12 - Google Map of Nearby Walking Paths & Trails

We've all read that walking is a great and easy form of exercise for folks of all ages.  The network of paths and trails in the woods between the Willow Grove community and Pleasant Hill Road presents a wonderful and convenient opportunity to stretch your legs and get out into nature.   Regularly visiting our backyard forest could be good for your physical, mental and spiritual health!  Check out the YouTube video below for a nice description of the benefits of what the Japanese call "forest bathing":

Click on the upper right corner icon [  ] on the  map below to access an interactive Google Map with detailed legend and trail lengths.

Click on the link below to enter an interactive 360 deg photosphere taken at the Willow Grove Gathering Tree: https://bit.ly/30AWBMu

The pdf and jpg files below have a more detailed custom map with lengths of all the paths south of WIlow Grove.  Right click with your mouse on the pdf or jpg image below  to print or download. 

Walking Paths & Trails near WG.pdf

The Brunswick Topsham Land Trust (BTLT) stewards the Crystal Springs Farm trails both north and south of Pleasant Hill Rd.    Click on the pdf below to view their map. 

BTLT - Crystal Spring Farm Trails.pdf