vis, C.K.S., (2017). Strenghtening local curricular capacity in international development cooperation (Dissertatie). Utrecht, Utrecht University. Bijdrage in de vorm van Expert-interview (Non-profit organisation A).

  • VVOB (2012). Education Changes Lives. Brussel: VVOB

  • Boer, W.F. de & Crespo, C. (2012). Un sitio web como parte esencial en promover innovaciones de educación en Ecuador. En: Unidades TIC en educación y cooperación.

  • Boer, W.F. de, & Collis, B.A. (2009). Flexibility Beyond Time and Place: Stretching and Opening the Course (p. 567-576). In: A. Tait, M. Vidal, U. Bernath & A. Szucz (Eds.). Distance and E-Learning in Transition: Learning Innovation, Technology and Social Challenges. London: ISTE and John Wiley & Sons Inc.

  • Thijs, A., & Akker, J. van den (2009). Leerplan in ontwikkeling. Enschede: SLO.

  • Boer, W.F. de, Boezerooy, P., & Fisser, P. (2003). Institutional implementation of ICT in higher education: A Dutch perspective. In J.K. Seale (ed), Learning technology in transition: From individual enthusiasm to institutional implementation (pp.91-100). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger

  • Boer, W.F. de, & Boezerooy, P. (2003). The Dutch state of affairs: Current experiences and future scenarios with ICT in Higher Education. In M. Van de Wende, & M. Van de Ven (Eds.), (2003). The use of ICT in higher education: A mirror of Europe. (pp. 123-142). Utrecht: Lemma.

  • Collis, B.A. and Boer, W.F. de (2002). Dimensions and blueprint for e-learning. [Report for the UT-Philips CTT Pilot Study]

  • Boer, W.F. de (2002). ICT in teaching and learning: Part of a blend. In B. Collis, & M van der Wende (Eds.) (2002). Models of techology and change in higher education: An international comparative survey on the current and future use of ICT in higher education. Enschede: CHEPS. (145 pp.)

  • Boer, W. F. de, & Collis, B. (2001). Implementation and adaptation experiences with a WWW-based course management system. In C. D. Maddux & D. Lamont Johnson (Eds.), The Web in Higher education: Assessing the impact amd fulfilling the potential. (pp. 127-146)

  • Collis, B., & De Boer, W. (1999). The TeleTOP Decision Support Tool. In J. van der Akker, R. Branch, K. Gustafson, N. M. Nieveen, & Tj. Plomp (Eds), Design approaches and tools in education and training (pp. 235-248). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Bijdragen in (internationale) onderzoekstijdschriften

Bijdragen/interviews in tijdschriften/kranten en op sites:

Leermiddelen, handleidingen:

  • Boer, W.F. de & Spanjer, E. (2022). Checklist assessment. Zwolle: Windesheim.

  • Boer, W.F. de & Spanjer, E. (2022). Checklist opdracht als toets. Zwolle: Windesheim.

  • Boer, W.F. de & Spanjer, E. (2022). Checklist schriftelijke (digitale) toets. Zwolle: Windesheim.

  • Spanjer, E. & Boer, W.F. de (2022). Toetshandleiding HBO-ICT. Zwolle: Windesheim.

  • Clabbers, I. ,Spanjer, E. & Boer, W.F. de (2022) Toetsbeleid HBO-ICT. Zwolle: Windesheim.

  • Jonker, H., Boer, W.F., de (2022). Het grote flex spel (spel over het flexibiliseren van onderwijs). Windesheim, lectoraat Onderwijsinnovatie & ICT.

  • Lwasampijja, M., Ogwal, S., Wasilwa, J., Boer, W. de, Akello, R. & Thibaut, B. (2021). Teaching agriculture practically with production units. Kampala: VVOB

  • Obong, D., Okello, G., Wasilwa, J., Omony, T., Boer, W. de, Thibaut, B. & Akello, R. (2021). Teaching agriculture practically with student plots. Kampala: VVOB

  • Anguria, G., Lugumba, K., Obong, D., Boer, W. de, Ddungu, R., & Okeny, S. (2021). Guide For Examination School Practice. Kampala: VVOB

  • Obong, D., Okello, G., Wasilwa, J., Omony, T., Boer, W. de, Thibaut, B. & Akello, R. (2021). Distance Learning Activities to support teaching agriculture practically. Kampala: VVOB

  • Wasilwa, J., Nakubulwa, S., Akongo, D., Anguria, G., Akello, R., Boer, W. de, Ddungu, R., & Okeny, S., & Scheldeman, M. (2021). Industrial training guide. Kampala: VVOB

  • Amukun, S., Picho, E., Omony, T., Boer, W. de, & Okeny, S. (2021). Teaching Agriculture Practically through Student Exposure Visits. Kampala: VVOB

  • Boer, W.F. (2021) (ed). Year 1 activities for the agricultural distance students of NICA (2020).

  • Boer, W.F. (2021) (ed). Year 1 activities for the agricultural distance students of NTC Mubende (2020).

  • Boer, W.F. (2021) (ed). Year 1 activities for the agricultural distance students of NTC Unyama (2020).

  • VVOB/Ministry of Education (2013). Guía Metodológica para la construcción participativa delProyecto Educativo Institucional (Manual for the construction of the Educative Project for the School). Quito: VVOB Ecuador/Ministry of Education

  • De Boer, W., & Mogollón Campos, L., (2013). Fundamentos de Calidad Educativa. Cuaderno del participante. Quito: Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador. ISBN: 978-9942-07-445-4 (Training program for future school inspectors and assessors: Fundamentals in Educational Quality)

  • De Boer, W., & Mogollón Campos, L., (2013). Fundamentos de Calidad Educativa. Guía del Facilitador. Quito: Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador. ISBN: 978-9942-07-444-7 (Training program for future school inspectors and assessors: Fundamentals in Educational Quality)

  • De Boer, W., & Crespo Burgos, C. M., (2013). Cuidado de la Calidad. Cuaderno del Participante. Quito: Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador. ISBN: 978-9942-07-450-8 (Training program for future school inspectors and assessors: Quality care)

  • De Boer, W., & Crespo Burgos, C. M., (2013). Cuidado de la Calidad. Guía del Facilitador. Quito: Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador. ISBN: 978-9942-07-449-2 (Training program for future school inspectors and assessors: Quality care)

  • De Boer, W., & Crespo Burgos, C. M., (2013). Innovacion Institutional. Cuaderno del Participante. Quito: Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador. ISBN: 978-9942-07-430-0 (Training program for future school inspectors and assessors: Institutional innovation)

  • De Boer, W., & Crespo Burgos, C. M., (2013). Innovacion Institutional. Guía del Facilitador. Quito: Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador. ISBN: 978-9942-07-429-4 (Training program for future school inspectors and assessors: Institutional innovation)

  • VVOB/Ministry of Education (2012) Guia de planes de mejora (Manual for educational projects in the school). Quito: VVOB Ecuador/Ministry of Education

  • VVOB/Ministry of Education (2011). Estrategia Nacional para el Fortalecimiento y Desarrollo de Experiencias Educativas Innovadoras (National Strategy for the Development and Strengthening of Educational Innovations). Quito: VVOB Ecuador/Ministry of Education

  • VVOB/Ministry of Education (2011). Materiales educativos. Guía de uso del material didáctico (Educational materials guide). Quito: VVOB Ecuador/Ministry of Education

  • VVOB/Ministry of Education (2011). Curso de Siprofe: Materiales educativos. (Course of the ministry about the use of educational resources in the classroom) Quito: VVOB Ecuador/Ministry of Education

Digitale modules voor de professionalisering van docenten hoger onderwijs (Windesheim).

  • Boer, W.F., & Faber, M. (2021). Feedback geven in het hoger onderwijs. Almere: Windesheim.

  • Faber, M., & Boer, W.F. (2021). Het gebruik van Padlet. Almere: Windesheim.

  • Faber, M., & Boer, W.F. (2021). Het gebruik van whiteboards. Almere: Windesheim.

  • Faber, M., & Boer, W.F. (2021). Het maken van kennisclips voor het onderwijs. Almere: Windesheim.

  • Boer, W.F. (2021). Digitale onderwijstools en AVG. Almere: Windesheim.

Methodes en educatieve games

Onderwijsprogamma's waar ik heb bijgedragen aan de conceptontwikkeling en realisatie:

  • Brevetten en het digitaal portfolio, i.s.m. Levend leren (2018).

  • C-English, kennisbasis voor leraren po voor het Engels, i.s.m. NHL-Stenden (2019).

  • Plusvaardig, platform, leermiddelen en didactiek voor hoogbegaafden, i.s.m. Timpaan onderwijs (2019).

  • Mediawijze docent, professionaliseringstraject voor vo en mbo docenten, in opdracht van het Hoornbeeck college (2018).

Als verantwoordelijk uitgever en ontwikkelaar:

  • Spoar 8 (v.a. 2016): taalmethode Fries voor het basisonderwijs

  • Searje 36 (v.a. 2014): taalmethode Fries voor het vo

  • Taalreis troch Europa (v.a. 2015): adaptief online zelfstudiepakket Fries voor volwassenen

  • Meunstertún (2015): adaptieve taalgame voor het po

  • Brief foar de kening (2015): educatieve taalgame